
Chapter 6

Hello and welcome to the end of the first arc, "Before Hogwarts." This will likely be my worst chapter so far. So I have got some news. I probably won't be posting the next chapter till next week. I have been feeling like shit lately and my sleep schedule is messed up. I have been having this problem for a while now but I should be good by next week. I will be using this time to plan the next arc. As for why my sleep schedule is messed up, well it's because I'm one of those people who gets drawn into a and immersed in stories I read. I have been reading a ton of fanfics lately and I get so drawn in I end up staying up till 4-5 in the morning before going to sleep so that has really screwed me over. Sorry for the delays to the readers on Webnovel. As for those on Fanfiction, I know it isn't unusual to wait weeks or months for a new chapter. I just finished a fanfic that had a two year break between chapters that was mentioned by the author on Fanfiction.


Ichigo heads over to wake Harry up on the day they have to catch the train. They gather Harry's things since he only got a standard trunk that doesn't shrink to fit in your pocket. Ichigo kept a set of robes out that he put in a suitcase he bought after some thought. The suitcase only has an expanded space in it and Ichigo got it so he doesn't have to enlarge and enter the trunk while traveling and could just put what he wants to carry with him in the suitcase instead. He also put books he plans to read on the train in it.

"We'll grab something to take with us for lunch. Although the train has food it is all candy so you can stock up on anything you want to snack on there," Ichigo says as they leave the Leaky Cauldron.

"Okay. So what time is the train leaving?"

"11. So we only have two and a half hours," Ichigo says looking at his watch.


Walking through the train station to the area between Platforms 9 and 10 Ichigo spots a large family of redheads, one of whom had an owl.

"Muggles," he hears the woman who is obviously the mother mutter.

"Harry, we are following them. I was a bit worried we might go to the wrong place but now that we found some wizards that's not a problem."

They follow after the redheads and catch up when they stop.

"Hello ma'am, are your kids going to Hogwarts too," Ichigo asks the mother.

"Yes, the two of you as well then? First time using the platform I'm assuming?"

"Yes it is. Though we were told where the platform is and how to get on it I was a bit worried that we would end up running into the wrong wall. I heard you say 'muggles' and saw the owl so we followed."

"I see. It would be bad if you ran into the wrong wall," she then send one of her sons, one who looks like he has a stick up his ass and a face full of pride, forward. He runs through wall a little ahead of them and the lady says, "as you can see that is the right wall."

After that she sends a pair of twins through then Harry goes since he was extremely nervous about purposely running into a wall. After Harry was the last redheaded boy and then Ichigo. The lady comes through wither her daughter right after.

"Thank you for the assistance ma'am. I'll go on ahead."

"No problem." Then noticing something odd she asks, "where is you luggage though?"

"Oh, I have a trunk with shrinking runes in my pocket and most of my stuff in it. This briefcase only has a single set of robes, some books, and my wand in it." Ichigo walks away and helps Harry load his trunk before getting on the train.

The mother is shocked to hear this. 'He must come from a pretty wealthy family to have a trunk like that."


On the train Harry and Ichigo find a compartment to sit down in. A few minutes later the youngest of the redhead boys comes and asks to sit in the compartment and starts talking to Harry.

Very quickly realizing who Harry is, thanks to the introduction and having removed the pendant from Professor McGonagall, the redhead, who introduced himself as Ron Weasley, gets a dumb look on his face and starts to ask him a few questions. But Ichigo is more interested in his rat.

'That rat doesn't smell like a rat to me. It smells human, a human who hasn't bathed in years, but a human nonetheless. Hmm… Oh I see. That isn't a rat at all, it's an animagus. What should I do now. I'll come up with something when we get to the school, after all we can't have some unknown animagus running around Hogwarts now can we.'

A blonde boy who reeks of pride and arrogance barges in flanked by two people who are obviously idiots. He looks to Harry and says, "so you are the famous Harry Potter. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."


Malfoy looks at Ichigo and Ron and says, "you better pick your friends wisely Potter. You will soon learn that there are some families that are better than others."

"Hahaha! Oh man you really got this whole 'I'm a blood-supremacist' act down don't you?"

"Who the hell are you?"

"Oh me? I'm Ichigo Ookami. You and your type would probably call me a half-breed, even though I was never human to begin with. As for what I am, well just pray I never show you because a brat like you would likely soil yourself if I did. Your two henchmen though are probably too stupid to feel fear."

"What was that you damn yankee!?"

Ichigo stands up and, eyes glowing, looks down on the little narcissist and says, "now you really need to keep that tongue in check you racist little punk. If you don't then I'll rip your throat out."

Malfoy starts shaking and pisses himself before he literally got kicked out of the compartment. He gets dragged away by the idiots who are apparently smart enough to know they shouldn't mess with him.

Harry and Ichigo get some sweets from the cart when it comes by and are eating when a familiar bushy-haired girl opens the door.

"Oh, hi Harry, hi Ichigo. Have you seen a toad? A kid called Neville lost it. And what is that awful smell," Hermione asked.

"No, but there is no need to worry it will be returned to him either when we get off the train or sent to his room at the school with his things. The staff probably already have it. As for the smell, I scared some racist punk into wetting his pants," Ichigo says.

"Oh, okay. Wait you did what now. You know what we don't have time to discuss that, you have to change since the train is stopping soon."


Hermione leaves and the trio get changed. Like she said they arrive shortly after. When they get off Ichigo sees most of the students go to a group of carriages pulled by strange, bony, reptilian horses with large bat like wings, thestrals. The first years like him though are guided to a set of boats by a large man who hands a boy a toad.

They all get on the boats and head towards the school. But little did they know that one of them will not be leaving the school alive.


A/N: So I need a break. As I mentioned above I feel like shit right now. Anyways, yes I will be killing off a character. It will be one that no one really cares for, myself included, due to his extremely low level of character development. I find it sad that it was Neville, someone who is a side character, though a major one, had the best development of all the characters. Harry was always trying to prove himself and overcome his past and fame, Ron never had any self-confidence due to his poor background, and Hermione always acted as the brains of the group and was always trying to keep the group together. Neville on the other hand went from the worst in the class, at least among the named students from his year, to the guy who dealt the final blow to Voldemort when he killed Nagini.

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