
Wolf king hegemony

Our mc dies and gets reincarnated with some perks, starting his adventures through the myriad worlds. first world : Hotd writing gets better as the story goes. please contribute voting and reviewing. 3 chapter a day. discord server : https://discord.gg/Pm4nJWmPmU https://www.pa treon.com/user?u=80572751 if you wish to support me, i'd be thankful.

DualCultivator69 · Anime & Comics
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A wolf and a dragon

{Yin's POV}

(Oh god... I'm FUCKED! SYSTEM?! WHAT IS THAT!?) I used Observe on the wolves Ruby was coming in with, and I wanted to run. There was just no way I or anyone here could do ANYTHING if they decided to fight us.

[That, seems to be someone with a brain between their skulls. Maybe you should take notes.]


[Says you. I for one am enjoying your panic.]

And that was what I was doing. Internally panicking, and for some reason, Gamer's Mind wasn't stopping it. I had Danger Sense, and even THAT skill was telling me I was screwed. That I was in danger if I so much as BREATHED the wrong way. I knew everyone else was talking, Ruby doing the most of it, and everyone else listening, but I was too zoned out to join in. The golden wolf I was sort of ok with. She seemed like this bundle of joy and warmth, and she helped keep everyone calm. But I knew.

[Shizuka Marikawa - Level 80

Age - 27

Race - ?

Hp - 780,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 290

Dexterity - 170

Vitality - 260

Intelligence - 250

Wisdom - 170

Charisma - 40

Luck - 500

Former nurse of Fujimi Highschool. Shizuka was known to be a little slow on the uptake. Not due to her intelligence, but more because of her airheaded nature. But even that is a facade. Underneath lies a woman far more capable then she leads others to believe. Shizuka became a capable medic and was rather popular due to her nature and beauty. After an incident involving someone attempting to use her, Rika Minami, Shizuka's bestfriend, took her in and let her live with her. They became roommates and lived with each other for years. With her nature, Shizuka isn't phased by much, and can even ignore an apocalypse in favor of doing other things.

On Z-day, Shizuka was saved by Saeko Busujima, and would go on to join the group. But there was someone else that saved her. Someone that came around BEFORE Z-day. That person would become the light in Shizuka's eyes. The love of her life and the one she gave her entire heart too. Maccillian Silver Zaka. The wolf she and her bestfriend found in the woods. That one encounter changed her life forever, and she wouldn't have it any other way. She now follows the love of her life wherever he may go. Not for adventure, she will take them as they go, but solely to be with her love and sister mates.]

The summary was nice. And just seeing someone care so much about another made me feel warmth. But I knew, she was stronger then ALL of us. Even Nora, with her semblance backing her up only hit 320. If Shizuka transformed, Nora would be nothing to her. But Shizuka didn't seem the combat type. So that was good... It was THE OTHER wolf that was giving me a heart attack.

[Maccillian Silver Zaka - Level ?

Age 821

Race - ?

Hp - 30,000,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Strength - 300 (Currently restricted to 1/3rd)

Dexterity - 250 (Currently restricted to 1/3rd)

Vitality - 100,000

Intelligence - 280

Wisdom - 500

Charisma - 1,000

Luck - 150

Formerly known as Maccillian Thorn, a human that met his end the same day and on the same bus as The Gamer. With his wishes granted last, he was reborn as Muzaka. A king of his people, and the man responsible for the end of the war with Vampires. But he was more then that. His life was different, his experiences were different, and his story was different. He became his own person. Maccillian Thorn and Muzaka became one, and he became the man he is now.

Maccillian met Shizuka and Rika by accident. And that one meeting changed their world. The world he was dropped in experienced a great change. People meant to die, lived. Families meant to be broken were kept whole. A world facing its end was given a new chance. And Maccillian himself changed. Maccillian experienced love and vowed to earn all he was given even if it would kill him. He now travels the multiverse, looking for adventure and new power with the women he loves. He knows.]

Finding out this was someone from the bus was strange. I NEVER, thought I'd meet anyone from that crash. But here he was. But there was more. If the fact I couldn't see his level didn't scare me, then the fact his stats were HIGHER THEN EVERYONE HERE WHILE HE WAS WEAKENED DID. And don't even get me started on the rest of it! The 'He knows' bit almost made me run into an ID. I was going to lose it!

