
Wolf's Zone

A young girl, Letty Black, understands that the last thing she remembers is her father's death. Her childhood, teen years, first kiss, and first love are a tabula rasa. Her memories are gone, and no matter what she did and how many qualified doctors she had seen, there's no progress in getting her memories back except for strange dreams: an unknown city, a handsome blond man with magnificent blue-brown eyes, and... wolves...? What do all those dreams mean? Is she mad, or that's a hidden world under her nose?

_Himari_Nora_ · Fantasy
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125 Chs

The dugout

If Xander's words about my father being alive are true, that explains a lot of things, as well as raise a lot of question. Why he made me and all the others believe he died? Was it some kind of payment from the Moon God for changing my destiny and postponing my death? Moreover, where he was hiding all those years, and why decided to show up only now? Why he made me cry for his death and live among humans all this time if I could live happily among werewolves? Yes, I know that we have black-and-white lines in our life which represent happy life and life problems, but was a life without a mother so happy? I know he did his best to make me have a happy childhood, but still, it wasn't as sweet as happy as everyone might have thought.