
woke up in twilight , 1 month before Bella arrives

Anna suddenly finds herself on a plane headed towards Forks, Washington. When she arrives and comes face to face with Cullens she not only realizes that she is in the world of Twilight but she is.... If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at patreon.com/Fanficbeelze Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy! 

Fanficbeelze · TV
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35 Chs

ch 33

Carlisle's POV:

Normally I would have stopped and offered my assistance but I didn't have the time today. I passed the car at neck breaking speed though the physician in me could help but to throw a worried glance in the rear-view mirror.

My foot immediately stepped on the breaks before my mind could even register what I was doing. I turned the steering wheel forcefully and made an action-movie worthy U-turn.

I let my car come to a stop in front of the car with the warning lights on and got out of my car as quickly as humanly possibly. I rushed over to the sight that had me change my plans of getting as quickly as possible to my son who was in pain and a familiar scent ambushed my nose.

The one I never thought I would encounter again.

"Oh Dr. Cullen it's so good to see you. We have a little problem here." I heard a very high pitched voice say after the person that voice belonged to recovered from my stunt.

I recognized the woman who was standing a few feet in front of me. It was Tracy Dweller, the wife of Derek Dweller the mayor of Kingsten. She was not only the mayors wife but also the gossip queen in town.

Kingsten is the town we moved to about two years ago. It is over twice the size of Forks and has the perfect conditions for Vampires. The sun almost never shines here and there is a huge forest area with plenty of wild life. Though it is nearly constantly overcastted the rain doesn't pour don't every day.

After years of solitude, we didn't socialize with humans or anyway one else for that matter more then we had to after what happened but chose to live in private, and researching for the substitute blood we decided to try to find a way back to our old patterns. Even with a huge hole in our family we had to go on and try to survive as a family.

"It's so good you are here Dr. Cullen." Mrs. Dweller said as she smiled alluring at me. It made me cringe inside. How this woman could attempt to flirt with me while knowing that I was happily married and had five children, not to forget that her husband was standing only a few feet away from her was beyond me.

But it wasn't like I even cared not in the past and certainly not in that moment since I was desperately trying not to act like a man possessed because of the discovery I just made.

"Dr. Cullen there is a girl I think she is unconscious. I can't see any injuries." The mayor informed me as he headed for us.

"I will take car of the girl." I told them while I passed the two of them to get to the passed out girl, praying that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me.

As I saw the girl lying there in only a thin, yellow sun dress I froze for a second. It was the same dress that Alice dressed Anna into yesterday. None missed the argument she had with Edward because of the redressing of Anna.

Why Alice wouldn't just let her wear pj's in her condition was something I would never understand but I regarded it as wiser not to ask for an answer I might regret to receive.

Thump…thump….thump…thump…. my ears registered the sound. The bag I had with me, which I automatically always grab in case I needed something for first treatment, fell out of my hand.

I heard the sound the bag made as it cut through the air. Suddenly all sounds died down, except that one throbbing that was overruling everything else at the moment. The world stood still for a few seconds before the impact of the bag on the ground brought me back to reality.

I hear her heart beat! It was loud and clear. Anna's heart was beating again and as I focused my sight on her skin I could see the blood moving under it in her veins again.

Just then I heard the Dwellers call out to me.

"Doctor Cullen what happened? Doctor Cullen? Are you alright?"

I quickly kneeled down besides Anna's body and looked for any kind of injury. I must have looked really freaked out because I could detect fear in Mr. Dweller voice.

"Dr. Cullen should we call for help?"

He and his wife were now standing far away from me. A freaked out Vampire isn't exactly something a human wants to be near. Their natural instincts were telling them that I was dangerous.

"No, thank you I have everything under control." I tried to be calm and polite.

It was hard to try to stay calm while I still didn't know how bad she was injured or if she even was injured. But what was she doing here?

"But this girl….." Mrs. Dweller started.

"She is my niece." I stated firmly, implying that I was in no mood for any more questions. I couldn't have said my daughter. The whole town knew I had only two daughters.

"I didn't know she would be here. We weren't expecting her."

I tried to explain my surprise and strange behaviour. Seeing Anna lying here after my wife called and told me she disappeared threw me out of the loop.

The fact that she seemed to be "alive" again, that her heart was beating again was even more surprising and above all wonderful.

Happiness shot through me first but when it registered in my mind that she was lying unconscious on the cold, wet ground, unmoving, the father in me roared to life and panic set in before the physician took over.

"Your niece scared me there, Dr. Cullen. I thought there was a corps on the street here in our peaceful Kingsten. I don't want to be rude but why she is wearing such a thin dress and is wandering through the forest on her own. Is she alright?" True to her form Tracy Dweller tried to get some dirty gossip.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, reminding myself that I had to keep it together and not to leash out at this impossible woman.

