
Memory fail?

Susie yells "not them!" I look to the right and I see Austin get up but then get knocked down again by the zomb- robots? Zombots? Well whatever they are they took austin and john with them. Susie Matthew and I run out of the fire cave to think of a plan. "Im freaking out here!" Matthew yells "calm down they can hear you" I tell him Susie was making a plan while Matthew and I were arguing "both of you calm down!" Susie says "I made a plan" Susie tells us "already?" Both Matthew and I say "yeah it was super easy " well besides that the plan is we wait out here matthew goes in first to make sure everything is ok while me and wolf stay out here" Matthew had the face saying wolf you go so then I say " I will go Matthew is kind of new at this" (and because I know Matthew likes her) "I will go down and give you the signal if you guys come down ok?" "Got it" Susie answers "ok" Matthew answers I jump down and hide behind a rock I look at Matthew at the top and give him the signal "ok!" Matthew yells "be quiet or else they will know we are here!" " sorry" Matthew says Matthew and Susie jumps down Susie lands while Matthew falls on his face I think to myself (I used to do that) a robot walks close to us so I take him down and throw him in a box nearby. We head to the closest room and inside there was 3 robots I couldn't make out 1 of them but then I realized the other 2 are john and Austin. "They are doing an experiment on john and Austin!" "What!" Matthew freaks out " we need to get in there " Susie says. We try busting through going through any vents "I'm stuck" Matthew says in the vents "I'll get him" Susie grabs him out "is there a keycard or any way to bust it open?" I ask. I look around and noticed the guard we knocked out has a keycard. I snatch the card off him and look for something to put the card in " what about this?" Matthew points at this hole with a red light above it. I put the card in the hole and the door opens "good work Matthew" Susie compliments him, we jump in the room and take Austin and john out "who are you?" Austin says (oh no not this again!)