
Chapter 5

So here is chapter 5. I will be introducing Hermione and McGonagall in this chapter.

I have also learned, through comments on Webnovel for those reading this on Fanfiction, that it was confusing as to why Ichigo was the one to introduce Harry to the magical world. The reason is because it would be easier for someone like Harry, who has low self-confidence due to being abused for ten years, to talk to someone his own age. Please remember the prologue and first three chapters were me writing whatever popped into my head. It is the same with the description of the magic core system in chapter four saying that the core has a form. This doesn't really serve any purpose, it just came to me and I went with it.

MasterKuma, also from Webnovel, mentioned it was weird that Ichigo had wireless headphones in chapter 2. Honestly I forgot the series took place between '91 and '98 so just consider the headphones to be magically modified to be wireless.

This chapter is a half info dump and will be the last for now.

The next chapter will be the train to Hogwarts and the last of this arc. After that I will be planning the first half of the school year and do a break before before the short winter break filler and another for the second half of the year.

This chapter takes place about two weeks after Harry's eleventh birthday and about the same amount of time before the train leaves for school. I set it for this time because I didn't want the whole meeting Malfoy in the robe shop thing that happened in the book. I also didn't want the encounter with Quirrel.

Chapter 5

Ichigo got up early and got ready to go and pick up Harry. He grabs a dusty beer mug from the counter and heads out the door and over to the Dursleys. Harry is sitting on the doorstep waiting for him.

"Hey Harry. You ready to go?"

"Yeah but how are we going to get to the… what was it again," Harry asks while taking Ichigo inside, ignoring the Dursleys as they pass them.

"The Leaky Cauldron. As for how we will get there," Ichigo holds up the beer mug, "we will take this."

"A beer mug?"

"A portkey actually. A portkey is an object enchanted to teleport to a specific location at a specific time. We could have used the Floo Network but neither of our homes are connected to it. Yours because it is technically considered a muggle home, and mine because mom doesn't like the idea of having people come before we can even smell or hear them."

"What's the Floo Network," Harry asks not noticing the term 'smell or hear.'

"It is a network of fireplaces that are connected together. You grab a handful of stuff called floo powder and throw it into the fireplace then you step in and say where you want to go. It can only take you to another place connected to the network and you have to speak clearly or you can end up somewhere completely different than where you wanted to go."

Ichigo looks at his watch and says, "we've got five minuets before this thing activates. We should go out to the backyard for this,"

They head outside and wait, keeping an eye on the watch. When there was just thirty seconds left Ichigo tells Harry to grab on to the mug. At exactly 7:25 they disappear from the yard and turn up in a back alley, scaring away a few cats.

"Okay, now we have to walk the rest of the way,"Ichigo says while Harry pukes, "Oh yeah! I forgot that a lot of people puke their first time traveling by portkey. Sorry."

Ichigo and Harry easily find the Leaky Cauldron, a run down building located between a bookstore and a record shop.

Harry looks at it suspiciously and asks, "this is it?"

"Yup. Though it doesn't look like much it is enchanted so that muggles only see a run down shop."

The two walk in and everyone turns to look at them since it is very uncommon for children to come unaccompanied. Ichigo brings Harry to the bar and says, "we are here to meet a Professor McGonagall. Is she here?"

"Oh, I was wondering why you two where here alone. Yes Minerva is right over there with the bushy brown haired girl," The barman points to a tall, strict-looking woman sitting with a young girl.

Ichigo and Harry go up to her after thanking the barman. Ichigo says, "hello Professor Mcgonagall. I'm Ichigo and this is Harry. We were told to meet you here so you can help us get our school supplies."

"Yes, nice to meet you. This young lady is Hermione Granger. She will also be starting at Hogwarts this year. Now let's go."

She gets up an leads them to a back room. Ichigo, Harry, and Hermione introduce themselves to each other while they follow. Professor McGonagall takes out her wand and taps a brick three times and the wall opens up revealing an alley.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley. First stop is Gringotts, the wizarding bank, so you can exchange any money you have. Ichigo and Harry also need to access their vaults. As for you Hermione, in order to make it easier for muggle-borns Hogwarts pays for the first years school supplies. This includes your robes and wand."

