
Chapter 3

Here we go this is the Chapter where Harry gets introduced.


Ichigo waited at home for a good ten hours and made his way back to 4 Privet Drive deciding it would be best to explain things to Harry now so that the Dursleys couldn't back out of doing what they should. He walks back up to the door and knocks on it. The scrawny kid with broken glasses answers the door.

"Hello? Can I help you?"

"Hello Harry. My name is Ichigo I just moved in next door and am here to talk to you and the Dursleys. I met your aunt and uncle earlier. Now let me in. I am guessing everyone is in the dining room considering the smell of food coming from there. So let's go over"

Ichigo walks in ignoring the stunned Harry. He walked into the dinning room where Vernon and Petunia paled at the site of him. Dudley looked at him.

"Who are you?"

"No one you should mess with fatty."

"What did you just call my!?"

Dudley got up and tried to hit him but Ichigo grabbed his wrist and put his arm behind his back.

"Now now, didn't I say you shouldn't mess with me? Now this is your last warning, don't do anything stupid, if your even smart enough to understand that, or I'll break your arm the next time."

Ichigo pushes him to the ground and sits in his chair. Harry walks in and is surprised to see Dudley on the ground and Ichigo in his chair. Ichigo looks over at him and says, "well, sit down Harry. We have a lot to discuss."

Harry sits down and asks, "what do we have to discuss?"

"You, Harry. Your past and your future. Now you aunt and uncle here didn't want you to learn about your past since they hate this sort of thing, but I told them the dangers of keeping it from you and honestly they aren't worth your anger."

"My past and future?"

"Yes Harry. Now let's star with your past. You and your parents are wizards."

"Wizards? You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am Harry," Ichigo says letting his eyes glow. "Your parents were two of the best wizards alive. But before I get into their deaths you need to know about the war."


"Yes Harry, a war. Now please listen and don't interrupt. Years ago a man known as Voldemort, but who is referred to as You-Know-Who since people fear even his name, came up with a plan to cleanse the magical society so that only pure-bloods would be left. Now there are six different blood statuses a witch or wizard can have.

"The first are pure-bloods. These are those who have no muggles or muggle-borns in their family tree. There are 28 pure-blood families in Britain, but many are extinct or are now half-blood families. They are known as the Sacred Twenty-eight.

"Next are half-bloods. They have muggles or muggle-borns in their family tree. You are one of these.

"Then there are muggle-borns. They are people who have no known magical heritage yet ar capable of using magic. Your mother falls into this category.

"Then squibs. Squibs are those from a magical family that are not a witch or wizard themselves.

"Next half-breeds. These are people who are half human and half magical creature.

"Finally there are muggles. These are people with no magical heritage and can't use magic. Your aunt, uncle, and cousin fall into this category.

"Now Voldemort wanted to kill or enslave all muggles, muggle-borns, half-breeds, and squibs and basically force the half-bloods to serve the pure-bloods. This led to a war between those who agreed with these ideals, known as Death Eaters, and those who didn't. Your parents were to of the strongest to go against Voldemort and his army. In fact there was a huge bounty for their location. He only wanted their location because he wanted to kill them himself.

"Just around ten years ago Voldemort found your family home and killed your parents. He then went to try to kill you. But the curse backfired due to a powerful charm your mom had placed on you when she died – Sacrificial Protection. In the end Voldemort was destroyed by the backlash and you received that scar."

Ichigo pauses to let it all sink in. He then continues, "Sacrificial Protection is a char cast when one willingly sacrifices their life out of deep and pure love to save a person or group of people. This is charm is so powerful that the killer cannot come into direct physical contact with the person it is placed on or it actually injures them. It even causes spells cast on the protected person to wear off faster than normal. The protection can be strengthened and spread to others if a spell known as Bond of Blood is used. Dumbledore used this spell to spread Lily's protection to your aunt and cousin. However this will only last until your seventeenth birthday.

"Dumbledore also put several wards to protect and hide both you and the Dursleys on this house. These ward are powered by the energy you naturally give off and would disappear in a year if you left. The reason for this is because some of Voldemort's underlings bought their way out of getting arrested and may want to kill you or the Dursleys for revenge.

"Now enough about your depressing past and onto the future. On July 1 you will receive a letter from Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. You just need to send in a letter that you will attend and two weeks later you and I will go with a teacher to Diagon Alley to get our school supplies. Like you I will be a first year.

"Hogwarts is a boarding school. One starts attending at eleven and attends for seven years. First years take nine classes which include: potions, herbology, defense against the dark arts, transfiguration, history of magic, astronomy, charms, and flying. Second years have the same classes except for flying. Instead of flying students can join a club. Third, fourth, and fifth years take the same as second years but are required to take atleast two other electives. Fifth years also receive career counseling and take the O.W.L. – the Ordinary Wizarding Level – exams. The O.W.L.s determine what classes you can take in your last two years. At the end of their seventh year students take the N.E.W.T.s – the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. The results of these tests determine what career a person can have.

"Students are also separated into four houses, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.

"Gryffindor for the brave and couragous

"Ravenclaw for the smart and wise

"Hufflepuff for the loyal and hard-working

"Finally Slytherin for the cunning and ambitious.

"Now that that is done, do you have any questions?"

Harry asks several questions, many about his parents. This goes on for several hours and during this time Ichigo helps Harry move into his new bedroom and helps get rid of Dudley's things. Ichigo heads home around ten and goes to bed.

Okay I just wanted to get this out of the way and it is a small info dump but oh well. There will be a short time skip to the trip to Diagon Alley at the beginning of the next chapter.

geoslim21creators' thoughts
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