
Wolf vs life

Ethan silver was your average high school Student. Not the top of his class but not failing either. His life since birth has been "OKAY" to say the least. But it all changed when he was walking his dog on a school night, when a beastly figure ran at him and bitten him on his leg. Ethan thought he was gonna die but after biting him the fugure rushed away. After this situation Ethan start realizing he body is slowly changing, Read along as Ethan finds out of these changes are good or bad. And how he will be dragged to a war that he had no right being a part of.

Cold_elf · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Please Don't eat me

The class looked on as Ethan walked in the classroom.

"Sorry for being late" Ethan said apologetically to the teacher.

"Just make sure it doesn't happen again, take your seat" said the teacher, after that he started calling out the rest of student's names.

Ethan nod his head, as he walked to his seat.

Even though his appearance change, it wasn't to the point than people will instantly notice.

Well except his friend steven, who looked at him closely.

"Ethan, you seem to have change a bit" remarked steven, as he watched ethan who, sat at the empty seat right next to him.

"I don't feel different" responded ethan, with a smile on his face.

But he himself know this was a lie, despite rushing to school, he wasn't exhausted, whiles walking to class and even right now he was hearing ever conversation, even the ones that he shouldn't normally hear. And he felt way more energetic than usual, he felt like he could run 5 marathons

Steven notice ethan didn't want to talk about it do he didn't push him.

"Anyway are you hyped for class" Ethan tried changing the subject.

"Not really" Said steven, who was already tired of the class, because of what happened earlier.

"hmm you seem stress about something" said Ethan, he notice the look on Steven's Face as if he was worried the world might end.


steven quietly told ethan what just happened and how out of emotions, he challenged Andrew to a fight later.

this was bad, andrew have an athletic past, being on the basketball team back in middle school, now he is trying put boxing. Andrew's body is well built, whiles steven is somewhat skinny and wimpy, he know he has no chance of beating Andrew.

Hearing the story Ethan, could help but feel angry.

'That andrew, always think he's better than everyone else'

Ethan looked at Andrew with angry eyes.

feeling someone looking at him, andrew look back, only to see Ethan with angry eyes looking at him.

"What?! you angry for your boyfriend" Said Andrew.

"Andrew, instead of fighting steven, fight me, it's about time, someone gave u a lesson" Remarked Ethan.

"okay, it makes no difference to me" Andrew

"Quit down, Andrew and Ethan" said the teacher, as he just got done calling the names of the students.

"Yes sir" they both answered at the same time

ok so today we are learning about.....


Ethan and Steven, could be seen in the school field, waiting on andrew. Steven however had a worried expression.

"Ethan maybe we should just go home" said andrew.

Ethan didn't say anything just, looked forward with a determined expression.

Even though ethan knew he couldn't beat andrew, his instincts was telling him to fight, he wanted to fight, at this moment nothing else was more important.

soon Andrew came, he brought with him an audience. About 15 students came with him, 10 males and 5 females.

"So! you didn't chicken out huh!" Said andrew arrogantly, he stood there looking like an unmovable mountain.

"Why would we not" steven, responded with a shaky voice. he wanted to escape but since Ethan wasn't willing to leave he wouldn't either.

He glimpse at Ethan he saw that Ethan, face had a hint on anger, and also expection, like if he couldn't wait to fight andrew.

Ethan walked in front of Steven slightly.

"it's just me and you" remarked Ethan. he put his hands in the air ready to fight.

"Ok then!! I'll make you cry" Responded Andrew as he put his hands up, anyone could see his form was more professional that Ethan, but some of the bystander notice, Ethan had a little bit more muscle that Andrew.

"Hey!! has Ethan, always have thick arms?" one of the male bystanders said.

Some of the girls, around even blushed a bit looking, at Ethans arms.

"I don't remember, well what does it matter his form looks sloppy compared to Andrew" another male bystander responded.


Ethans POV

'What am I doing' Ethan thought to himself. He has always been afraid of andrew, he knew, no matter what andrew didn't, he couldn't beat him.

He didn't know why, he feels like charging, and beating andrew senseless, he even felt like ripping andrew apart.

'yes I should rip him apart, I should kill him, I should...

I... should...eat...him'


just as Ethans, thought got darker, he notice that andrew already, swung his arm at him.

But Ethan, was shock to find out that this punch was very slow, he didn't know what was happening but he felt like retaliating, before the punch could hit him.

He moved his head slightly, and as if time sped back up and everything when to normal, ethan quickly dodge the punch.

"What"said andrew, as he looked at Ethan who head completely dodged his punch.

'Even though I didn't punch with full force, how did he dodge it. people with no fighting experience shouldn't dodge his punches.

not only was he shocked, but also the people around him to.

The bystanders could say nothing, just stand there looking. Steven was also shocked, he couldn't remember, Ethan telling him he knew how to fight, And if he did in the past why didn't he do it before, when people picked on them.

Andrew looked at Ethan, with annoyance in his eyes.

'Don't get to cocky!!" He threw more punches, but all where, effortlessly dodged by Ethan.

a smile grew on Ethans face, and the more he dodged the wider it got.

a thought came to Ethans mind.

'maybe I should punch back'

Instead of dodging he wanted to try, punching back.

Without thinking any further, ethan clench his fist tightly, he threw a punch right at Andrew's face.

It all happened in a moment, everyone watching didn't expect, ethan to go on the offensive, as he threw a punch so fast, that even Andrew couldn't see it.


"ARGHHHHHHH" Andrew wailed in pain, as he hold his chess, blood came out of his, mouth.

seeing this seen, the near by students could help but panick

"Ohhh my god someone call an ambulance" Bystander said.

"Ethan what did you do" steven didn't know why Andrew was like this after one punch, from Ethan, but He did know this was bad.

Ethan didn't pay attention to the voice surrounding him, even his friend Steven's voice.

All he did was watch, Andrew in pain, screaming on the ground. No one notice but his black eyes started turning slightly yellow.

'That was good, maybe I should go further even further' Etan thought to himself.

Even he didn't notice because his hand was balled into a fist, but his nail was sharper than they ever was, so sharp that it digging into his hand.
