
Wolverine in The Boys

A USA Marine dies in the line of duty and wakes up in the body of The Wolverine. Now he must determine where he is and what he should do in his new life. However, some habits are hard to let go.

Anomander_Adaar · TV
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Moving forward, I used the 50cal (12.7mm) machine gun to light up the Germans. While we slowly push forward. Several of their Panzer IVs and a few Panthers were attempting to take out Fury. Though, the rounds that didn't miss ricocheted off our tank flying into the distance or crashing into the buildings nearby. 

Our fellow Shermans were taking care of the Panzer IVs, while Fury focused on the Panther among them. I was laughing having a good time shooting at all the scrambling German infantry that was running around. The few rounds that did hit me didn't even phase me at this point. 

"Shit!" I say as my Machine gun jammed. 

Deciding to fix it later, I switched to my rifle as I began unloading back on the Germans. A second later, the building to our right collapsed as a King Tiger broke through it. The King Tiger immediately crashed into our Sherman to our right immobilizing it. Then the King Tiger shot its round smashing into the Sherman to our left just missing us and exploding our fellow Sherman. 

"Collier, right side!! Right side!!!" I scream while smacking the commander hatch. With Fury falling back and the turret turning right, toward the King Tiger. 

I then grab the bazooka on the back of Fury, with the bag of ammo for it. I jump off Fury and run toward the Panther which is still in fighting condition. The Germans begin unloading on me, though I just ignore them. Rushing toward the Panther which is slowly moving its turret in Fury's direction. 

'Fuck, fuck, fuck,' I think while stabbing all the Germans I run past with my trench knife. 

I ignore the shots being fired at me and shoot the bazooka at the Panther turret. The shot rings out and smashes into the side. From the looks of it, it disabled the Panter's turret ring, making it impossible to move the turret. I then begin to quickly reload, I then aim once again after reloading. 

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I heard someone scream behind me just as I was stabbed from behind as I pulled the trigger. 

The bazooka went off exploding right above the Panther on the building next to it. The building crumbled halfway falling with a cloud of smoke covering the Panther's view. I turned to the man who stabbed me from behind and kicked his leg out from under him as it snapped in half. 

"Fucking bitch!" I yell at him as I rip his rifle from his hands and smash it over his head snapping the rifle in half and caving in his helmet into his head down the center. 

I reload once again as more rounds hit me from the Germans nearby. With a quick look behind me, I see it clear, before taking aim at the Panther once again. Just as I waited for the smoke to clear just a bit more, the Panther came out of the smoke right toward me. 

"FUCK!" I shout as the Panther runs me over, I roll out of the way from getting crushed. 

Though the Panther's left track crushes the ammo bag I had exploding right under it. The explosion consumes me and the tracks, disabling the Panther from moving and shredding me in the process. My anger spiked, as I cut into the Panther from the bottom cleaving right into the tank. 

Popping my head in from the bottom of the tank, I see inside are only two surviving crew members while the other three were killed by the explosion now or my bazooka earlier. I climb into the tank, making both surviving crew members stare at me in surprise and fear. The driver scrambles for his pistol, though I just swipe at his face, cutting it into thirds as he falls limp. 

"Get over here!" I growl like Scorpion as I grab the gunner's leg who begins kicking and screaming in terror as I drag him toward me. 

After beheading the German gunner, I open the Panther's commander hatch and see Fury managed to disable the King Tiger's gun. As the King Tiger begins to retreat with Fury holding its position as our infantry are having trouble moving up. I grab a few grenades from the German Panther crew, before tossing them all back into the tank to completely disable it. 

I jump out of the tank while looking for my target as it explodes behind me. Then I see him, the German infantryman with their type of bazooka called, a Panzerschreck. I charged toward him as he was aiming at Fury and the two remaining Shermans in Fury's tank squad. I kick his leg out from under him making him fall to the ground and drop the Panzerschreck. 

I stomp on his neck snapping it in half and grabbing the ammo for the Panzerschreck. Then I run toward the retreating King Tiger, once again stabbing the German soldiers I pass by with my trench knife. I managed the get behind the King Tiger and shoot at its engine completely disabling its movement. 

Slinging the Panzerschreck and the ammo on my back, I climb onto the King Tiger from behind. The King Tiger commander opened his hatch to look behind him for why their engine was disabled. His eyes widen as he makes eye contact with me, I pull my M1911 out and shoot him in the face. 

The commander's head snaps back from the short-range shot and falls back into the tank. I then grabbed the commander's body as it fell taking his grenade, before dropping it back down. Then I empty the Panzerschreck ammo into the King Tiger, before dropping the live grenade back in and closing the commander's hatch. 

I jump off the King Tiger and dive behind the building nearby, as the King Tiger explodes outward. Vaporizing the nearby German troops and taking out the buildings nearby as a huge cloud of dust takes over the area. I cough as my lungs fill with the dust and pull out the long shard of metal that embedded itself into my thigh. 

