
Wolf's Bane

I tried to turn and escape, but found my legs wouldn't move. I glanced down and saw the once gurgling stream had turned black and was winding itself around my legs, pinning them to the ground. The screeching grew louder as the man neared the edge of the stream and continued through the black mess easily as if it were land. He halted in front of me, each screech louder than the last, as he raised the knife and- I opened my eyes, my alarm clock's shrieking bouncing off the walls of my room. ******* Corren Parks is a normal girl with normal problems. She has loving parents and the greatest best friend a girl could ask for. With only the hope of finishing her senior year at Willimesh High, Corren feels she has nothing to worry about. That is until a strange dream, a dangerous boy, and a mystery leads her to question everything she thought she knew. Book 1. ///WARNING/// This story contains some scenes that may be too much for some people (murder, violence, some slightly steamy jazz, and language). I'll be sure to give warning beforehand in the chapter. Please keep this in mind if you choose to read.

PheePhee · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2

I slammed my hand over the snooze button, silencing the alarm clock's piercing wails. I groaned and dragged my hands over my face. That's that third time I've had that dream, I realized. I laid there a moment to calm my racing heart, then glanced at the clock.

"Shit," I swore.

7:45 am. I bolted out from underneath the covers and raced to my bathroom door. Stuffing my toothbrush into my mouth, I hurried over to my "closet" (I say that because it is more like a pile of clean clothes, still in a basket mind you, that I shove behind the closet doors). I dug through the mound of clothing and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a dark red t-shirt with the words "no thanks" written on the front. I tossed the bundle onto my bed before rushing back to the bathroom. I finished brushing my teeth and rushed back out to my bed. Only after I was completely dressed did I realize I forget a bra. I huffed in irritation and dragged my shirt off back over my head, when I heard the front door open and my mom shouting my name.

"Corren? Alex is here," she called. I shoved my head out a crack in the door, struggling to hook my bra at the same time.

"Well tell him to come on up!" I shouted back.

I closed the door with my hip and finally hooked my bra. I was just pulling my shirt back over my head when Alex burst through the door.

"Ren? Dude, we're gonna be late," he said as he watched me tug my shirt down. Alex and I have been best friends since we were eight. Ten years later and we still do everything together, so I was not at all embarrassed when he walked through the door. Even so, that did not stop the faint blush that spread across his cheeks as he walked over to my desk and grabbed my backpack.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I overslept again," I said, giving him an apologetic look.

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, my backpack slung over his shoulder.

I sighed. "How can I make it up to you?" I asked, walking over to where he stood by my desk and grabbed my coat off the chair. He gave me another look and I sighed again.

"Fine, I'll buy lunch today. Happy?" I grumbled.

"Ecstatic," he crooned as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and ushered me to the door. "We'd better get moving though, we have—" he glanced at the clock," ten minutes to get to class."

I swore again.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go!" I said, a teasing grin on my face.

Alex rolled his eyes.


I laughed as I flew down the stairs. Mom was in the kitchen when I breezed through, stopping only to kiss her on the cheek. Once I had disappeared around the corner to tug on my worn black sneakers, I heard Alex enter the kitchen.

"See you later Carol," I heard him say to my mom. She chuckled. "Yes, see you later Alex. Make sure she stays out of trouble, ok?"

I could hear his smile when he replied, "Will do."

Alex rounded the corner just as I finished lacing my shoes. He held out a hand to help me up and I grabbed it, letting him pull me to my feet. He opened the door and we walked through, headed towards his old red Ford that was parked out front. I opened the passenger side door and hopped in. Alex threw my backpack onto my lap and closed the door. I watched him round the front of the truck and pull open the drivers door. He placed the key in the ignition and the engine revved up.

"So," he said, turning to me a sheepish grin on his lips.

"While we're on the topic of lunch....."