
Wolf’s Bane: A Fallen’s Life

A female soldier is betrayed and sent into a death trap by her allies. She manages to kill her way out but not before receiving a fatal blow. Upon death, she wishes that she’ll be able to live the way she wants in her next life. Much to her own surprise, her wish is granted and she wakes up in a forest inside a different world as a creature called a Fallen, part human and part beast. She’s excited to have her past life’s memories, but she has yet to realize just how hard her new life will be. Fallens are seen as cursed, and are hunted because of that. In order to live how she wants, she’ll first have to get rid of the obstacles in her way and change the course of her destiny as a whole.

GPowers1316 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Thirteen: Vs Bandits(?)

The bandits were closing in on all sides. The knight and the two girls she was protecting were all that left. Sweat dripped from the female knight's face and the small girls cowered in fear.

"You could just give up, you know? We might be a bit gentler if your cooperative," said the leader.

He was dressed in animal pelts and leather armor. He had a brow beaded with similarly colored hair and eyes. He carried a claymore that was resting on his shoulder as he looked at the three in front of him with a smug grin.

"Well isn't that an interesting offer coming from a disgusting waste of a human?" a voice said from above.

All of them looked up to be greeted by a girl standing on the edge of a rock that spired above them. The girl had long, wild white hair, pale skin, and beautiful, golden eyes. She was dressed in light brown rags that were torn in some areas, but covered what they needed to. In her arms, she was carrying a black slime bigger than a soccer ball. She had a toothy grin on her face as she stared at the sight below her.

"Who the hell are you, kid?"

"Hey boss, she's kinda pretty. Don't you think we can sell her for a pretty gold or two, as well?"

Fate's eyes narrowed to the bandit that said that, sending a chill up his spine, "Ugly creep." She jumped down and landed in between the bandits and their prey, "Like hell, if let these pretty girls and myself get molested and sold off like prices of meat to a disgusting life form like you."

"What did you say, you bitch?!"

Fate smirked, "You know, you're the second human to call me that and it's starting to piss me off."

"Oh, and what are you gonna do about it, little girl?" the leader asked.

"While you are right about me being a little girl, I'm also… a bit of a monster," Fate said with a smirk as her body began to shift.

A long, fluffy, white wolf tail emerged from above her butt. A pair of wolf ears came out the top of her head as her human ears disappeared. Her nails grew into claws as fur grew on her arms and legs. Finally, her teeth sharped and her pupils narrowed.

Both of the sides were shocked. They had no idea that this girl was a fallen. The girl with long gold hair and blue eyes was thinking that she looked incredibly cute, to the point that she wanted to pet Fate. However, the bandits were getting a different sensation. They felt a chill run down their spines as Fate glared at them in her true form. It was as if they were staring into the eyes of a merciless beast in the body of a young girl, and they were.

"What the hell are you?" the leader asked.

"I'm just the Fallen that's going to tear you and your men to shreds." Fate answered before turning, "Hey knight lady."

"Huh? What is it?" the knight asked, startled.

"Take care of Nyx for me," she answered tossing her slime which the knight caught. "And Nyx, protect them while I'm recking shop."

The slime bobbed up and down, surprising the knight, and making her drop it.

"Now then, let's get to it."

"You honestly think a stupid Fallen like you can defeat us?"

Fate simply smirked, and suddenly disappeared from her position. The leaders and the girl's eyes widened in shock. Then came out of their stupor when the heard a scream and turned to find Fate with her hand plunged through a bandit's chest.

Fate tore out her hand, letting blood spill over the ground. At this point, both the bandits and the girl were horrified. Well… except for the girl with blue eyes who was strangely disgusted/intrigued.

At that point, Fate unleashed that energy in her body to its fullest. She wanted to test how strong she was after her two years of constant training. The bandits could feel a massive pressure weighing down on them, but didn't know what it was.

Fate went down on all fours in a pouncing position, and launched herself at another bandit, killing him with a simple swipe of her hand. She landed on the ground in the same position and attacked the next bandit, killing him the same way.

"You idiots!! Just kill her already!"

"We're trying to, boss! She's too fa- Aaaaaaahhh!" answered a dead bandit.

"Tch! Fine! I'll just kill the girls!"

The leader conjured a fire ball in his hands, but Fate wasn't concerned. He launched the fire ball at the three women, but Nyx was quick to act and extended one of its tentacles to knock the spell away.

"No way," the bandit leader in shock.

"It was able to repel a spell. It's not just a black slime… it's a darkness slime?!" said the knight in a similar fashion.

"Does that have anything to do with that glowing?" Fate asked while strangling a bandit, "Oh well, I'll ask after the battle."

Within the next few minutes, Fate killed all but the leader, and now has him on the ground, in an arm lock.

"You disgusting Fallen! How dare you kill my men!"

"You have a lot of talk for a disgusting bandit… maybe a bit too much talk," she answered with narrowed eyes, "I'm going to interrogate this guy. You little girls might wanna look away."

The older was covered her and the younger's eyes. But there was a small crack which the younger was able to peak out of.

"Now then… who are you and who sent you? You can answer those questions first."

"Just die you disgusting Fallen!"

Fate smiled and grabbed onto one of his fingers, "And this little piggy went…"



A few moments later, Fate got the answers. These 'bandits' were actually mercenary assassins who were hired by the Church of the True Faith of Soliar. Their mission was to capture and kill the princesses (the two little girls). As for why, they didn't know. They were paid in advance so they did their job and didn't ask questions.

"Well, that's annoying. Now the question is…" Fate turned to the three girls, "… what do we do now?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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