"SILVER! SILVEEER!" The screaming zoned me back into the current situation, and I almost wished it didn't. Running towards us, with the biggest swarm of griffins and Nevermore I'd ever seen, chasing behind her was the last person in my quest. After I took my eyes off the literal blanket of Grimm covering the sky, I reflexively used Observe on her.

[Rika Minami - Level ?

Age - 29

Hp - 820,000

Mp - 0

Ap - 0

Race - ?

Strength - 230

Dexterity - 280

Vitality - 240

Intelligence - 190

Wisdom - 270

Charisma - 250

Luck - 210

Former first squadron chief and member of the S.A.T, Rika Minami was the best sniper they had. She reached the list of top 5 in all of the JSDF with her skill and pure talent. Rika had known Shizuka since their college days, and when she was needed, she was there. Rika took Shizuka in, and took care of her like family. No matter what happened, Rika took care of Shizuka and those under her command. Before Z-day, Rika's life changed forever. In a casual trip to the woods, she met a wolf. And that wolf laughed at her.

From there, her world would change forever. Rika took time to test the wolf, and when he passed her tests, she adopted him. Silver. The name she and Shizuka had decided on. Silver became part of her home. Her family. And she would soon become his and much more. Rika was saved by Silver, and from there, her heart would be open for him just as much as it was for Shizuka. She now follows Silver and the rest of her sister mates, not only for adventure, not only for love, but to be there for them as Silver was for her.]

(Sure, just give me another one why don't you!?) The rest of the group started to panic, but not Maccillian or Shizuka. Shizuka just looked on as the swarm came closer, and Maccillian himself just looked amused.

"Rika... What the hell did you do?!" We were all tensed and readying our weapons, but I could still see Rika waving her sniper.

"I had to use more then usual! I got curious about how much it'd take to hurt the dragon, so I shot the dragon in its ass with half my aura, and it sent these fuckers at me! I'm tired, go deal with them!" Maccillian started laughing, and I heard someone choke.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Yeah Weiss, I had no damn clue what was happening either.

"Uh! No one panic! We can do this!" Ruby and her... Optimism. I'll go with that. Ruby and her optimism was helping no one. But someone was. Maccillian stopped laughing, and we all watched him step up, crack his neck, and smile.

"You owe me a basket of Scotch!"

"YEAH YEAH! NOW GET THESE FUCKERS OFF OF ME!" He laughed again, and we watched and felt his presence change. Blake, Velvet, and Sun whimpered as he took off his hoodie, threw it to Shizuka, and started to grow fur. His hair grew wild, his nails turned into claws, and my Danger Sense went wild... Oh... It leveled up twice... Oh god... It was still getting exp.

"Hmm... I wanted to save it for the dragon, but eh, fuck it." Danger Sense skipped a few levels after that, and almost maxed itself out. A gray coat of... Aura? It seemed similar, but it wasn't our version of aura, started to burst out of him, and it started to change.


"Then hit the deck sealgair!" Rika cursed a storm, and the rest of us were blown back. We all watched as Maccillian was encased in a shell of his aura, and it started to pulsate.

The Grimm chasing Rika started to slow. And as the shell took to the sky and grew, as legs and a body started to form, the Grimm started to decide this wasn't worth it. But it was too late. Maccillian became a gray wolf the size of a sky scrapper with glowing eyes and markings that blotted out the sky, and he howled. "The One True Wolf!" (Think of Muzaka's ultimate, but one he can use from both within and the way Muzaka did in the manwha.) And he ran.

And I was sure he broke the sound barrier.

One moment, he was right above us, the next, he was impacting the Grimm swarm and tearing through them like a blender. Wings and limbs fell from the sky, and after a minute, we saw Maccillian jump out of the wolf, and cock his fish back. I couldn't see it clearly, but I think he was grinning. "Clear the skies!" And he punched the sky. The aura wolf raced into the air, and with a final howl, the clouds cleared and anything in the sky fell out of it.

"It's always so pretty... If only it didn't hurt when I tried to touch it." Shizuka, the only one not thrown back from the pressure, just said that like we DIDN'T just see the most dangerous thing in this world. The rest of us were silent, except for Ruby... Ruby seemed a little... Too excited. I thought saw literal stars in her eyes after that. And when Maccillian came down from the sky, getting his sweater back from Shizuka, Ruby tackled him with his semblance.

