
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

A world of bloody evolution

{2 months later}

"FINALLY! I CAN FINALLY DO IT!" I couldn't help it, I cackled like a madman. My girls and the rest of the pack were watching, but I didn't care. I finally managed to finish my bonus objectives, and we all knew what that meant.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 20(2,821)

Strength - C+ -] A-

Dexterity - C- -] B

Vitality - C -] A+

Intelligence - E+ -] C

Wisdom - D -] B

Charisma - C- -] A

Luck - E+ -] C

Werewolf Strength 3/4 - 4,101/7,500 - 7,500/7,500 - Werewolf Strength upgraded. Aura constructs, outwards expression of aura unlocked.

Regeneration stage 2/4 - 458/600 - 480/600 - 600/600 - Regeneration upgraded. Moderate stamina recovery, regeneration speed tripled. Stamina drain moderately reduced. Fatal wounds heal within minutes.

Regeneration stage 3/4 - 600/1,800 - 1,800/1,800 - Regeneration upgraded. Major stamina recovery, regeneration is instantaneous. Stamina drain significantly reduced. Fatal wounds heal in moments.

Werewolf Senses stage 2/4 - 68/75 - 75/75 - Werewolf Senses upgraded. Senses boosted.

Werewolf Senses stage 3/4 - 75/250 - 250/250 - Werewolf senses upgraded. Senses reached their limit. None can hide their trail from you.

Wolf King's Wisdom - 10/50 - 50/50 - Wolf King's Wisdom unlocked. - Brute force is more then you know. As a man that has claimed the throne and ruled over your people, you understand what makes a king and what makes a tyrant. Last life's memories returned. Those you teach will find themselves able to understand the subject with much more ease. Those you lead or encourage in battle will show their enemies the might of the Werewolves.

Wolf King's Wrath, Active, stage 0/1 - 10,000,000/10,000,000 - Wolf King's Wrath unlocked. - The king has fought battle after battle. War is not his match. The king fears none. His wrath deters those wishing to challenge his rule, show them why. Once a day, your wrath is made manifest. All parameters doubled for 8 hours. May lead to exhaustion after effect ends.

The One True Wolf, Active, stage 0/1 - 1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000 - The One True Wolf unlocked. - As the one who stands above all Werewolves, there is none that stands above you, and there never will be. You have claimed the throne, the throne has acknowledged you. You are a king amongst kings, and all shall know the power that position entails.

World Jump - 0/1,000,000,000 - 1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000 - World Jump unlocked. Bonus features all unlocked.

250,000,000 - Identities, language, and basic world knowledge.

500,000,000 - Pack inclusion.

750,000,000 - Time dilation between worlds. Current max, 1:2 days. Increases the more a new world is entered and stayed in.

1,000,000,000 - Current world list available.

That last one was golden and SO worth the time. It made me howl in laughter and joy. (We can CHOOSE! I don't need to worry about getting sent to fucking Overlord or something right off the bat! I'd be fine, but the girls? 'Dragon lightning, oops your dead.' FUCK YEAH!)

I was in a massive crater that looked like a nuke dropped, which was close, and I was cackling like I was insane. Though that stopped when Saeko fell from the sky and landed on my back. She hugged me like a body pillow, and brought her face next to mine. "Is it time my lord!? Please say yes!" I wasn't the only one getting bored of just zombies. Saeko was getting stir crazy, and she practically dragged me out of bed every morning so we could get to this point faster.

"Yes, mo lann. It's time. We can travel wherever the fuck we want." Saeko squealed in pure joy and excitement, and tightened the grip she had on my back.

"Onwards my lord! WE MUST HUNT!" I laughed at her enthusiasm, but shook my head.

"Let's get the rest of the girls, then say bye to the rest of the pack, ok?" She deflated a little, but nodded anyway. So I made my way out of the crater, Saeko staying on my back the entire time, and I made it up to the others a minute later. They all looked at me, and they knew it was time. Saeko got off of my back, and my girls came over to stand by my side.

