
Chapter 2

Hello and welcome to Chapter 2! Now a few announcements. After the "Before Hogwarts" arc as I will refer to this I will be taking a break to plan out the first year. I will try to do 3 chapters a week but no guarantees. I have decided to dual host this on both Fanfiction and Webnovel. I am going to start listening to the Stephen Fry version of the audiobooks while reading the Bloomsbury Edition of the books. Now I am American, so I grew up on the Scolastic Edition and the Jim Dale audiobooks so this will be a new experience. By the way if you add up the length of the copies of the Stephen Fry version I got they are 5 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes, 18 seconds long.

Thanks to Dadaoist on Webnovel for recommending cover images. If anyone has one they think is better let me know. It has to be 600x800 or able to be cropped/resized to that due to the Webnovel not let anything of a different size be used. Also, this should be obvious, but it needs to be free to use.


"So where in London are we moving," asked a young boy of Japanese descent. He is eleven years old but more developed than your typical eleven year old boy. He is about 5'2" and, despite his age, is built like a runner with obvious muscle. This comes from the fact that he trains in body weight exercises and runs daily. He has shoulder-length somewhat spiky hair, a healthy natural tan from all his time outside, and black eyes. He wears a pair of black shorts, a red t-shirt, a pair of gray running shoes, and a pair of wireless head phones around his neck. This is Ichigo Ookami.

"It's called Privet Drive, and it's not in London but Little Whinging and is south of London. When we get there you have to go to talk to a family called the Dursleys. They are raising a boy named Harry, who is the son of Petunia Dursley's late sister. Dumbledore figures that due to their hatred of the magical world they won't let the boy attend Hogwarts. It also seems they believe that by abusing and neglecting the boy he won't develop he magic," said Lupa.

"You can't be serious! These people are obviously morons and seem like the muggle version of those blood supremacists within the wizarding community. They probably believe that those who use magic are freaks and use violence to try to get rid of it."

"True they are bad, but unlike the blood supremacists they don't do anything like murder. They just beat and abuse this boy and ignore the fact that magic exists."

"Okay, so what's the plan? Want me to go over, knock on the door, then show my claws and fangs and threaten to rip their throats out if the don't let this Harry boy attend Hogwarts?"

"Hahaha! While I believe that would be the fastest way to do this you can't. Just go over, tell them the dangers of what they are doing, and the reason the boy needs to be trained. He is the same Harry that survived being attacked by Voldemort by the way."

"Ah. That puts them in a lot of danger. Lucius and the rest of those who bought their way out of being sent to Azkaban would love either kill him. As for these idiots, I'll tell them about obscurials and that he could develop into one if they make a wrong move. I'll also tell them how the lackeys of the man who killed the boys parents might come after them. But what should I tell them to convince them to let him continue living there?"

"Harry's mother used Sacrificial Protection on him when she died. As a result they are protected from being found as long as he is there. Dumbledore also set up wards to protect them, but without a magical person there to passively give them power regularly they will break after a year. As for obscurials, they only form when a person has a trauma related to magic, but they never told him about it and he never noticed so how could he become one?"

"They don't know that, or have to. I'll tell them that he would become an obscurial if he doesn't learn to control his magic from a young age. That's why they start at eleven years old."

"Okay then. Oh we're here."


The next day, 2 Privet Drive

Ichigo and Lupa unloaded all their luggage. Luckily Dumbledore had arranged for their belongings to be unpacked for them and the home furnished before they arrived. Ichigo is looking out the window, watching as all the children head off to their last day of school before summer break. He watches in shock as an extremely fat kid causes the bus to visibly lower just by getting on it. The fatty was followed by a very scrawny boy with taped up glasses.

"So that's Harry, huh. The fatass must be his cousin. Now I better head over before Vernon leaves for work."

Ichigo heads over and knocks on the door of 4 Privet Drive and a fat man with a stern face and a briefcase opens it.

"What do you need? I don't have money for beggars."

"I'm not a beggar Vernon Dursley. I was sent here to speak to you and that wife of yours about your nephew, Harry Potter," Ichigo says letting his eyes glow.

Vernon becomes scared from the glowing eyes and falls backwards.

"Your going to want to call in sick today Vernon. Now call Petunia over. I have no idea how she didn't notice the minor earthquake you just cause by falling," Ichigo says while walking into the house.

"GET OUT! Get out right now! We want nothing to do with your kind!"

"Vernon, what's going on!"

A blond woman with an unnaturally long neck comes out to see what's happening. But she shrieks when she sees the boy with glowing eyes.

"Why hello there, Petunia. We need to talk. Well I will be doing most of the talking, and unless you want your tongues removed you will listen without interupting. Now let's sit down while Vernon calls in sick."

Ichigo makes his way to the living room while ignoring the couple. The couple decides that it would be best to listen after hearing the threat.

"So here's the deal, I just moved in next door and will be watching you. On July 1 Harry will receive his acceptance letter from Hogwarts and you will let him attend. Now I know you don't want to let him, but this is for your safety as much as it is his. You see if you don't let him go he won't be able to control his magic. Now, unlike what you believe, magic becomes stronger over time and the speed at which the power grows at the fastest rate is between the ages of eleven and eighteen. If he doesn't go then by the time he is thirteen he will turn into an obscurial. If that happens, you and your son will die."

He stops to let that sink in, watching as their faces pale.

"But that's not the only risk. The man that killed Harry's parents had followers. These same followers want to kill Harry but can't. The reason for they can't is because of the wards Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, put up on your house as well as the protection Lily put on Harry when she died. The wards will only work if a witch or wizard live here since they need magic to power them. Without Harry they would break after a year. Also Lily's protection extends to both Petunia and Dudley until Harry's seventeenth birthday as they are his blood relatives. As for you Vernon, your screwed.

"Now, when they get home you will let Harry move into the third bedroom, the one where you have Dudley keep what he doesn't use anymore. You will also start to treat him right. Get him some new clothes, glasses, and lessen the chore load you have on him and give some to Dudley and do some yourself. I will be checking on him. I will come by in mid-July to take Harry to get his school supplies and again to take him to the train to school on August 1. Now if you don't do what I say… Oops almost forgot that I'm not allowed to threaten unless necessary. Now nod if you understand."

They start nodding so fast that it looks like they're trying to shake their heads off.

"Okay then I will be going. Oh and don't try to run away. We wizards are capable of easily tracking where Harry is with great detail."

Ichigo gets up and leave the terrified couple to their own thoughts.

A/N: So here is Chapter 2. No chapter tomorrow since I'm going to plan things out. I might introduce Hermione early. I did what I did with the Dursleys because I don't want the whole board up the house then run away incident from the books.

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