"Thank you very much for your concern, Mrs. Dweller. Everything is fine. You don't need to worry. This is a family matter and we will take care of it. Thank you."

I told her and turned my attention back to Anna. She didn't seem to have any serious injuries. She only seemed to be exhausted, hypothermic and maybe a little dehydrated.

Not too surprising given the fact that she spend the last seven years in a strange kind of coma. She didn't seem to have any head or neck injuries what meant I could move her.

"Oh if there is anything I can help you with don't hesitate to ask." She chirped in faked helpfulness.

I took off my coat and warped it around Anna's freezing body before I scooped her up in my arms.

"I will keep that in mind. Good day Mrs. Dweller. Mayor."

I said my goodbyes as I passed them carrying my daughter to my car. The mayor only nodded and his wife was ripping my clothes off with her eyes. I sighed annoyed.

Not paying them any further attention I placed Anna carefully into the passenger seat, making sure she was comfortable and covered by my coat, before I went around the car and also got in.

I revved my car engine to life, turned the heater on, to help Anna warm up a little while we would be driving home.

As I reached for my mobile it went off. I didn't need to look at the caller ID to know who was calling.

"Hello Alice."

"Oh my god Carlisle. It's her! It's really her, isn't it?! You found her and she is back right! Anna is alive again. Is she alright?" Alice nearly screamed into the phone excited, joyful and concerned all at once.

"Yes, Alice she is alright as far as I can see." I answered with a smile in my voice.

Everything was going to be aright again. In a few minutes we would be home and the nightmare that was taking place for seven long years would be finally over.

"Alice….." I heard Edward voice on the other side of the line.

"Carlisle found her, Edward. Anna is alive again. Look." Alice squealed happily.

Two seconds later I heard Edward taking the phone from Alice. His voice was panicked and desperate.

"Carlisle is she O.K.? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, son she is alright as far as I can see."

"But she was lying on the street. Why is she unconscious?"

I tried to clam him as good as I could.

"Edward as far as I can tell she is exhausted, hypothermic and maybe a little dehydrated. She'll be fine once she warms up and had something to eat."

"Why was she lying there? Why did she disappear in the first place? Why….." I cut him off before he lost it.

"Edward!! Listen I don't know. Anna will tell us what happened when she regained consciousness."

I heard Edward take a deep breath and I could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger before he exhaled.

"I'm sorry Carlisle but...."

"I know my son we will be home very soon." I tried to comfort him.

I understood his need to hold his mate in his arms again especially now that she seemed to be fully back again.

Everything would be alright now. I assured myself.

"Thank you." Edward breathed out, the longing thick in his voice.

We ended the call and I step down on the gas pedal. My long lost daughter stirred in the passenger seat and rolled to her side facing me.

She inhaled the scent from my coat and her expression seemed to become more peaceful then it was before. She cuddled herself in my coat, trying to embrace more of the warmth it provided.

Her body was shaking all over and I wondered why that was. She had been missing only for ten minutes tops and at home we always made sure she was warm. I couldn't explain to myself why she would be this hypothermic.

But then again where Anna was concerned normal wasn't really around. Everything about her was supernatural. How she entered our lives and how she left then for a period of time.....

As I took a closer look at her I noticed something I didn't before because of the chaotic circumstances. She didn't seem to have aged.

I know that here she was frozen in time and didn't age but I was kind of thinking that once she would return, if she would return, she would gain the years she was frozen in that comatose state.

I seemed to have gotten it wrong in that aspect. She looked just like she did the day I last her happy and alive. Questions were pilling up in my mind.

How did she get there at the side of the road?

Why did she even disappear in the first place?

How did she get back into our world?

How and why exactly did she leave this world?

Did time pass for her in the same pace as for us?

What happened to her during the time she was away?

Then there was the question I was dreading because a negative answer could cause so much more pain.

Would she even remember who we are?

Who Edward is?

Anna's existence was an enigma in more then one way. I wasn't sure if we would be able to discover the truth, to solve the mystery surrounding her and her circumstances but the most important thing was that she was back.

I pulled into the driveway of our home in Kingsten and was greeted by my whole family, standing in the front yard, eagerly waiting to see their sister, daughter and mate.

Before I even had the chance to stop my car properly Edward was at the passenger side and yanked the door, the only barrier between him and his mate, open nearly ripping it out the hinges.

"Love!?!" He breathed while I finally managed to halt my car. He gazed at Anna's sleeping frame in awe, concentrating on her each intake of air. Carefully, not to wake her, he undid the seatbelt and lovingly scooped her up into his arms.

She whimpered softly and sighed contently in his embrace.