We stood together, and looked at the rest of the pack. Takashi looked a little sad, but he was also eager. "Sir. Zaka, I said it before, but I have to say it again. Thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for us." He smirked at the kid.

"You've done some good shit too Takashi, don't forget that." He smiled, but shook his head.

"I know. But this is different. Day 1 you were there with us. You helped us get out. You helped us find not only a place to spend the night, but a place to turn into a base. You gave us shelter, hope, and the means to fight back. You helped us survive. And you're the reason we have hope. Without you... I'm not sure how we would've turned out. So for giving us everything, thank you." He bowed to me, just like he did when I went to find Kiriko, and just like then, I clapped him on the back, and laughed.

"I told you to keep your head held high Takashi. Besides, the only back you should be breaking is Rei's." He got up and awkwardly coughed, looking away from my, Rika's Kiriko's and Rei's gazes. They've done the deed, we all knew it. Takashi shook his head, and turned back to me with a smile.

"Anyway, I've said my piece." And he held out his hand. I grinned, and shook it. "We WILL join you, it'll just take some time." I nodded at that. There were still zombies all over the world, and they would hunt them down. When we finished shaking hands, I looked out to the rest of the pack, especially Rei, since she was coming next.

"Mr. Maccillian, you're probably the only man other then Takashi or my dad that I'll say this too, but you've earned it. Thank you for finding my family, for helping us through all of this, and for so much more. You'll always have a place in my heart, kind of like an uncle now. I love you and all that you've done for us." Rei bowed, and I cooed as I gave her a hug.

"AWW! You hear that Mama Cavalry? I'm family." Kiriko snorted, and Rei laughed. It was nice.

"Eh, the weird uncle. I can see it." The nerve of her!

"Who're you calling 'weird' ms 'Fuck me in the wilds like an animal Tadashi!' I heard you say that so don't deny it!" Kiriko and Rei both choked, and I laughed.

"Fuck you Maccillian! That was one time! And I was tripping fucking leaves!" We all laughed at that. Rei broke off the hug, and went back to Takashi's side. I looked at who was next, and saw it was Kohta. The kid got built over the months, and now stood at 5'10, still shorter then me, with an Olympic runners physique, and looked relatively handsome. And I was right, Asami DID thank me.

"Mr. Zaka, you've given me my dreams, an awesome life, and the chance to make super guns! You're probably the coolest guy I'll ever meet. Thanks for giving me the chance to be like this." I nodded.

"You're right. I'm the coolest man you'll ever meet in the multiverse." We all shared a laugh at that, and I gave Kohta a hug and a clap on the back. We broke it off, and I looked at Kiriko. She rolled her eyes when she saw me smirk, but brought me into a hug anyway.

"You kept my Rei safe, and you're the reason I'm here. So thanks for that asshole. Other then that, have fun, I'll come raise hell with you if I ever find the time." We broke off the hug, and I nodded at Kiriko. Then it was time for the last member. Asami. She looked at me, and saluted.

"Thank you for all you've done for Asami and the world SIR! Asami will make sure she doesn't waste the opportunity she was given!" I chuckled at that. Asami was all about deferring to me like a superior, though I didn't really mind it. I decided to mess with her, and saluted back.

"Good on ya soldier!" She spluttered a little, but it was fine. I went over and gave her a quick hug, then went back to my girls. They already said their goodbye's when I started cackling, so we were just waiting to go. I looked at them, saw the excitement and joy on their faces, and smiled. Then paused when I had a thought. "Should we get a change of clothes?" Everyone just blinked at me, and Saya groaned into her hands.

"Do you realize how anticlimactic that was!? Now we all have to awkwardly go back to base and grab some clothes. Nice going mutt." I just awkwardly scratched my cheek and avoided the look Saya was giving me. Rika just laughed, Saeko deflated again, and Shizuka just hummed. She didn't mind the wait.

After an hour, we were on top of the roof back at the current base, which was a building in Times Square, the girls, the pack and I, with bags of clothes in my arms, stood looking at each other. "NOW it's time to go." They all nodded, with smiles on their faces because of the delay, and I walked forwards. I focused on the world jump feature, and the world slowed to a crawl around me and the girls. I designated who was coming with us and who wasn't so they weren't caught up in the slowing affect.

