
Fate Of Dawn

In the darkness of the day we see a man, who looks like he has been left for dead, Cloud opens his mouth try to catch his breath. He thinks back to when he killed for the very first time, the first time he killed was when he tried helping his friend he remembers vividly she was going to get raped and he just went in without thinking.

That was the start of all the problems, turns out when you kill someone his friend denied that someone tried to rape her. Cloud thinks she was payed off YES SHE FUCKING BETRAYED ME SHE THE SOURCE OFF EVERYTHING.

AHH Cloud screams he had been shot, after the whole drama he had been sent to jail and his parents were not rich enough to help him get a better lawyer, so a year passed while he was in jail Cloud was made a deal by a guy in prison that he can help him get out but he must join his organisation, so Cloud agreed as he did not want to waste his whole life in prison so he got out, and joined the organisation the name was (DS) Devil's sign.

Cloud was trained to be an assassin for 4 years then he went on to be the greatest assassin, but he was sentenced to death by (DS) because he was getting to strong to control. And here we are now Cloud the greatest assassin of his time bleeding out in an alley almost dead, when a sound DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was heard in the world by everyone.

Tried to come up with a starting page but enjoy chp 1 coming soon

limiyoucreators' thoughts