
Wolf's Zone

A young girl, Letty Black, understands that the last thing she remembers is her father's death. Her childhood, teen years, first kiss, and first love are a tabula rasa. Her memories are gone, and no matter what she did and how many qualified doctors she had seen, there's no progress in getting her memories back except for strange dreams: an unknown city, a handsome blond man with magnificent blue-brown eyes, and... wolves...? What do all those dreams mean? Is she mad, or that's a hidden world under her nose?

_Himari_Nora_ · Fantasy
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125 Chs

The unexpected danger

I found out that all the girls and boys, who were busy playing around the fire, now were looking up at the hill, where we heard roars. The first one to react was William. He jumped at his two and looked around, searching for anyone willing to go there with him. I jumped right after him, then turned around and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I will go with you," he immediately turned at my words and arched an eyebrow. He even opened his mouth to protest me going there, but I was first to talk, "You can't command me, remember? I don't belong to your Pack, and my status is a bit higher than yours."

I said those words just to remember to him that he can't command me, and not to put him down in front of everyone. He bowed his head, then turned around, called a few guys, and they got closer.

"Letty, Adam, Chad, Aaron and I will go up on the hill to check the situation. The rest stay here and protect each other," he commanded, then looked at me. I just shrugged, meaning I'm not aiming to be the head of the group or anything, so he pointed at the hill. We all got there and looked around for a path.

"Right there," I pointed at it, and William got closer. Three other guys were left behind our backs.

"You go with me," he said, looking at me, then looked back at those guys, "You three after us."

They just nodded, so William started climbing up on the hill when we heard roars coming from the up again. We could hear two separate roars, as if two wolves were communicating with each other.

"What can it be?" I muffled, following William's steps and being right behind his back. He was climbing up to the hill and still protecting me, as if waiting someone from the up can attack us.

"Could be a duel between two werewolves. This place is pretty popular among duelers," he explained, then hid his hands in his pockets. Even if he was a werewolf, he had some gray unbuttoned shirt over his dark orange T-shirt and gray jeans. When he put his hands in his pockets, his shirt lift, revealing some kind of tattoo on the back of his waist. However, I didn't want to stare at him for too long, so I moved my eyes down to my own feet, trying to step carefully to not cause more troubles.

"Are there any specific reason to start a duel?" I was burning with curiosity to get some more information about werewolves' world to not look like a fool. I'm not sure about my future, but if everything will go as it goes, and I'll become Aiden's mate officially… Moreover, if I'm going to lead the Pack with him, I need to show my full understanding of the world I live in. This is not the human world, and some rules may not work.

The sooner I'll catch with the local rules, the better. I should be ready for everything.

"Mostly," William started, attracting my attention, "There are duels for woman, territory, pack, and death."

The last word attracted my attention more than others. Duels for death? Is it real? I thought duels for death were existing only in Medieval times between Knights, but in modern times?

However, I'm no longer in the human world. This one is different.

{Nail it, Letty!}

His explanation over the existing types of duels only created more question in my head, but we almost reached the hill, and we didn't know what to expect. So, William hasn't forgotten to give his last commands before climbing at the road.

"If there would be any danger for you, don't transform in your wolf form! Run down to the crowd, got it, Princess?" he was so persuasive that I didn't even have doubts what to do if there would be danger for me. And I didn't need any explanations, as I already knew that if anyone will mark my she-wolf, I'll lose Aiden as a mate. And that's not what gonna happen!

I just nodded, so he turned around and got straight to the road, then held me his hand. I stood right beside him and looked around. We saw two not too big werewolves standing in front of each other's in attacking poses, ready to jump at each other and tore to pieces. It was easy to understand from their looks and pose in which each of them were standing, but they weren't looking scary.

They were like two kids fighting for a toy.

"What's the matter?" William asked, but none of them reacted. Moreover, one of the wolves, who had slightly dirty fur, probably from the mud, jumped at his opponent. The second one didn't have time to react and think carefully, so he jumped aside and happened to be right near me, his tail hit my legs so hard I immediately felt pain. Someone caught me from my back, while William took the wolf with the fur of a sand color by his tail, pulled it back, so the wolf turned around and sharpened his teeth from pain.

"I asked, what's the matter?" the Beta repeated, then easily took the first wolf with dirty fur by his throat, and slightly squeezed it. Then, I heard wolf roar coming from the human throat for the first time in my life. It sounded like a real wolf roar, and I had no doubts at it being a real one.

A man who was holding me, let me go, then caught one of the wolves, who was trying to escape, and pressed him to the ground with his knee. I looked around, and caught one of the guys who were climbing with us to the hill, staring at me. His eyes were light-amber, and had some different color from the eyes of the wolf from Aiden's Pack. I arched an eyebrow and made a few steps away from him.

"Don't be afraid," I heard his voice, then he bowed his head at me as if giving his respect, "I'm from Victor's Pack."

"One of the sniffers they sent to investigate the forbidden territory?" I specified, still being aside from him and the other guy, who was typing something in his phone.

"Yeah," the man said, then held me his hand, "Aaron."

"Letty," I said, shook his hand, then looked at William and another guy, that were holding two wolves.

However, when I looked at them, I saw two naked guys instead of the wolves. I cowered my eyes with my hand, hearing a chuckle not far away from me.

"Believe me, there's nothing to see at," Aaron whispered at me ear, and I immediately kicked him with my elbow to the chest, and stepped away.

"Don't come so close to me!" I warned him, and looked furiously at William, "Can't you at least cover their manhood?"

"What have I done?" Aaron hissed from pain, stroking his chest, trying to ease the pain. I haven't reacted, looking furiously at William. He put one guy on the ground, then took another one, and covered both of them with his gray shirt. Then, he tied them to the three behind their back with his belt, and looked at Aaron.

"Don't come close to my Alpha's mate, or I'll tie you to that tree naked as well," he warned him, then got closer to me. I could easily see a dragon tattoo in his shoulder and arm, and on his tanned skin it was looking impressive.

{I wonder why dragon?}

"They were fighting for a girl, who couldn't choose between the two of them. Adam wrote a message to her, so she can come and get the two of them, and then decide," he said hastily, standing near me, and looking over as if searching for any wounds.

"Why you tied them?" I asked, looking in his gray eyes.

"If the duels weren't approved by the Alpha or the Duel Committee, they aren't allowed. Those two decided to make a duel without warning anyone, and will pay for that. Aiden will be informed as soon as he'll be back to the Pack," William said looking at his watch, "He should be still in the forbidden forest."

"But he wrote me they checked the hut, and it's safe?" I suddenly felt worried.

"They had some more tasks here. He'll tell you if he'll want," William said abruptly, then looked at Aaron, Adam, and the third guy whose name fell out of my head. He pointed at those two duelers, then down at the beach, grabbed my arm and led me down.

However, I protested and stopped.

"Can I go to the hotel? I don't feel very comfortable there?" I crossed my hands over my chest, giving him a hind I won't go there. My reason to go there has nothing to do with the girls, whom I wanted to know better. The reason is there are a lot of guys like Aaron and I definitely can't be sure they won't bite me pretending they were helping me.

I felt Aaron's breath on my neck at that moment, and I can't be sure I'm safe there.

What do you guys think about the current situation? Why Letty felt danger coming from Aaron? Who he really is?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

_Himari_Nora_creators' thoughts