"Did time... Stop?" I shrugged at the question.

"Not sure cub, but eh, who cares."

"I do!" I snorted at that, and went into the list I got from my world jump.


World's available to jump List

FATE/SN/UBW - Heroes all across time have returned to fight for a wish. Kings of old and heroes of myth have gathered, but what about you? You are a king of kings, but there is another. Perhaps you should show not only him, but all heroes, who truly stands above all others.

RWBY - The world of Remnant. The world of 'Bloody Evolution.' The gods have gone. Creatures of darkness have run rampant for ages. A world a shell of its former glory. A Remnant. All it takes is one with the power to bring it back to its former glory. Will you be the one?

My Hero Academia - Heroes and Villains. A tale as old as time. But here? Here, it is a little more literal. The age of Quirks have made mankind evolve beyond their limitations. But are they worthy to call themselves heroes? You have stopped a war and sacrificed for it, do these children and pretenders deserve the title of hero? (Preference of pack mate 'Shizuka')

Demon Slayer - Demons. Creatures of the night that prey on humanity. They hunt across the night and hide in the day. They are no hunters. They are no predators. Perhaps you should show them what a true predator is like? (Preference of pack mate 'Saeko')

The Rising of the Shield Hero - A world under siege by another. The waves threaten to wash over the world and leave it in ruins. What better way to fight? What better way to feel the thrill of battle then to be besieged by monsters until they are all wiped out?

Knights and Magic - A world where magic and technology are being fused. A world where children and adult alike learn to pilot machines of battle and learn magic to defend themselves from those that'd seek to harm them. There is knowledge to be learned, maybe you should learn it? (Preference of pack mate 'Saya')

Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragons - A world of humans besieged by DRAGON's. A world where mana flows freely but not equally. Those without the blessing of mana fight to survive not only for themselves, but to keep the rest of the world safe from the DRAGON threat. But what about you? What will you fight for in this world linked to a land of dragons? (Preference of pack mate 'Rika')

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? - The tower of Babel. Once said to have been destroyed by god. But here? Here the tower is a home and what lays underneath is a focus for them and their familia. Floor after floor. Monster after monster. For centuries, the bottom of the dungeon has yet to be found. But how about you? Can you reach the land not even gods have seen? (Preference of 'Maccillian Silver Zaka')

I whistled at the options. There were a few more, but I zoned in on these. RWBY would be the easiest, and most fit for their level and experience as their first jump.

My Hero was an eventual trip, but the girls wouldn't have as much fun. It was just Japan with superheros all over the place. And even then, if they just used their Werewolf form, they'd steamroll it... Maybe not against All Might or All For One, but everyone else would get screwed.

Fate was interesting, and I kind of DID want to fight Gilgamesh. Though I remembered a certain fucky vampire, and had to reconsider. (No goddamn way am I going to deal with that fucker unless I can shoryuken him into the fucking sun.)

Demon Slayer would be a wet dream for Saeko. Cool swords, breathing techniques, swordsmen fighting demons? She'd probably give up sex for a month to go there.

Then there were the other 5 option that I was considering. There were a handful more, but they were either slice of life worlds like Horimiya, best romance manga and anime in my opinion, or something ridiculous like the Heroic Age universe. No way in hell was I bringing the girls there. WE CAN'T FUCKING BREATH IN SPACE!

Shield Hero WOULD be interesting. But I didn't want to piss off the bird loli on accident, deal with the cuck, the kid with a hero complex, or the kirito kid. I COULD deal with them, but the bird could just take one of my girls hostage and I'd be forced into doing some crap for her. I was strong, I knew it, but Fitoria had ages to get and maintain her strength.

The cuck probably wouldn't stop bothering me because all of my girls were hot as fuck, and I couldn't kill him because the waves would get all fucky. I didn't care about the people, though I liked Filo, so making things harder for the little angel would be a dick move.

Naofumi would be tolerable, though he was a little edgy. He had a GOOD reason for it, but the edgeee. The other two would be annoying to deal with, but I could do it anyway.