"THAT WAS AWESOME! CAN YOU DO IT AGAIN!? PLEASEEE?!" I think I was actually losing HP at this point. My heart wasn't able to take this.

(I'M GOING TO HAVE A FUCKING HEART ATTACK! RUBY WHY DO YOU WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!?) I saw Yang have the same look, and we both tensed as we saw him raise his hand. But when he just pat Ruby on the head, and laughed? I relaxed a little. Only a little.

"Maybe tomorrow kid. Though you could watch me fight the dragon later." WHAT WAS HE SAYING TO HER?!

"YES!" Oh no.

(Gods help me. I can't take much more of this.)

[I can. This is great. Oh, and here's this.]

-Something wicked this way comes.-

Rewards - Random skill roll from 'Maccillian Silver Zaka', Werewolf(Noblesse) race change, 200k EXP, 200k Lien, 1 rare gacha ticket.

Level up!

Level up!

(Yay... I'll look at that when I'm not freaking the fuck out.)


Back to the situation, Rika had ended up coming over, and she smacked Maccillian upside the head, much to the fear of the rest of us. "What the fuck Silver!? 'Hit the deck' really!? How would YOU like it if I threw a goddam nuke at you huh?!" He snorted at that.

"I'd be fucking fine and we all know it. Anyway, remember the sniper scythe combo I told you about?" Both Rika and Ruby perked up at that, and we saw them look at each other. Ruby stared at Rika's rifle, and Rika stared at Crescent Rose. There seemed to be some secret conversation none of us were privy too, but after a few seconds of looking at each other, Ruby stopped hugging Maccillian, and hugged Rika. Said woman gave Ruby a side hug and nodded.

"Silver, we're keeping her." Huh?

"No Rika, we are not keeping the girl. I already said no to Shizuka, so you're not going to convince me either." Rika, and even Ruby, deflated at that.

"Oh come on Silver! She's one of mine!"

"Yeah! We're the same kind of people cool wolf guy!" Maccillian just looked between Ruby and Rika, and just turned to Shizuka. Then immediately turned back.

"Dammit. I should've brought Kohta. I'm fucking outnumbered." Ruby blinked, and Rika's eyes widened. I didn't even want to bring up the fact he was cursing around Ruby.

"Silver, you're going to get that kid later and we're spending a day sniping monsters." We watched Maccillian hold his head into his hands, and groan.

"I'm fucking stupid, I have to be." I was starting to feel better at this whole scene, but most of us were still scared.

"Who's Kohta?" They both looked to Ruby, and Rika smiled.

"Think of him like a guy version of us. If he saw a gun, he'd go crazy and tell you all about it, how to take it apart, how to put it back together, and everything else. Kid gives me a run for my money when we go have a shooting contest. You'll love em. Though he's already taken so sorry kid." Ruby went from ecstatic to blushing and stuttering like a little girl at the drop of a hat.

There was more about to happen, but then someones scroll started ringing. Everyone turned to it, and we saw it was Weiss'. After a second of awkward silence where none of us, other then Maccillian's group, moved Weiss picked it up. And that marked the start of Pyrrha's moment. That broke Ruby, and the rest of us out of our states, and we started to move.

"Ruby, can you get away from the wolf people that could swat us like flies? We need to bring Pyrrha and Jaune." Thank you Yang. Ruby looked between us and Maccillian's group, and was about to say something, but she stopped, blinked, and looked like she had an idea. Oh no.

"We can ride on their backs! I know the wolf guy is fast, not faster then me, but still pretty fast! We can get to the clock tower in minutes!" I saw Blake VISIBLY shrink at that.

"NO! I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR THAT MONSTER!" I couldn't tell if it was Blake's fear of dogs or the fact Maccillian was an actual monster, but she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

"Oh come on Blake! It's the fastest way for us to get there!" She had a point, she REALLY did, but again... Just no. Blake wasn't buying it either. Blake was about to open her mouth, but then she, Yang and I froze. There was shouting in the distance, and we saw her. Saeko was coming, and she was dragging Saya behind her. Saya herself was carrying a Mechashift whip and a knight behind her.

"SAEKO NO! I'M GOING TO DROP IT! DON'T MAKE ME DROP IT!" The 'it' was said knight, the same one from earlier if I was right. Saeko laughed at that, but kept running towards Maccillian. Said man was just looking at the scene amused. Rika laughed, and Shizuka giggled.