"Fucking Christ," I say out loud as I cough and walk out of the dust cloud toward my men. 

There I see the remaining German soldiers surrendering. My men begin pushing forward, as the few remain behind and take the German's prisoner. Once again a medic runs over to me, but I shoo him away. Taking out a cigarette I walk over to Fury and light it up. Collier climbs out along with his crew poking their heads out and looking at me. 

"God damn, Colonel, you're a one-man army!" Coon-ass says to me with a laugh. 

"I try," I say with a shrug as Collier snorts and shakes his head. 

"Sir, what do you do with them?" one of my men asks me running over and gesturing to the SS German soldiers. 

"Kill them, if they have that symbol on their uniform, then they die no questions asked," I say as he nods before gesturing for the men watching them to shoot them. 

Gunshots ring out as the handful of SS German soldiers are killed on the spot without any mercy. The normal German soldiers flinched at the scene but didn't say anything and continued to remain still. 

"Once the area is secured, send word back to command that reinforcements are highly necessary here. Then I want the German prisoners under lock and key, if any escape there will be hell to pay," I say to the man who nods and runs off to relay my orders. 

My unit and I then spend the rest of the day in the area, securing it and making use of the German POWs, which are properly secured. The following morning, we then headed further into Germany toward Munich as planned. Any of my injured men stayed behind on the border patrol and the replacements were made with the fighting able from the US captain's unit at the border patrol. 

On our way to Munich, we met decent resistance at Tuttlingen and Memmingen. With smaller units of Germans before and after the two larger towns. By the time we reached the outskirts of Munich, my men were numbering around forty-seven hundred out of the originally five thousand.

My men then began securing the area a few dozen miles from Munich to make a temporary camp. Since we are waiting for the British commander from Italy to meet us here to help take over the city. Munich from my scouts' report, has at least ten thousand Germans, most likely closer to twelve thousand soldiers. 

"Sir, the British have arrived. They brought another five thousand men," one of my scouts says as I'm overlooking the map of Munich. 

Then a few minutes after he reports to me the British are here, the commander of the British army arrives. The man walking inside is someone I know from years ago, during WW1, we both stopped and stared at one another for a few more seconds. Then he smiles and laughs before walking over and hugging me, which I return. 

"Holy shit!! You haven't aged a day, you lucky bastard. Here I look like shit," Charles says to me while giving me a friendly smile. 

"Glad to see you again my friend, we need to catch up. Though first let's talk about the mission," I say with a laugh and smile, before turning serious and pointing to the map of the local area. 

"Right," Charles says turning serious too. 

Over the next couple of hours, we talked about the plans to take the city, before feeling comfortable enough without plans to begin catching up. 

"So, what have you been up to?" I ask him as we smoke cigars and pour ourselves some bourbon that Charles brought with him. 

"Outside of finally becoming a Lieutenant Colonel, nothing much. Got married a few years after the first war, had a couple of kids, and focused on my career," Charles says while giving me a happy look. 

"Good, I'm happy for you," I say patting his shoulder as he nods and shows me a few pictures of his family that he keeps on him. 

"My son's name is Sam," Charles says showing me a young boy. 

"Sam Butcher, got a nice ring to it," I say with a chuckle. 

"What about you?" Charles asks me giving me a curious look. 

"Just focused completely on my career, no wife or family to speak of," I say to him with a shrug as he nods his head. 

"Well, count yourself lucky. I love my wife no doubt there, but kids man… They are a handful, especially my son. He is only a few years old and is somehow always getting into trouble," Charles says sighing and shaking his head. 

"What about the others, you still talk to them?" I ask him curious if the others from WW1 are doing fine. 

"Edward opened his bakery and married also having a few kids. As for Williams, he married the woman he talked about. Though apparently, he took what we learned from our sabotaging and joined the MI6. I believe he is the latest director too," Charles says with a thoughtful look. 

"Glad they all are happy then," I say smiling glad to have heard the men I fought alongside in the first war are doing fine. 

Over the next few hours, we kept talking, until we finished the bottle of bourbon and several cigars. Then around midnight, Charles turned in and I followed shortly after. Since in a few hours, at sunrise, the battle for Munich would be taking place. The following morning we gathered back in the command tent with our officers to discuss the plan once more before heading out. 

"Everyone ready?" Charles asks as he looks at everyone who nods their heads solemnly. 

"Good, then gather the men. It's time for the battle to begin," I say as everyone salutes us and runs off. 

"See you on the other side brother," I say to Charles who nods his head as we grab each other's forearms before splitting off to our command vehicles. 


AN: Out of curiosity, if I opened a p@tre0n page, would anyone be interested in it? In the beginning, it wouldn't be really anything good on there. Not until I can atleast make enough to focus more on writing.