Knights and Magic. I didn't really know that one. But a mecha and magic world? Saya would lose her fucking mind. I saw a Gundam world in the list, but I didn't know the series that well, and had no idea what version this was. I COULD take them there, I could eat a rail gun or beam, but they couldn't. And again, WE COULDN'T BREATH IN SPACE.

Then Cross Ange. Dragons? Rika wanted to shoot dragons, why wouldn't she want a world where they shat them out so she could do just that? The only issue was I was sure that world was too much for them at the moment.

Then Danmachi. It was perfect. Saya might not like it as our first world, due to the almost nonexistent level of technology, so that could be an issue. But still, it would help the girls get experience against ALL kinds of monsters. Clear progression, and we COULD get new abilities if we chose to join a Familia. Which we would, it would be the best way for not only new abilities and the ability to grow them, but also to help ME grow.

If the way the Falna worked was how I thought, then I'd be able to grow alongside my girls. Though I'd need to work harder though in case I was wrong.

"Silver, you gonna zone back in anytime soon?" I blinked, and turned over to Rika. Also noticing Shizuka poking my cheek.

"How long was I zoned out for?" Rika deadpanned at me, waved her hand around, and I blinked.

"Nevermind. Anyway, I got some worlds we could go too, so lets talk this out before I drag you all somewhere you don't feel like going." My girls nodded, and we sat in a circle on the roof. Shizuka sat in my lap, and I put my chin on her head.

"Hit us, whatcha got Silver?" I hummed.

"First up is a world where the holy grail is real." Everyone but Shizuka blinked.

"Ok... What else does that world have to offer Zaka?"

"They've got magic, called Magecraft, and there's a war where 7 people call on heroes to fight for them." Saeko looked interested at that.

"Heroes. Who constitutes as a hero my lord?" I could see her desire to fight grow as she thought of potential opponents. I grinned at that.

"Ever wanted to fight King Arthur? Or Alexander the great?" The way Saeko's eyes SHINED at that, it was enough to light up a dark room. Though Saya smacked her upside the head when Saeko started to get horny.

"That DOES sound interesting, but what else is there? You said world(s) so what are the rest of our options?" Saeko whined at the dismissal, and Rika laughed. Shizuka started to play with some of my hair, and I went on.

"Next up is a world where monsters are normal and humanity fights them. They train people to be 'hunters' and 'huntresses...' I'm pretty sure the world is slightly based off of some fairy tales." Saeko was interested in the monsters, but the rest of my girls zoned in on the fairy tale portion, especially Shizuka.

"Really? Which ones!?" I smiled at her, and answered.

"I'm pretty sure I saw people based off of the Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, and Goldilocks." Shizuka heard 'Wizard of Oz' and her eyes gleamed. Though Rika stopped her from saying anything.

"Ok, we know where Shizuka wants to go. Next!" I coughed, and looked away since I knew I would just add fuel to the fire with the next world.

"Uh... We got the world where the majority of people have superpowers and become hero's." Shizuka squealed, and tried to turn around to hug me, but Rika grabbed her by the scruff of her neck.

"Bad Shizuka. Wait till he's done."

"But Rikaaa! Superheros!"

"I know it sounds cool, but he's not done yet. Be a good girl till he's done, then you can hug him." Shizuka visibly deflated, and I sighed.

"How would that even work? I can understand a society basing their government and education around those abilities, but does it even work? Hero's are more then just their powers. How would they define what a hero is and what someone just doing their job is?" It was a good question. I thought of Endeavor and All Might, and put them where they would go. After that, I shook my head.

"You can find out whenever we go there." Saya hummed, and nodded. I told them about the next two world, and Saeko just seemed to love everything I've said so far. Rika and Saya were thinking of the options, and then I brought up the 'Knights and Magic' world. When she heard 'mecha's' and 'magic' Saya's eyes turned into saucers, and she almost launched herself at me. Though Saeko stopped her.

