

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Frost Cliff

Leaving the Titan's outpost, Rogge, Murphy and Catherine headed west to Frost Cliff, the lair of Ice Phoenix Phoenix.


Before leaving, Rogge handed the frozen Lilith to Tully. Tully asked the djinn to build a strong bonfire and put ice cubes next to the bonfire. Although it could not melt the ice, she still placed hope on the little girl. Guy brings hope of life.


Originally, Rogge planned to go to Frost Cliff alone, but Murphy and Catherine insisted on going together, especially Catherine, who had always been grateful to Lilith, and hoped that she could contribute to saving the poor bird.


When the three of them arrived at the foot of Phoenix Mountain, where Frost Cliff is located, the sky was completely dark. Rogge looked up at the towering mountains in front of him, silently lit a cigar, and took the first step resolutely.


The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the colder the surrounding air becomes. Flying snowflakes surround Phoenix Mountain. With every step you climb, the snowflakes grow larger. The howling cold wind causes the surrounding temperature to plummet. Thick frost has condensed on them.


"Put this on or you'll freeze!"


Murphy took off the blue and white fleece cotton robe and wrapped it around Catherine. The girl refused at first, but couldn't help Murphy's persistence and the invasion of the extremely cold weather, so she had to agree.


Murphy and Catherine supported each other as they climbed to the top of the mountain. Murphy looked up at Rogge's back in front of him. Rogge was wearing the tattered black robe. The torn trouser legs exposed his knees. The clothes on his body were almost useless in keeping out the cold. But he didn't show any fear of the cold, and walked quickly towards the top of the mountain.


"This guy is just like a monster." Murphy murmured secretly, while Catherine squinted her eyes to avoid the blowing snow and asked, "What are you talking about?"


"Nothing, let's go quickly!" Murphy pulled Catherine, and the two of them quickened their pace to catch up with Rogge in front of them. When they finally arrived at the top of the mountain, panting, they saw Rogge standing in front of a tall cave entrance. His eyes stared into a dark cave.


"Is this here?" Murphy held Catherine's arm and came behind Rogge. Rogge nodded slightly and looked back at Murphy's thin clothes. His face, ears and nose were all red from the cold, and his whole body was cold. Shivering slightly in the wind.


"Are you okay? Don't force it, brother!" he asked with concern.


"We're already here, I won't back down! Let's go in!" Murphy sniffed and replied firmly.


"Thank you!" Rogge looked gratefully at the determined expressions of Murphy and Catherine. He walked into the cave entrance first with his silver sword in hand, followed closely by Murphy and Catherine, leaving the biting cold wind and flying snow behind.


The cave was dark, and Murphy and Catherine couldn't see the way around them at all. At this time, the silver sword in Rogge's hand glowed, reminding its owner that there was a powerful creature nearby.


The silver light emitted from the sword illuminated the cave. The three of them saw that the four walls of the cave were covered with crystal clear ice, like a palace made of crystal. The light of the silver sword became brighter and brighter as the cave went deeper. , the mood of the three people also became more and more nervous as the light grew.


Suddenly, Rogge stopped and squatted down to pick something up from the ground. When Murphy and Catherine looked up from both sides, they discovered that it turned out to be a black hair.


"Why is there someone's hair here?" Murphy and Catherine looked at each other, and their eyes fell on Rogge's face.


Rogge pondered for a moment and said: "The Titan said that someone once used a boulder to break the egg of the Ice Phoenix, causing the Ice Phoenix to become angry at the Titan. This must be what that person left behind."


He lowered his head and glanced at the length of his hair, and said: "Such short hair must be left by a man. The Titan said that high magicians can control boulders to fly, so this person's magic power must be no less than Tali's, and currently he has There is only one known suspect..."


"It's William the Bloody Hand!" Catherine said first.


"Judging from the current situation, he is the only suspect. That guy wants to provoke a conflict between the Ice Phoenix and the Titans and reap the benefits." Rogge analyzed while staring at the hair in his hand.


