
Wolf's Element

There's four elements. Two to rule them all. A shewolf from the most powerful pack and a hewolf an omega from an average pack. Will their parents allow it.

alyxandreachee · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Deep trouble

It turns out her mother decided to take a visit to her daughter and Luna was taken a back.

To see her mother waiting at he porch.

She asked where she went she lied that she went to the park for some fresh air.

She let her mother in and then she sat down to sit they talked for awhile and then she left. Less stressed and relaxed.

Getting ready to sleep almost dead. without hesitation she fell asleep because night like these are quite rare because Luna suffers from insomnia but it isn't as bad as some people.

After that it was a pretty good year they would meet everonce in awhile.