
Wolf's Blood

After being defeated by a mysterious Hero who came to to kill her queen, the lone Fey in attempts to kill the Hero transfered her soul into the body of what she thought to be a dead human woman, and she was so close too. But unknowingly the soul of the woman was still there and by her reviving the body, it revived her, trapping the Fey in her, and forcing her to be sealed for some time. When waking up from an unknown amount of time in the woman, her life began again, and as the woman in which she unknownly saved gave birth to a healthy son, not even the Fey knew, that her soul took the new body. Now born in the same lands she had always been in, her kin murdered and only her left to remember them, she is born into a new family, and "He" has a new life to begin. But something still haunts the Fey, and it was the Hero. So with a new power and vast knowledge, he starts a new journey to gather the power to kill the Hero, and take everything he holds dear like how he took his. * * * * * * With an overall mission in his mind, a new influence beheads him, his life as a beast, and his duty to his new tribe, but the past still haunts him, an this one does too. . . . . . . . . . . Hey everyone, how's it going, I'm trying to do something new in which I haven't really done before, so I'll be glad for any support that comes my way, also this is a breif statement as this is a adventure and action type novel that also goes over all other types of tropes as well. So I'm glad to have y'all on board, and let's do this! Also Cover not mine, found it on Pinterest...

ColdApple · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New Life

Falling asleep once more after being attacked by the eyeless moon-snake, she could actually feel this time around, she had regained an actual sense. Only one.

And as she felt like she was being digested and just strangled all around, it was like she was being eaten by a snake, she felt like she was actually gonna die.

She couldn't breathe, and she was being squished.

Yet at the same time, that tightness losensed up for a moment only to clamp down on her an then push her.

It was odd, and she tried breathing only to suffocate.

Her mouth was filled with a strange fluid as she opened it, to spit it out at its vulgar taste, trying again, the same thing happened, she was submerged too.

Or so she thought, and after what felt like forever, she felt a chilling breeze on the top of her head, to spread.

And as she had, something gripping her head, to pulse and ach as it was trying to pull her back in.

And trying to move her arms to escape, she couldn't

She was smashed, only to let the process do it's thing, but she needed air, she needed it desperately.

And after second, and a pull, something large grabbed her head, she was open to this chilling feeling of air, and she gasped for it, desperately.

Trying to breathe as difficult it was from being eaten.

But that was the only thought in her mind, 'Breathe' she told herself over and over again, gathering it all.

And as she did, she heard, a bit muffled, "there has already been three of them, is there any more?" a gentle but impatient voice was heard as she was picked up and moved somewhere else... But, what did they mean, she could barely even hear them?

And as she was layed on a table, able to feel the metal, after gasping for air, hearing a roar from the side, and a lot of screaming... But ignoring it all.

Her thoughts, not all there, but conscious, said, "I'm alive, my body, I can feel it, I'm longer stuck as a soul" she spoken out in her mind, becoming overly happy.

But that's when she heard crying for the first time, she looked next to her, but her head didn't move, it was too heavy, and as she saw a blur, it was a small?

Losing her senses once more, she fell asleep, only to wake up again, to hear, "Five, she gave birth to five of them? Now what do we do, how do we report this?"

A feminine voice said meekly, but then a masculine one came next, "The lord will be pleased, I'll report back to him soon, but the wolf needs to rest first, it must have been hard birthing five children at once"

Upon hearing those muffled words, "Huh?" She thought, right before glancing to both her sides to see more blurred colors, "Wait... I was just born! What?!"

"Now as for the report, it's simple, five healthy male werewolves were just born. The alpha, their mother has already agreed to hand them over to us as long as we provide for them, and not toss them or her"

The man said, and she the woman with him spoke.

"I really don't get what the master is thinking though? Sure, maybe keeping them around will mask us out, so that the other packs won't know that we relocated here, but what about if they decide to turn against us, that woman's an alpha, this isn't going to end well..."

She spoke and the Fey started losing her mind.

"Luckily our lord already thought of that, but have you ever heard that wolves have fated mates, we're going to manipulate that so they submit to us... Through-"

But just as she was about to hear about their grand scheme, the Fey passed out, this was too much for her, and she was not handling it well either, not now.

But thankfully for them, she was a baby, well, more like he was a baby now, and that saved them as he hadn't any clue how to do anything in this body.

So as he spend the next few weeks being taken care of by these mysterious people, the baby who hadn't cried, even after birth, came to a greater realization.

'I'm a mutt... My life is over...' they... Didn't actually.

Instead, they fell into a pit of dispair just now.

Story Choices:

A. A few chaps as a baby(Baby's Quests)

B. Pov of another character after his birth.

C. Suggestion to the story(Your wants)

D. Skip to main story fluff.

E. Let me decide(Answer C. Excluded)

ColdApplecreators' thoughts