He threw away the hair, raised his head and said to the two of them: "We have to be careful. The guy is probably still nearby. He has not yet achieved his goal."


Rogeti took the sword in front, Catherine followed behind with two blunderbuss in hand, and Murphy held the scimitar tightly and broke the back. The three of them carefully crossed the cave and soon arrived at the entrance of the cave where the wind and snow were flying.


Rogge leaned against the wall of the cave entrance and looked out. He saw a huge phoenix egg lying quietly on the ice crystal altar in the center of the cliff. Three phoenix tails wrapped around the phoenix. On the outside of the egg, the crystal clear tail feathers shine dazzlingly in the night.


"It seems to be asleep. You guys wait here, I'll go over first!"


Rogge stamped out the cigar butt, quietly walked out of the cave entrance, and walked towards the phoenix egg. Catherine and Murphy were hiding at the entrance of the cave, and the girl held the gun tightly in her hand, ready to shoot. Prepare.


Rogge tiptoed close to the phoenix egg, carefully stretched out his left hand, lightly touched the ice tail feathers on the phoenix's tail, and quickly withdrew his hand. The phoenix egg lay quietly on the spot without any reaction.


He stretched out his left hand again, holding a slender tail feather condensed with ice crystals on his tail. He looked up at the phoenix egg, struggled to pull out the tail feather, turned around and was about to evacuate towards the entrance of the cave, when suddenly a huge rock flew from the sky and hit him. It hit Rogge.


Rogge rolled to avoid the flying rocks. The rocks passed by him and hit the surface of the phoenix egg heavily. With an angry roar, the ice phoenix broke out of its shell in a burst of blue light. He came out, spread his wings and soared into the sky.


"What the hell!" Rogge jumped up from the ground and ran towards the entrance of the cave. The Ice Phoenix behind him let out an angry scream, and his eyes shot out two silver-white rays of light, leaving two thick solid streaks wherever the beam passed. ice.


Rogge rushed towards the entrance of the cave at lightning speed. The ice beam followed the weather and quickly froze the ground. Catherine leaned out at the entrance of the cave, raised her double blunderbuss and fired several shots at the ice phoenix in the sky. The flying silver bullets hit On the head of the ice phoenix.


Taking advantage of the Ice Phoenix being disturbed, Rogge passed by Catherine like a whirlwind and pulled her away from the hole. The ice beam followed the weather and hit the position where Catherine fired, but there was no one there.


"We got the things, let's go!"


Rogge stopped and walked quickly through the cave with Murphy and Catherine, and rushed out of the cave entrance. Unexpectedly, the figure of the ice phoenix suddenly fell from the sky, and the ice wings shook and set off a gust of cold wind, blowing the three of them to the ground.


"You dirty thieves, I will freeze you here forever. You can never escape from here!" The ice phoenix's huge body landed in front of the three of them, its giant claws slapped the ground heavily, and its two eyes once again radiated deadly energy. beam.


Rogge got up from the ground with a back roll, dragged Catherine from the ground into his arms, pushed her towards Murphy, and at the same time took a silver gun from her waist. The gunshots were fired continuously, and the silver bullets hit the Ice Phoenix. Sparks flew from the hard ice feathers on the body surface.


The angry Ice Phoenix turned around and aimed at Rogge. Murphy took the opportunity to hide in the cave with Catherine. Rogge avoided several shots from the Ice Phoenix at lightning speed and turned around to run towards Murphy and Catherine. go.


"You have no way to escape!" Ice Phoenix roared in a dark voice.


A sharp ice spear suddenly rose from the ground in front of the three people, soared into the sky and inserted into the roof of the cave, blocking the three people's way like a prison door.


Rogge and others rushed to the ice cage and chopped the ice spears in front of them with their swords. Not only was the spear shaft not broken into pieces, but their weapons were covered with a layer of frost.


"Accept death, this is the punishment you are asking for!"


The sullen voice of Ice Phoenix came from behind. Rogge turned around and saw the head of Ice Phoenix sticking out of the hole. Two hateful eyes stared at them, and the cold bright white light flashed in the eyes again.