They head to a large marble building and go up to a counter. Professor McGonagall hands Harry a key before he and Ichigo go down to their vaults. Ichigo's vault, having been inherited from Lycaon and Lupa, is in the deepest section of the bank. The two of them also buy a set of money bags that are color coded, have anti-theft runes, and can only be opened by them for 10 galleons.

The four then head to Ollivander's to get their wands. Harry and Hermione go through the normal procedure while Ichigo hands Ollivander a letter after the other two leave.

"Oh yes. I was wondering when you would come," he says whil getting a wand box out. "I don't get many custom requests you see."

He opens the box and reveals a wand that looks as though it is made of bone instead of wood. The pommel is in the shape of a small wolf head.

"This is one of the most unusual wands I have ever made. It is also one of the strongest. Femur of the very first lycan, Lycaon, instead of woof and the core is the tail fur of the first true alpha lycan, Lupa. Fifteen inches, unyeildy. Only a lycan can wield this wand, and only a true alpha can bring out it's full power. Here is the wand servicing kit and holster that were also purchased."

Ollivander puts everything in a bag for Ichigo.

They get their robes, cauldrons, phials, telescopes, and scales before heading over to get their books. While heading over Hermione and Harry wonder what classes they will have. Ichigo decides to answer, not even giving the professor a chance.

"First years like us will have eight classes: astronomy, charms, defense against the dark arts, herbology, history of magic, potions, transfiguration – taught by Professor McGonagall over her – and flying. Second years get all of the same classes except for flying. Instead of flying they can join a club or try out for the quidditch team. Third through fifth years have to pick two or more electives. The ones that I know are available are arithmancy, care for magical creatures, divination, muggle studies, and study of ancient runes. Students in their fifth year take the O.W.L – Ordinary Wizarding Level – exams which determine the classes they can take in their last two years. Sixth and seventh year students can take other electives like alchemy, ancient studies, and advanced arithmancy. They can also take apparition classes for twelve galleons which is required to obtain an apparition license. Seventh years take the N.E.W.T.s – Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests – which determine a persons future career choices. After graduating you can self study and obtain a Master Certification in a subject as long as your N.E.W.T. score was high enough. You can also take the N.E.W.T.s for other subjects after graduating."

"That is right Mr. Ookami," Professor McGonagall says.

They arrive at Flourish and Blotts and get their books for the year. After that they go get the largest item they need: a trunk. Ichigo gets a trunk with the largest space available and several rooms thanks to an undetectable extension charm. It has a room he can make an office to do his homework or relax, a room he plans to use as a bedroom, a potions lab that he will equip and stock later, a large walk-in closet that he probably won't use much, a storage room, a library, and a massive open area that he can customize later. The chest has anti-theft runes, identification runes and shrinking runes. He thought of getting a similar suitcase but decided that it would be useless since the chest can fit in his pocket.

After getting their chests they stop by a pet shop and Harry gets a snow white owl. Ichigo waited outside since the animals were becoming restless around him. When asked why he didn't want an owl he said that he didn't really need one yet since his mom was always on the move and couldn't be reached easily.

As they where leaving Diagon Alley and returning to the Leaky Cauldron Professor McGonagall asks what Ichigo and Harry plan to do while handing the three their tickets.

"We came by portkey and my mom is out traveling around. Harry's aunt and uncle probably wouldn't take us to King's Cross so we will stay here and take a cab to the station. Though we need to keep Harry's identity a secret or we will never get any peace or quite. We will probably stay in the rooms we are assigned and may go around London and Diagon a bit to keep busy. I will probably read some of the books we got and force Harry to do the same."

"Hmm. For now it would be best if Mr. Potter where this," she hands Harry a pendant she pulled from her robe. "This pendant casts a glamor charm on the wearer making it impossible for anyone to recognize them. I brought this incase people did recognize Harry, but it seems we got lucky this time. Well I need to get Ms. Granger back home. Good bye and I will see at Hogwarts in two weeks."

A/N: As I mentioned before I am reading the books right now and am on year one. I just find it hilarious that near the end of 'Chapter Sixteen: Through the Trapdoor' Harry actually thought he could hold off Snape for a bit. I mean seriously, he was a first year who had no combat experience and Snape has been begging to get the position as teacher for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

geoslim21creators' thoughts
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