Pressing her closely and securely to his chest Edward buried his face in her hair and inhaled her scent, filling his body with her perfume, his life force.

I got out of my car to walk over to my mate who was in awe looking at our reunited children. Her eyes were glazed over with tear that she could never shed. My Esme looked up at me as I approached her.

Her eyes were shining with love and completeness. A big joyful smile was gracing her perfect, pink lips. She was glowing with happiness. In her eyes I could see that my expression mirrored hers. For the moment I forgot all the burning and unanswered questions that just moments ago were rushing through my mind.

I twined my arm around my wife's delicate waist and pressed her into my side kissing the top of her head. As I did so my beautiful mate whispered.

"We are home again."

Truer words have never been spoken. Home for us was where our whole family was complete.

Edward's POV:

She was back.

My Anna was back.

I repeated the words over and over in my mind, not being able to fully comprehend their meaning just yet. I was scared of hoping, scared to believe that my greatest desire, need, was within reach for me.

I was anxious and going out of my mind with nervousness. I wouldn't fully believe Alice's visions and Carlisle's words until I had my Anna back safely in my arms.

Time was moving forward excruciating slowly while I waited, being a bundle of jittering nerves, for Carlisle to arrive. The impatience was rolling off of me in waves while I glared at the clock on the wall, willing time to move faster.

"Edward." Jasper smiled sympathetically at me but I could see the strain in his eyes. My emotional rollercoaster was affecting him greatly.

"Sorry." I ducked my head and took a deep breath to calm down.

Just a few more moments. I remained myself.

When my Anna suddenly disappeared only minutes ago, what felt like an eternity to me, I thought I would lose my mind. I don't thing I would have been able to survive the last seven years if not at least her body remained with me.

"Edward, Carlisle and Anna will be here in two minutes and thirty seven seconds." Alice chirped happily as she danced around the room.

It has been seconds after the call with Carlisle ended and never in my life did I wish that time would go by fast then now.

Jasper put his arm on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me further. It was a failure of cause. Nothing beside my angel in my arms could calm me now.

"Sorry Jazz." I apologized again he only smiled and nodded in understanding.

Emmett grinned like a fool, happy to have his little sister back while hugging Rosalie to his chest as she had a relax smile on her face.

"Edward you are going to run a hole in the floor." Rose giggled, rolling her eyes.

I stopped in my tracks I wasn't even aware of the fact that I was pacing in the living room. All I could think about was that my Anna would be in my arms again only in a few short moments and that she was fully back.

I saw it in Alice's mind. My love would open her eyes for the first time in over seven years and I could look into those beautiful hazel depths again really soon. Only hours separated me from this moment.

I prayed this was really happening and not some kind of hallucination.

Esme was upstairs in my room and I could hear her think about all the thinks she had to do before my love would arrive to make her comfortable.

I loved my mother even more in this moment. I wasn't able to think straight. It was all I could do not to go out of my skin as I waited for the two minutes to go by and my mate to finally be here with me.

Why did time have to go by so slow? I was immortal, time didn't matter to me so why was it now my greatest enemy. Impatience was crawling under my skin.

A small, tortures, nerve-splitting eternity later, we heard Carlisle's car drive down the driveway and we all flew out of the house. It was nerve-racking to watch Carlisle's new black Mercedes roll down the driveway in an agonizing slow pace. At least it seemed so to me.

I couldn't take it anymore and before the car even had a chance to come to a full stop I flew at the passenger door and ripped it open.

I didn't even care if I would take the whole damn door out of the car I just desperately needed to see her, to touch her, to hold her, Now!

Every fibre of my being was crying out for her. The need was unbearable and painful.

The door was open and I was greeted by the beautiful sight of my Angle. She was cowered together on the passenger seat, covered by Carlisle's coat.

In the back on my mind I could hear the happy and joyful thought's of my family about my loves return but all I could focus on was the miracle in front of me.

Carefully I unbuckled the seat belt and as I touched her instantly the same electricity that I usually felt every time I touched her shot through me again. Even that had I been deprived of while she was being held prison in her comatose condition.

Thoughtfully, not to disturb her peaceful slumber, I scooped her up in my arms. A little soft moan escaped her pale lips as her head rolled on my shoulder.

For the first time in over seven years I was able to her a sound escaping her delicious lips again and hear the life inside of her frame.

Thump…thump…thump….thump…..my smile widen and a content sigh escaped my mouth.

It was home.

It was heaven.

I gazed on her beautiful face, she looked even more beautiful then I remembered her. My memories could never do her justice. I held her soft body, which was now finally again slightly trembling with each heart beat, as close to me as possible.

With that my world was alright again. Everything was just right. As if she hasn't been gone for seven years with me not knowing where exactly she was.

If she went back to her old world?

If she was alright?

