
Wolf's Zone

A young girl, Letty Black, understands that the last thing she remembers is her father's death. Her childhood, teen years, first kiss, and first love are a tabula rasa. Her memories are gone, and no matter what she did and how many qualified doctors she had seen, there's no progress in getting her memories back except for strange dreams: an unknown city, a handsome blond man with magnificent blue-brown eyes, and... wolves...? What do all those dreams mean? Is she mad, or that's a hidden world under her nose?

_Himari_Nora_ · Fantasy
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125 Chs

A gift or a curse?

I went outside the car and looked at Aiden and William coming out of it. They exchanged looks, then William went upstairs while Aiden came closer to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it.

"Don't be mad at my behavior on the farm," he said, and I kissed his cheek.

"Don't be mad about my talk in the car," we both smiled, then I looked at my watch, "Let's meet for dinner in the house?"

"Sure," he kissed my forehead, then went upstairs, following William. I saw Christ and Matt coming to the Pack House as well and understood they were having the meeting. However, I didn't have any desire to be present there, so I turned around and decided to walk in the Pack and continue my morning self-chosen task. The air in the forest was clean and fresh. Birds sang as there was a light breeze. It ruffled my red hair and blew it in the wind.