"My lord! We're here!" And they were, Saeko dropped Saya, much to her protest, and gave Maccillian a hug, which he returned. Though Saya went back to looking through the knight. Maccillian saw that, and hummed.

"What? No hi ceann beag?" Saya looked up from her knight, gave Maccillian a wave, and then went back to it.

"Happy now? I have things to do!" Maccillian just laughed again, pat her head, which earned him a grunt from Saya, and turned back to Ruby.

"I don't mind carrying people. I want to go fuck with that dragon anyway. Mo grá, wanna go with me? Or wanna keep Rika from getting herself in another situation like that?" Shizuka tapped her lips, then walked over to hug Rika.

"Have fun Silver!" He nodded, and changed back into a wolf. Ruby got on his back the moment he did, and that was enough for Yang and I. We both rushed forwards, and we got onto Maccillian's back.

"I don't trust you, but I'm leaving Ruby."

"I'm with Yang. I'm not letting Ruby be near you for too long. Who knows what could happen."

"Yin! Yang!" We ignored Ruby's whine and looked at him. We saw him shrug his shoulders, and then heard a laugh. From Saeko? Yang and I turned to her, and we saw her smiling at him.

"My lord, taking more mates hmm? Especially with all of us right here? How scandalous." Yang and I got it the moment she said that, but Ruby took a few seconds to get it. When she did, she went as red as her cape.

"W-Wh-WHAT! NONONO, This i-is, uh!" Rika laughed, at that.

"She's just fucking with you kid, ignore her." Ruby still went red, but she stopped stuttering now. Yang and I were too shocked to respond, but I shook it off first.

"Pyrrha first, all of... THIS, later. Please?" Maccillian hummed, and padded the ground, ready to move, then Weiss spoke up.

"I'm coming with you. And so is Blake, right Blake!?" Said girl went as stiff as possible, and slowly turned to look at Weiss.

"I-I u-u-m... C-Can I please say no?" Weiss huffed at that, and grabbed Blake by the arm.

"No. We're going. I refuse to leave my team with that... That thing. Who knows what could happen!" Blake tried to resist, but she got dragged along anyway.

"If Zaka or any of us wanted to do anything to you you'd already be dead. Shut up and go, you're annoying me." Weiss damn near tripped from Saya's words, and Blake shrunk again. Though, she had a point.

[She does. If you were targets he could easily kill all of you. Restricted as he is, he still has enough power to flick you to death with his pinkie.]

(Gee, thanks for the reassurance.)

[Whatever. Now go, I want to see the rest of you freak out some more.]

Sometimes I regretted asking for a system. But now wasn't the time for that. Weiss grumbled a bit, but she didn't rise to that statement. "What about us? We can't ALL fit on that dogs back." Which was true, but then Saeko laughed again.

"I wouldn't dare miss my lord fighting a dragon. I'm a little tired, but I can still keep up with my lord if we ran." Then she changed. A purple wolf was kind of cute, I just had to ignore the sword on her side, and the small splotches of blood in her fur. Weiss huffed, and dragged a near catatonic Blake onto Saeko's back. With us all ready, Saeko and Maccillian shared a look, a few barks, and then we were off.

Ruby was cheering, Yang was slowly starting to enjoy it, I was trying to ignore the fact I was on the back of someone who could probably sneeze Salem to death, and the Black and White duo were just frozen as we ran. I think Weiss just wasn't ready for the kind of speed these two ran at. Weiss herself can go fast with her glyph's, but these two? It's like we took a lambo and gave it an ungodly amount of speed!

It took us hardly any time to get to the clock tower. The moment they stopped, Maccillian barked at Saeko, with a laugh? I saw Saeko roll her eyes, but nod anyway. Though I was brought out of that when Blake jumped and ran as far as she could without just leaving us behind. The rest of us got off, Ruby hugged Maccillian by his neck before she did, and we were there. Pyrrha hadn't destroyed the top of the tower in her fight with Cinder yet, so that was a good sign.

"So, while you kids figure out how to get up there, I'm going to fight me a dragon. See ya!" Huh? We all turned to Maccillian, saw him coating his legs in aura, then kick off the ground and fly like a rocket. "See you up there mo lann! And again, I won!" Huh?