"But it's perfect! Magic! Machinery! I can make a magical mecha! Screw the guns, I'm blasting people in a Werewolf made magical machine!" Saya was pretty much drooling at the implications, and started muttering like Kohta would when he started making aura guns.

"Bad Saya, if I can't fight Alexander the great, then you can't have a mecha yet." Saya whined like a child, and I shook my head. Then I went into the world of Cross Ange, and Rika needed to be held back by both Saeko and Saya.

"DRAGONS! I WANNA SHOOT THE FUCKING DRAGONS! CMON SILVER LET'S GO!" Fucking hell. Even though Saya and Saeko wanted to see it too, I'd have to dissuade them from it for now.

('Preference' doesn't do it justice. Rika looks like she's a fucking addict trying to get their hit.) I shook my head from the thought, and looked at my girls. "Everyone's gotta settle on one world. We can go to a world each of you like afterwards."

That calmed Rika down, but she was still gunning for the world of 'Cross Ange.' From there, we talked about the Danmachi world. They seemed interested at the idea of gods walking around, so it was settled we'd go there eventually. And at one point, Saya asked a question. "Zaka, which world is the most advanced? It's the world with the magic mechs right?" I thought about it, then blinked.

"Actually, I think it's the second or third most advanced." They all blinked at that.

"How!? What world beats out magic and machinery?"

"They world with the fairy tale people." Cross Ange was advanced, sure. But still too much for them.

"...What?" Saya was, withing reason, confused.

"Yeah. It looks like a weird mix of middle ages, castles and all that, but with magic and giant robots." Saya just looked at me like I was stupid, and sighed.

"Ok... What's the... Fairy tale world have?" I grinned at that. If Kohta was here, he'd fucking tackle me to the ground and droll like Pavlov's dog if he heard what I was about to say.

"You know how Saeko uses a sword?" All of my girls just blinked, and nodded after a silent few seconds. "Now what if it was also a gun?" Saeko, Saya and Rika all widened their eyes at that. Saeko looked down to the aura sword I made her, her birthday passed and I made it for her, and just blinked.

"Zaka! Explain now!" I laughed, but did.

"For some reason, they like to make weapons that transform. The Little Red Riding Hood girl I saw has a Scythe that transforms into a sniper." Saya stilled, and Rika lost it. I knew I pretty much manipulated Rika, but oh well. She'd thank me later.

"ALL IN FAVOR OF THAT WORLD SAY I! I!" Rika was practically drooling, Saya and Saeko reflexively agreed, and Shizuka agreed a moment later.

"Off to see the wizard we go! I wonder if he has a long beard?" Shizuka didn't mind going to RWBY. And I didn't either. I could gain something from going to Remnant. Saya broke out of her stupor, and Saeko looked excited as usual. I got up, and looked around.

"Everyone in agreement then?" They all agreed, and I smiled. "Alright then. Get ready girls, we're off to Remnant!" I heard a round of cheers, and turned around. My World Jump was different, but I liked the way it was supposed to work. I mentally selected RWBY, extended my claws, and slashed the air in front of me. My claws cut lines into the air, and we watched as those lines grew and turned into claw shaped gashes.

I put my hands around the middle gash, and pulled it open. The gashes expanded as I did, and we all saw the forest on the other side. I grinned when the gashes were fully opened, and the portal was stable. I turned back to my girls, and tilted my head in its direction.

"Time for our first extra dimensional voyage!" Rika and Shizuka cheered, and ran ahead, Saya followed in after them, excitement all over her face, and Saeko sported a blood thirst smirk, and ran forwards, sword clenched in her hand. I smiled when they were all in, and followed after them. I didn't mind going to RWBY. There wouldn't be much for me to fight, but it would be good for them. Their opponents wouldn't be too strong, but they wouldn't be weak either. It'd make for a good starter world.

-Remnant, Emerald Forest-

When I made it to the other side, the portal closed, and I looked felt something change. I felt weaker.


Weakened. Physical parameters restricted to 1/3rd. Until objectives met.

The One True Wolf use limited to once a day until objective met. - Slay 0/1 Titan class Grimm.

World Jump restricted until both objectives met.

