
Wolf Bloodline

King Einar, the astonishing king of the great and only continent, one day decided to choose a new heir to his kingdom from among his five most precious sons. By giving each of them different duties, King Einar did something unchangeable and unimaginable that day. He gave them an order and not only a task or a quest to accomplish, but he also wanted his sons to accomplish their duty with maturity, with honor, and with pride. But nothing, he wanted to do went in order, just because of his son. The eldest and most powerful brother, "Yores", opposed this situation. He decided that it would be better, if the King gave them a second chance. But everything was chosen, and he found himself another solution to conquer his biggest rival. Lost, against anything that he wanted to win. So he made a deal with the most powerful lineage, "The Apocalypse Lineage," to take the throne. And by obtaining power, he started a rebellion. After Yores took the throne, he ruled the people in such a manner for years, damaged many relationships and made himself the evilest person to ever be seen. But even his reign, came to an end. A wolf descendant, one of the strongest lineage's people, challenged Yores. Jiro, the strongest person among bloodlines. He was so brave, so strong, and so dauntless. He was someone who changed many things. The Battle of Jiro and Yores continued for three days exactly, and their battle, being heard all over the continent, changed the entire world. But the real story to be told was only beginning....

ASW · Fantasy
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286 Chs

Lezlie's Past (Pelena)

Eighteen years ago, when the continents were still united, the enemy lineages were increasing their attacks a month before my childbirth. At that time, my father, one of the three chefs, visited me at my home.

As my father entered the house, he approached me with a cheerful expression and asked, "Pelena, how are you and the little one? Are you both okay?"

"Dad, we're fine, but it's a little difficult to walk. What about the kingdom? Will they send help?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, the King can't help us because of the distress caused by the bloodline of destruction," my father replied.

"I understand that he had to deal with so many enemies, but couldn't he at least send some allies to help us get out?" I asked.

"My daughter, we all know that the King gave his word, but it is not easy to do anything in this situation, especially for him, because it is not only the lineage of destruction he is dealing with."

My father was right, the king's choice of a new heir, the rebellion of the other clans, it all seemed to come out of nowhere. I knew it was difficult but I wanted to do something for our people.

"But our people need help!" I protested.

"I understand how you feel, but don't worry, we have a plan," he said.

"Let me guess, a plan to separate the people?" I asked.

"How did you know that? I never told you," he said.

"In a situation like this, I just guessed."

"Yeah, We're thinking of moving some of our group to the East. This way, most people can be safer and more comfortable," my father explained.

"Wait a minute, you never talked to me about our village issues after I got pregnant, and now all of a sudden you're talking to me about village issues," I realized.

"I, uhhhh..." my father hesitated.

"Don't tell me you want me to go with them," I said.

"Pelena. Please. I am asking you not as a chief, but as a father. Only until the war is over," my father pleaded.

"I don't want to leave our home!" I said firmly.

Just as my father was about to say something to me, one of the villagers burst into the house, shouting, "Chief, our village is under attack!"

"What? The Death Bloodline again?" my father asked.

"Yes, but there are more of them this time," the villager replied.

My father hurried to the door and said, "Call the other two chiefs. Get the children and women to safety."

"Dad, let me come too," I pleaded.

"No, you're not coming. It's too dangerous for you, especially since you're still pregnant," my father replied.

"But I want to help," I insisted.

"Pelena, no means no," he said firmly.

Then, my father used his magic to carry me into the room and locked the door. Despite my persistent knocking, he ignored me and left the house. Because of his strong powers, it was impossible for me to open the door. I looked around for another way out, but there was no escape. I felt angry and frustrated, but there was nothing I could do.

"Aaaaah! Dammit!"

Even though I couldn't use my magic much, I still wanted to help, but my father was determined to keep me here and I couldn't do anything about it.

After a short nap, I woke up to find the door was open. Unsure of how long I had slept, I had an urge to go out and help people.

It was dark outside and unnaturally quiet. I saw a little girl lying on the ground to my left. Rushing over to her, I turned her face towards me to check her condition. Her face looked familiar, like mine but different. As I pondered this, a horse-drawn carriage on fire hurtled towards us without a horse. I tried to move, but I couldn't. Bracing for impact, I covered the girl and myself with my body.

Suddenly, someone leaped in front of us and used an arrow to shoot at the carriage's wheel. The carriage changed direction, and we survived. I recognized the archer, my husband.

"Honey, this child is injured, I need your help," I said.

"Seinch, Hey! Didn't you hear me?" But he didn't answer. I turned to him and saw him covered in blood. He fell to the ground next to me. I shook him, calling out his name, but he just smiled at me and said, "Pelana, something big is coming."

I woke up sweating, realizing it was just a dream. My husband was shaking me to wake up.

"Pelena, are you okay? you seemed to have lost yourself," he said.

"Good to know you're okay. I had a terrible dream."

"Don't worry, dear, I'm here for you," he said, and he reassured me.

He handed me a glass of water, and I drank it before asking about the village's attack.

"We managed to repel the enemy, but we have several wounded. They'll come back, but don't worry about it now."

My father had suggested we evacuate, but I was hesitant. And I wanted to talk to my husband about it.

"Do you know about my father's plan?"

"I know it sounds ridiculous, but we need to get people out of here to keep them safe. As much as I don't want to, your father is right about this. We need to protect what's ours for now."

Before I could argue, I sensed something coming. it was like my stomach was moving.

"It's coming," I said.

"What's coming?" he asked.

"The child."