I noticed Saeko was still with us, and I saw her lick her lips as she gripped her blade tighter. "The nerve of my lord. But if that's how he wants to play, then fine. It seems I'll need to get Shizuka to help me punish him the next time we have our fun." Huh? Saeko went into her Werewolf transformation, and started running up the clock tower. The rest of us just watched these events happen, not saying a word.

After a second, Weiss shook her head, and made the glyphs for Ruby and the rest of us to run up. Weiss decided to stay behind, but that was fine. "Hey Yin?"

"Yea Yang?"

"When'd things get crazy?"

"... When we got on a bullhead with Ruby."

"HEY!" We ignored said little sister's interruption.

"Ah... Atleast it's cool crazy." I almost tripped.


"Oh come on! Now that I'm not scared out of my mind, that move was the coolest thing we've ever seen!" Uh oh. After Yang said that, Ruby started to vibrate.

"RIGHT!? He was all like WHOOSH and then WHA-BLAM, and they were gone! It. Was. AWESOME!" Of course Ruby would focus on that. It's not like that move could wipe Vale off the map if he threw it towards the city.

"How are you so calm!? Those people are dangerous! They could kill us all without batting an eye!" And Blake was right. But Ruby and somehow, Yang, didn't seem to mind.

"Eh, the girl with the Qipao had a point. If they WANTED us dead, then we're dead. I don't FEEL dead, so I'll just roll with it... Then maybe panic later." Blake was going to say something, probably disagree, but then the roof exploded, and we heard the dragon roar, followed by the sound of a howl echo across the night. From where we were, halfway up, we saw something get sent flying, and then it stopped... Oh, it was Maccillian in his Werewolf form.

He was missing a...- It finished healing and came back in a second, other then that, he was fine. He had his claws and fangs barred, and looked towards the dragon, and grinned. "THE HUNT IS ON!" And charged forwards into the Grimm dragon.

The rest of us kept running, and eventually, we made it to the top... And saw Pyrrha with an arrow in her leg, and base Saeko fighting Cinder. (We're not even needed here are we?)

We ran over to Pyrrha, and huddled around her. "What... What is going on?" That was the question now wasn't it? But unfortunately, none of us had an answer for her.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE MONSTER!?" Seeing Cinder try to shoot Saeko in the head was strange. I knew I couldn't take her as I was, but Saeko? She said she was tired before, but I can't tell that when she's dodging around obsidian spikes and blasts of magic like its nothing.

"Oh I don't know. Perhaps you aren't trying hard enough. But keep trying. Fighting against magic is FUN." The response just set Cinder off more. Saeko wasn't even using her Werewolf form, she was dancing around Cinder like she was a kid throwing a tantrum. "Hm... However, you're not as fun... All that power, and you flail it around. No real purpose to it, just throwing it around... These projectiles and obsidian weapons are a threat... But not the magic... That's moderately disappointing."

(Is she...? No... She's serious... The fucking MAGIC isn't the threat?) Saeko's words just seemed to snap something in Cinder, and she erupted with magic. Saeko was blasted by it, and sent flying. Though she recovered in the air, and laughed.

"THERE IT IS! GIVE ME MORE OF THAT!" Saeko dove with her blade in hand towards Cinder, who started making legions of obsidian spears to skewer Saeko with. Cinder sent them at Saeko, and we watched them fly into, and through her. Though Saeko avoided having her head pierced by slashing the spear that came close, the rest of her body wasn't that lucky.

She came down and we could see THROUGH her at some points. Ruby looked like she'd hurl, Yang and Blake weren't that far behind, and Pyrrha looked distraught. I was cheating, but I was still a little squeamish. Cinder looked overjoyed, probably thinking Saeko was done for, but then we saw and heard it.

Saeko stabbed her blade into the ground, and started to laugh. It was horrible. It was this wet throaty laugh that shouldn't have been possible, but it was. "You! You are the best! It seems I need everything to break you!" Cinder looked pissed, but then she flinched. Saeko went into Werewolf form, raised her blade, and started cackling in glee. "DON'T BREAK TOO SOON!"

Then she moved.

She moved faster then Ruby could.

Then Cinder's aura broke. And her arm fell off. Cinder screamed, and we saw Saeko re-appear by Cinder's side, and the grin on her face was terrifying. Yang covered Ruby's eyes, and Blake shrunk into my side.

