
Wolf's Element

There's four elements. Two to rule them all. A shewolf from the most powerful pack and a hewolf an omega from an average pack. Will their parents allow it.

alyxandreachee · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The meeting

POV Luna

"Luna come back your dad said I had to take care of you",one of the solider said from a distance.

Luna is no girl to sit down and look pretty although she does look pretty. She is athletic and can take down solider easily.

Luna hiding in a bush in wolf form pounces with all of her might onto the solider. She ran off into the woods leaving her solider on the ground. Luna ran to the fence separating the lands.

And that's when she saw him Luna looking at him. Suddenly she says "mate" shocked she notice he has a yellow tail but she has a blue one shocked and taken aback.

POV Helios

I come to the river to escape from the pack. Being an omega is very hard. Then He noticed a shewolf then he realized that the shewolf had a blue tail taken aback he sits and stares for a while until he whispers "mate". Once again shocked he walks back only to see the shewolf walk back too.