

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Demon Hunter’s Secret Smile

"In your opinion, is there anything suspicious about Serena?" Rogge did not give a clear answer. Instead, he threw the question back to Tully: "For example, was she in the temple on the night of the incident? Who was around her? ?"

"Of course, she and Alice were guarding the stone door that night. They are the best friends. Serena is low-key and down-to-earth, but a bit dull in her work. Alice is smart and beautiful, and everyone likes her. This I've always felt more at ease with both girls."

"Indeed, everyone likes beautiful and smart girls!" Rogge nodded casually and glanced at Tully with admiration.

The mermaid guardian noticed his eyes, smiled reservedly, and continued: "According to Alice, someone suddenly attacked Alice's squid from a distance during the incident. The squid's ink sac was torn, causing all the surrounding water to be destroyed. Dyed black."

"By the time the ink dispersed, the sacred artifact had been stolen, but the guardians and soldiers patrolling at the entrance to the temple found no trace of the thief."

"Is that squid okay now?" Rogge walked behind the stone platform and leaned over to inspect the shells on the stone platform.

Tali replied: "Although its body was injured, it was not fatal and it was no longer seriously injured. However, it is strange that we did not find any foreign objects in its wounds, such as remaining arrows and the like. "

"Well, let's go out. There is nothing to see here." Rogge strode out of the stone room and said to Tali: "Please summon five guardians to the temple gate and bring their guardian beasts. I Want to see them."

Tali immediately conveyed the order, and the five guardians and the guardian beasts stood side by side at the entrance of the temple, waiting for questioning.

Rogge took the lead to walk towards the sea cucumber that was taller than him. Its fleshy body was covered with spikes, and there was a huge mouth at the front of its cylindrical body. Although it had no teeth, it was enough to swallow an adult.

"What a big guy!" Rogge circled around the giant sea cucumber, stopped next to its big mouth, stretched his hand to its mouth, picked up a piece of remaining black minced meat with his fingers, and asked Serena on the side: "Excuse me, what is this?"

After hearing this, the mermaid priest lowered his head and looked carefully for a moment, then replied: "That's right, two days ago, there was a little conflict between Alice's squid and the sea cucumber. The squid attacked it for some reason, and the sea cucumber vomited out its internal organs after being attacked. Habit, it's the remaining minced meat connected to the internal organs."

"Poor little guy, I hope you can grow back the meat you spit out soon!" Rogge smiled and put his hand into the sea cucumber's mouth and stroked it gently. The sea cucumber's body twitched, and it looked like it was about to bite. Fortunately, it had no teeth, and Rogge withdrew his hand in time.

He turned around and walked towards Alice's squid, and saw the giant squid lying obediently next to the mermaid priest, while its owner stared at the human intently, waiting for his questions.

"It seems that your cuttlefish is not seriously injured." Rogge stopped next to the cuttlefish and leaned over to take a look at the wound outside the cuttlefish's ink sac. He only saw a small scar. He raised his head and looked at the cuttlefish's wound. The owner Alice said: "Does this squid usually listen to you? Can you control it?"

"Of course, the guardians can control their own guardian beasts." Alice replied calmly, but then added: "However, sometimes there will be some unavoidable conflicts between them, due to the desire for prey. nature."

"Okay, I get it!" Rogge turned back to Tully and said, "Miss Tully, I already know who the person you are looking for who stole the sacred artifact is."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. Several guardians looked at each other, Tully and Catherine also looked surprised. Tully took a step forward and asked: "Who is she?"

"Don't be anxious, let me slowly unveil her." Rogge glanced back at the different expressions of the five guardians and said, "Her entire crime process should be like this..."

"On the night of the incident, the suspect took advantage of others and attacked Miss Alice's squid. It can be seen from the wounds on the squid that they should be penetrating wounds caused by the mermaid's claws."

"The wound was very small, but it was enough to cause the squid ink to leak out, thus achieving the purpose of hiding the sacred object from others. This is why no foreign matter was found in the squid wound afterwards."

"Subsequently, the suspect took advantage of the opportunity when the ink made the inside and outside of the stone chamber dark, sneaked into the stone chamber and opened the shell. After getting the sacred object, he stuffed it into the mouth of the giant sea cucumber, and let the sea cucumber swallow the sacred object. She then pretended to capture it. The thief left the scene of the crime, so no one found any trace of the intruder."

"After she was out of sight, she looked for an opportunity to induce Miss Alice's squid to attack the sea cucumber, induce the sea cucumber to spit out its internal organs, then take out the indigestible sacred vessel from the internal organs, and send it to land without anyone noticing. , in order to achieve her goal of colluding with outsiders to steal the sacred weapon, this is the entire process of committing the crime! "

"In that case, Serena, is it you?" Tully turned around and looked at the guardian Serena in shock and anger. The latter was surprised when she heard this and shook her head repeatedly: "No, I didn't! "

"On the night of the incident, you and Alice were the only ones on duty at the door of the stone chamber. You are the one who knows the habits of sea cucumbers best. You used sea cucumbers to achieve the purpose of concealing the pirates' ability to obtain the sacred artifacts. Who else besides you?"

Tully pointed the staff at Selina, who took a step back in horror and shook her head in panic.

"Miss Alice, on the night of the incident, did you notice any unusual behavior in Miss Serena?" Rogge calmly looked back at the guardian Alice beside him and asked softly.

Alice glanced at his scrutinizing eyes, pondered for a moment and said, "I remember that that night, Serena did get close to my squid and touched its body with her hands, but I don't believe she did it!"

She turned around and walked to Serena, took her hand and said firmly: "Selena is honest and reliable, we have all seen it. How could she do such a thing as colluding with outsiders to steal the sacred artifact?"

"Alice..." After hearing her good sister's words, Serena held her hands excitedly and leaned her body tightly behind her. The other mermaid priests also nodded to each other to express their agreement with Alice's words.

"If it's not her, could it be you?" Tully was a little hesitant when she saw this scene, but from Rogge's analysis point of view, only the two people guarding the sacred door were suspected. If it wasn't Serena , then it can only be Alice.

"Why should I do this? Can you give me a reason?" Alice asked calmly. Tully stared into her eyes for a long time, but couldn't think of her motive for doing this.

Seeing Tully speechless, Alice held Serena's hand tightly and said loudly: "Guardian, I don't know where you found this human being, but his accusations against us are completely baseless slanders. ! How can you easily believe the words of a strange human being of unknown origin and place the blame on us? "

"But Mr. Rogge's analysis is correct. Someone among us must have helped the thief. We must find her and get the lost sacred artifact back!" Tully raised her head and replied with a conflicted mood.

"In order to retrieve the sacred artifact, do we need one of us to be the scapegoat?" Alice looked at Tully angrily, gently pushed Selina away, stepped forward and said loudly: "Then let me do it. Just be this scapegoat and don't hurt Serena!"

"Alice!" Seeing this, Serena hurriedly stepped forward to hold her, and the other mermaid guardians also gathered around to persuade her, but Alice wanted to defend her good sister, and she was still angry.

She turned back and stared at Rogge, who had been watching the situation quietly. She raised her right hand and pointed at him and said sternly: "Maybe he is the guy sent by the thieves to disturb our sight!"

As soon as this statement came out, the mermaid girls present looked at Rogge with suspicion, and some even nodded slightly in agreement.

Faced with this situation, Tully became at a loss. She glanced at the expressions of hatred on the faces of the girls, then looked back at Rogge. Just as she was thinking about what to do next, Rogge said something from the corner of his mouth with a cigar in his mouth. A mysterious laugh.