Slay 0/10,000 Grimm.

Slay 0/3 Titan class Grimm.

(... That's not that bad actually.) I took a moment to feel around my body, and take in my new state. (Hmm... I could probably fight at 'full' power if I used my Werewolf Form and Wolf King's Wrath. But I'd probably only hold it for a few hours at best. My stamina won't be an issue, Regeneration takes care of that, but it'll put too much of a strain on my now weakened body if I fought for a day or something. Hmm... Eh, guess I'll manage somehow.)

I looked around at my girls, shaking off my weakened form, and looked at them. They all stood there, blinking for a bit, but Saya broke out of whatever it was first. "... Weird. I think that might've been the fastest way I've ever learned anything." I blinked, then snapped my fingers.

"Oh yeah! I don't think I told you all about that." Her eye twitched, and she turned to me with a pout.

"How do you just forget something like that? I literally just had a language and some world history shoved into my head!" Saya was fucking with my hair as she was talking, and I just let her do it. It kind of was my fault after all. Saya vented her frustrations after a minute of messing with my hair, and then the rest of the girls started to break out of it. When they did, Rika came over to me, looked me dead in my eyes, and spoke so seriously.

"Silver. I'm getting one of those weapons." I just laughed.

"Go for it. I'll reinforce whatever you get." Rika nodded, and stood next to me as we watched Saeko grin and look at me.

"My lord, I want to fight these... Grimm. Where can I find them?" I hummed, and listened to the forest.

"There's... Something, a few miles out. Not sure what it is. It's not human or animal, that's all I know." Saeko nodded, and she was visibly shaking in excitement. We were just waiting for Shizuka at this point. Though, she seemed to have broken out of it when Saeko did, or maybe earlier? Didn't know, but she was just looking up at the sky. Specifically, the moon.

"Aw, it's not pretty." That got the girls, and they all turned up to look at what Shizuka was seeing, and they froze. Saya and Rika just blinked, and Saeko hummed.

"It's... Somewhat pretty. Wouldn't you say my lord?" I shrugged as I looked at the shattered moon.

"Eh. It's kind of hard for something to beat my women in terms of beauty." Saeko smiled with a very light blush, and the rest of the girls looked at me. Shizuka smiled, and hugged me, and Rika and Saya smiled with her. Then I heard something coming, and looked in its direction.

"Huh... It's a Death Stalker." The girls turned towards it, and I saw Saeko lick her lips when it came in range. She walked ahead of us, and we all took a seat on the ground. Shizuka claimed my lap again, while Rika and Saya sat by my sides. Saya looked at the Death Stalker with an inquisitive eye, and Rika was humming. Shizuka just looked at the thing, and zoned out.

"My first opponent in a new world, I hope it's worth the honor." As if responding to her, the Death Stalker screeched at her, and charged. Saeko grinned, and ran forwards to meet her first victim.

{Saeko's POV}

I unsheathed my blade, and looked towards the 'Grimm' in front of me. We had been here for minutes, and I was already loving this world. This thing was something I NEVER could have fought or even thought of back in our own world. But here? Here I was, facing some kind of scorpion monster, and I couldn't help but feel excited. All I've had to fight are THEM and members of the pack, but not anymore.

I licked my lips as I charged towards it and sent out a slash towards my first Grimm, and felt the resistance. My blade was made by my lord, and even with its sharpness, it didn't cut through all the way, I asked for it not to be too sharp so I wouldn't kill anything in a single strike on accident. But that was fine with me. (This shouldn't end too quickly after all. I need my fun!) I saw the Grimm aim and strike out with its stinger, but I avoided it.

I could tell it was poisoned, and despite being sure I would be fine, I didn't want to be poisoned the first day here, that'd be both embarrassing, and an unnecessary risk. It could cancel out my regeneration for all I knew, so I'd be sure to track the tail.

