
Wolf’s Bane: A Fallen’s Life

A female soldier is betrayed and sent into a death trap by her allies. She manages to kill her way out but not before receiving a fatal blow. Upon death, she wishes that she’ll be able to live the way she wants in her next life. Much to her own surprise, her wish is granted and she wakes up in a forest inside a different world as a creature called a Fallen, part human and part beast. She’s excited to have her past life’s memories, but she has yet to realize just how hard her new life will be. Fallens are seen as cursed, and are hunted because of that. In order to live how she wants, she’ll first have to get rid of the obstacles in her way and change the course of her destiny as a whole.

GPowers1316 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Four: Life of the Mad Wolf

Fate felt as though she was floating within a warm ocean. She didn't have any sense of time. She could see anything but darkness. She couldn't hear anything but nothingness.

It was odd, but at the same time, comfortable. It was like she was wrapped up in the embrace of a parent. It was familiar. Suddenly, as she was thinking this, her mind was flooded with resurfacing memories.

Fate wasn't always a bloodthirsty killing machine. She was born in the United States. She never knew what state because her mother died when she was born and her father gave her to an orphanage. The orphanage was run down and near bankruptcy, so they couldn't afford teachers or the like.

Five years after she was given up, the orphanage was burned down in a fire set by the owner who wanted the insurance money, leaving the children out on the street. She struggled everyday to survive. Stealing food from stalls and trash cans, fighting for money with other children and homeless people. It was absolute hell.

It continued on like this for three more years, until a group of men in black suits showed up. They said that they were recruiters for the military and promised her and the others food and shelter. Like any other child would in their position, all of them accepted, including Fate. They were all taken far away to a remote facility in the mountains. They didn't know what the place was called, so the nicknamed it the Dark Site, because the shadow of a mountain almost always covered, making it look like an evil villain's hideout. That and because of all the horrendous things they went through there.

They were given shelter and food just as promised, and even an extensive education. However, in return, they were also subjected to tortuous experiments. These would involve anything from injections to actual torture. By the first month, 10 out of the 35 children that came from the orphanage died.

Needless to say, Fate was horrified by by. She had seen and experienced things that no eight year old should go through. She watched her friends deform and die right in front of her. And when she brought up her concerns to the people running the experiments, they always responded with the same thing.

"It is truly unfortunate that those kids died. However, the research we go here is extremely important. Many have already died during these trials and we don't intend to let them die in vain. Don't you think your friends would be happy that they're contributing to the benefit of this horrible world of ours?"

Still being eight, and ignorant to his deception, she simply nodded her head and went along. By the end of the year, she was the last one to survive. The scientists themselves were ecstatic. This was the first time any of their subjects had lasted a year.

One day, she was brought to a group of scientists "This is incredible!" one of them said, "To think that this would happen in my lifetime. Every time we rearrange her cells, her body changes like some sort of rapid evolution! I've never seen anything like this! She's perfect for our research!"

"With her at our side, our project can take giant leaps forward! We can change the fate of humanity with her help!" said another.

Another walked up to her and patted her head, "Fate huh? Yes… I like that. It suits you. And since the name of the project is Beowulf, then that will be your last name. From now on, you'll be known as Fate Beowulf."

It was on this day that Fate Beowulf was born into this world. She remembered it well. On that day, she was happy. She was glad because she thought that she had finally contributed to this world.

Both while in the orphanage and while on the streets, she was treated like a piece of garbage. An eyesore. A nuisance. But here, she was able to help and others were happy that she was here as well. However, everyone wakes up from their dreams eventually.

Just like that, ten years passed in a blink of an eye. In that time, they had taught her pretty much everything. She was able to speak ten different languages, make high-level calculations, and was taught how to fight by masters of their art. She was obedient to any order she was given. She would've dove anything they said. But that was until that day.

She had woken up in the middle of the night and gone out to get a midnight snack. She passed by the head scientist's office. The door was slightly ajar so she was able to hear a conversation he was having with an underling.

"Goddammit! Why isn't it working! We've run ever test and simulation we can do why isn't it having the same result?!" The head scientist exclaimed.

"We still don't know, sir. Her blood is unique. It's like she's not even a human. That's why the bloods aren't mixing and the regenerative attributes aren't taking effect."

"That doesn't make any sense! Shit! If it hadn't been for her blood and her obedience, I would've fucking killed her already! I should've just killed her and all of her fucking friends the day they got here! It's such a pain in the ass to take care of a bunch of shitty brats!"

Fate's eyes widen in shock as tears threaten to fall from them, "Sir, it was necessary. After all, if she hadn't been alive, then you wouldn't have anything that you did today. Then you couldn't save your daughter."

"Tch! As soon as I got what I need from that bitch, I'm going to kill her. Or maybe, I can just tell her to kill herself. Either way, we can't have our research getting out."

At that point, something inside of Fate snapped and she blacked out. She came to, suddenly. And was shocked to find herself outside the facility while it was engulfed in flames. In her right hand she had a sun machine gun and in her left she had a left while her entire body was soaked in blood.

Fate realized what she did, and ran. She went into hiding for a couple years, worrying about others who were working with those people. In that time, she created a fake identity with the name given to her.

When she turned 20, she went into the US military and worked as an assassin for the next ten years. And of course, here she was now. Floating in a seemingly endless void.

She wanted to cry watching her life replay itself, but no tears came out. She wanted to curl up into a ball, but she couldn't move. She wanted to simply disappear and forgot all of her sins and regret, but the abyss didn't let her.

The Mad Wolf was dead, but this would not be her end.

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