"Come on, get up. We're not done yet." Cinder screamed at Saeko, and sent a blast of magic towards her. But she missed. Saeko's speed was near the 4 digit range... She was faster then any of us could see... But we saw the cuts making their way onto Cinder's body. They kept 'fighting' for another minute or two, and I covered Ruby's ears when Cinder started to scream again. Saeko was tearing into Cinder, and I was terrified of what I was seeing.

[Trauma negated by Gamer's Mind]

(THAT'S NOT HELPING AS MUCH AS IT SHOULD!) I wasn't sure how long Saeko toyed with Cinder, but at some point, she got bored. And she plunged her sword into Cinder's head. Killing her. We saw the maiden powers flow up to Saeko, and then pause. The powers just stayed frozen in the air... And then FLEW towards Pyrrha. (Don't assume the power was frightened of her. Just don't.)

With that done, Saeko sighed, then dropped her Werewolf form... And promptly collapsed onto the ground. She started laughing again, and just looked up to the sky. "MY LORD! THIS WORLD IS TRULY FUN!" Oh god... Maccillian was still somewhere.

I looked up, and saw it. The Grimm dragon was spiraling towards the ground, and he was chasing it. His body was clad in his aura, and I saw his arms were bent the wrong way for a second before they healed. He paused for a bit after Saeko's shout, and we saw his grin grow. "RIGHT?! I GET TO ACTUALLY FIGHT SOMETHING INSTEAD OF KILLING IT IN ONE HIT!"

(Oh god... He has Saitama syndrome.) Then he paused, and I swore he muttered 'Saitama.' (System. Remind me to never go to the world of One Punch Man.)

[I'll be sure to set the world to One Punch Man while he's there. Thanks for the idea.]

(What have I done?)


"'Campione!' Atleast he has taste." I got brought out of my thoughts when Saeko started laughing even more. Someone getting excited at the thought of killing a god was even more unsettling.

Maccillian and the Grimm dragon collided, and it sounded like someone shot a canon. Then, a few moments later, the Grimm dragon was sent flying upwards. Maccillian came up after it, and it looked like he was being trailed by a pack of aura wolves. "EAT YOUR HEART OUT STARRK! GET EM BOYS!" The wolves barked, and they all ran towards the Grimm dragon... And as I watched that, I just sighed.

"Screw it. Atleast this is cool."

"Got that right sis." I'll just let Yang have that.

[Omake - The best toys Saya's POV]

"Hm... If I tried to replicate something like this back home, It'd probably blow up in my face. Some of these materials are similar, but this metal, I'll need to tear some more of these apart and stockpile it... I'll have to ask Zaka to get me something to store all of this." The robot I was looking at was probably the most advanced thing I'd ever seen. There were those 'scroll' things they had, but this took the cake.

I heard some of the natives muttering about something, but I was too zoned out to pay them any mind. This world was more advanced then ours, Zaka said as much, but this was different. I could recognize some of the parts used, how some of the internals were structured, and even some of the materials.

"Hey Saya?" Rika brought me out of my musings, and I was curious why.

"Yes Rika?"

"A whip huh?" I blinked. I had the mechashift whip by my side as I was looking at the knight, and the way Rika said that told me she wasn't curious about the thing itself. She was insinuating something. It took me a second, but I got it.

"Yes. And? I think I'd look pretty good with a whip?" Which I would. A small part of me liked the idea of using one, on things and on Saeko, but they didn't need to know THAT.

Rika grinned at me, and I saw the way her eyes shinned. "Nothing. Just curious is all. You've never used one back home."

"New world, new discoveries."

"Uhuh. 'discoveries.' Maybe some more... Stimulating discoveries?" She KNEW. I cleared my throat and looked away from Rika. Then I heard a hum... From Shizuka, and knew I had to prepare myself.

"I wonder if Silver would use one on me." I WASN'T PREPARED ENOUGH. Whenever we had sex, Shizuka liked being dominated, sort of like Saeko, but sort of more in a way. Shizuka was DEMANDING. And the thought of having her ORDER one of us, or Zaka to whip her gave me an image that wasn't suitable for the situation.

"You know... All you have to do is tell him, and he'll do it. We all know 9/10 times, he won't refuse you. He's already used up the one for saying no to keeping the kid." Rika had a point. Shizuka knew it, I knew it, and Rika knew it. I heard Shizuka hum, and I ignored the image I was getting, and went back to my robot. I could think about the other... 'Toys' later.