I took a look at the Death Stalker, and hummed as I slashed towards it, and avoided the swings of its pincers and stinger it sent towards me. (It's armor is tough, yes. But it's not protected everywhere. I could aim for the joints of its legs, cut them apart, and make an opening to take the stinger. With the threat of poison out of the picture, I could have more fun... Hmm... How should I kill it when I get bored of it? Let's see how this works.) I put more strength into my arms, and created a small edge of aura on my blade. When it sent a pincer at me again, I avoided, and slashed the small bit of aura towards it.

I watched as the slash tore into the armor of the Death Stalker, and made a small wound on it. "Perfect." I had a plan now, and I had the means to play. So play I did. I jumped over another swipe of the Death stalkers pincers, and landed close to its side. The Death Stalker turned to me, and I ran. I used my speed to get close to its legs, and after I raised my blade towards the closest one, I swung down.

The screech of pain that came from the Death Stalker was music to my ears. It almost fell from the sudden loss of its leg, but it seemed to force itself to say up. (Good. Struggle for me more!) It swung its pincers faster, and I was forced to block, a strike. The hit made me dig my heels into the ground, I would've been sent flying otherwise. When I felt the pure power it had, I laughed. I laughed and ran towards the Death Stalker charging towards me.

I dodged another swipe of its pincer, and ran my blade across its shell as I did, the sound of my blade trailing across it and the feel of resistance I got from it was perfect. The Death Stalker hated it, and screeched at me again, which gave me a slight ringing in my ears, but I ignored it and kept moving. If it got a GOOD hit on me, I'd have to rely on my regeneration to fix whatever broke from the hit.

I could tell it had power, so I'd rely on my speed to keep myself from taking a hit. I had no idea what it was TRULY capable of, and I REFUSED to let myself make a mistake against an enemy I didn't understand.

I danced around the Death Stalker, and looked for another opening. (I need to get another leg on the same side. The imbalance will FORCE it to fall, and I can remove the stinger from there.) Plan set, I jumped over the pincers again, but the Death Stalker had a response this time. It sent its stinger out, and as if it was shot out of a canon, it came towards me. I HAD to block this, so I raised my blade to block the stinger, and was sent flying from the impact. I crashed into and through a tree from it.

"Mo lann, you good?" No worry in his tone. That made me smile.

"Yes, my lord! This is the most fun I've had since the start of the apocalypse!" And wasn't that the truth? Despite the soreness that ran through my arms from the hit, the pain in my back from being flung through a tree, I was having FUN! "THIS IS WHAT I WANTED!" I gripped my blade, grinned with all of my teeth, and laughed as I ran towards the Death Stalker. We ran towards each other, and as I jumped, I fully coated my blade in aura, and swung towards the Death Stalker. It raised its pincers to defend itself, and we clashed.

It was holding out, but only for a moment. My blade sliced through one of its pincers, and it SCREECHED in pain. The sound was intoxicating. And I wanted more. As I fell to the ground, I licked my lips and coated my blade in more aura. Due to my training, I could continuously use aura for a half hour before I grew tired. Not a lot compared to Saya or Rika, but It was enough for me. I ran towards the Death Stalker's joints, and laughed. "SCREAM FOR ME MORE!"

It screeched in anger, but that wasn't the screech I wanted. I slid under the pincers and stinger, and sent an aura slash towards another one of its joints. Hearing my slash tear through its... Flesh? (Thought for later.) Was amazing. The screech of pain was music to me, and seeing the Death Stalker fall to the ground was enough. I jumped onto the Death Stalker's back, and swung towards the stinger. Feeling my blade tear through it was nearly orgasmic, and now that the unknown threat was gone, it was time for my fun.

Even as it thrashed, tried to throw me off, I coated my blade in aura again, and stabbed down into its head. It screeched again, and thrashed harder, but I didn't care.

"YES! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE! SHOW ME HOW YOU DIE!" I cackled with glee as I raised my sword from its head, and stabbed again. And again. And again... And then it started turning to ash and disappeared after a few more stabs. I blinked, looked around for it, and grew disappointed that it was not only gone, but that my fun was stopped. "Stupid magical monster. Atleast give me a corpse to play with." I kicked the ground, annoyed, but looked up when I saw my lord and my sister mates come towards me.

My lord came over with a smile on his face, put his arm around my shoulders, and brought me into a hug. "You enjoy it mo lann?" I thought about that, and smiled at him.

"Yes, my lord!" He smiled and hummed at that.

"Then that's all that matters. You can go torture more things later... Or soon. Something exploded while you were playing, and I'm curious about what." That was enough to make me perk up.

(Explosions? Explosions mean combat. Combat means more opponents to fight!) I broke out of my lord's hug, and stood at attention. "Lead the way my lord!" He laughed, and as the rest of my sister mates came forwards, we shifted, and followed after our alpha. There was a hunt to be had, and I wanted it!

{Maccillian's POV 20 minutes later}

Getting out of the Emerald Forest, I realized that was where we were when I saw the place team RWBY fought the Nevermore, was easy. Navigating Beacon was another issue, especially since it was mid fall... Yup. We were in the middle of 'The Fall of Beacon' and I looked around the area from the building we found ourselves on, and sighed.

"A day. That was all I needed. But nooo, shit has to happen not even an hour in. Great." I could see smoke, chaos and Grimm starting to pour in, and turned to my girls... And saw Saeko and Saya were gone. I looked at Rika and Shizuka, question clear in my eyes. Shizuka hummed, and Rika shrugged.

"The samurai left the moment she saw the scene. Saya chased after her. Not sure HOW you missed that, but eh, your fault." I rolled my eyes at her, and flared my senses. When I focused, I could hear Saya shouting, and followed the sound to where they currently were. Saeko seemed to be in wolf form, running towards a cafe, and Saya was hot on her heels.

"Huh... Well, they'll be ok... Anything you two want to do during this whole thing?" Rika just looked towards the Grimm Dragon, and then turned back to me with a look of hunger in her eyes.

"Fine. You can shoot the giant dragon monster." Rika ran up to me and gave me a massive hug and kiss. Then she broke it off, and ran off to start setting up. Now it was just me and Shizuka on the roof. "What do you want to do mo grá?" She looked at me, tapped her lips, then had a Eureka moment.

"Little Red Riding Hood! Can we meet her Silver!?" I smiled at that, and Shizuka took that as a yes, which it was. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug as she jumped for joy. "Then we'll go see the wizard of OZ!" I shook my head at that, but smiled nonetheless.

(Looks like we're off to find Ruby... I'm not seeing a bunch of kids at Beacon yet, so...) I looked up towards the sky, and searched for it... Yup. There was a massive Atlas ship maybe 10 minutes away, and it looked like it was starting to fall. I focused my eyes on it, and saw a falling girl, shooting with her sniper scythe. She should end up on the ground eventually.. (So I'll just wait where she'll land, and see her when she gets there.) After that, I turned to Shizuka, and smiled.

"Want to ride on my back?" She smiled in joy, and nodded. I shifted, made sure she was on right, and started to run across the rooftops. I had a little reaper to meet after all.

[Omake - So now what? Kiriko's POV after they left]

When we saw Maccillian and his harem disappear into a portal, I had to give it to him, that looked kind of cool. But with them gone, I wondered what was next. Maccillian had been the most exciting thing that appeared in my life, and the idea of going to another world and raising hell sounded great. I'd still need to get Tadashi to agree, but I could do that. (Maybe threaten him to not put out for a while? But with all these couples around here fucking like rabbits that won't work... Fuck... Hmm.)

"Hey kids." They all turned to me, clearly wondering why I'm calling out to them. "Think you all could hold out on fucking for like... A month?" They all choked, and Rei looked at me like I stabbed her.


"What?! I need a threat that'll work on your father, but if you kids keep fucking almost everyday, then I'll be shooting myself in the foot." Rei's eyes widened, and I watched her put her hands over her ears, and turn away.


Concepts like the limiter, gaining new abilities and things like that are being brought up here so you get an idea of what I'll be doing for not only Maccillian, but for the girls as they travel.


Name - Maccillian Silver Zaka

Age - 20(2,821)

Strength - A-

Dexterity - B

Vitality - A+

Intelligence - B-

Wisdom - B

Charisma - A

Luck - C