If she was sad or hurt?

If she had someone to protect her and care for her?

If she even knew who I was and remembered our love?

My love was back and everything was as it should be again.

Not being able to take my eyes off of her I memorized her perfect features. Anna's skin was even paler then remembered. My mind pointed out.

That was when it clicked in my head. She was paler because she was hypothermic. My legs set in motion and before I had even finished that thought we were in my room.... no our room.

Esme had prepared the heating blanket for us. I threw the blanket back to be able to lay my angle down on the warm bed.

As I freed her out of Carlisle's coat I saw the yellow sundress that Alice had insisted on putting her into. It was wet. The mist in the morning hours must have drenched it. This way she couldn't get warmed up.

Quickly I took the wet sundress of her ice cold body leaving her only in her delicate white bra and her matching lace panties.

A vision was lying in front of me. I drank her beauty with my thirsty eyes. I couldn't help myself I needed to touch her beautiful body.

Slowly my hand reached out to crease her soft skin, with every inch closer the fear that she might disappear grew. My heart was silent for a century but right now a sensation overcame me like hearing it wildly beating in my ears.

The tips of my fingers finally collided softly with her creamy skin and the familiar jolt of electricity run from her body into mine. Even years apart couldn't take anything away from us.

In this moment I remembered watching a show with her, for all the maturity she possessed she still loved her series Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives and One Tree Hill. In the later I heard the main character quote William Shakespeare at a wedding and the words couldn't have been more fitting for us now.

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom.

Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same.

A smiled curved my lips as I recited the words in my head while gazing at my Anna. I felt her delicate skin under my touch and suddenly I registered how cold she really was. Her body temperature felt close to mine!

That wasn't good!

I wrapped the heating blanket tightly around her frame to make sure she would be warm and lay myself on top of the covers, gazing at my mate while I locked my arm around her.

Time seemed to stand still for me as I basked in the company of my personal angel. My angel, my light that was shinning through in the darkness of my lonely existence had returned to me.

I watched as a strain of hair had falling in her face. Carefully I brushed it away enjoying the warmth and the electricity that was flooding through me at the contact.

I missed it to hear her hypnotic heart beat and her rhythmic breathing, both evidence that she was really here with me. I regarded myself as extremely lucky to have the symphony back that I wasn't allowed to hear for seven long years.

I felt her chest ride and fall under my arm. Her beautiful long brown hair was framing her pale, beautiful face. Her lips had already won on colour again and were getting close to the full red I was used to.

"She is going to wake up in four teen hours, twenty seven minutes and eighteen seconds." I heard Alice yell in her mind.

Alice must have said it a few times already without me noticing it because I could detect a little annoyance in her thoughts that she only showed when I ignored her.

"I'm sorry Alice and thank you." I whispered knowing she would hear me.

"Your forgiven I understand." Was her replay in an excited and chirpy voice.

I was lying perfectly still right next to her, where my rightful place was and thought about our past.

Memories of our time in Forks flooded my mind for the first time in so many years I could remember without the stabbing pain in my heart.

A pain that was worse that the tree days of burning, ripping ever inch of my being over and over threatening never to end, because without her it never would have.

My love was the only being that had the power to take away the hell that had me captured the last seven years. She is the only one that gives my life a sense.

Before those seven unholy years we were happy. With the two of us and with our family together.

I was grateful to have such a wonderful family. I don't know if I would have survived the past seven years without them.

When I felt her body heat from under the covers I quickly jumped out of bed and took my clothes off, leaving only my boxer briefs on. Never leaving my sight off of my Anna.

I slipped under the heating blanket and waited a few minutes for my cold body to gain on temperature. I didn't want to make her cold again.

As I was warm enough I slowly and carefully moved my body closer to my love. My hand touched the soft skin on her belly first. The electricity between us was addicting.

My hand had a mind on it's own and moved slowly over every part of her body it could get access to.

My love responded to my touch, her heart was beating faster and her breathing became uneven.

I needed her. I needed to hold her. I moved as close as possible to her body and turned her on her side so that her front was pressed against mine.

In her sleep she threw her arm around my body and a soft moan escaped her lips as she nestled her head under my chin.

She was moving until she found a comfortable position, lying flush against me and making her comfort known with another soft moan.

I smiled to myself, even in her sleep she seemed to know that I was here with her. I nuzzled my nose in her hair and breathed in her intoxicating scent.

I allowed myself to register her scent fully and that was when I noticed the difference. Her scent it was just as I remembered as intoxicating, wonderful and addicting as ever but the burning sensation wasn't there anymore.

My throat didn't burn. I was so occupied that I didn't noticed the burning missing. My love still smelled as she had before but the difference was now that she, for lack of better term, didn't smell like food anymore.

I would have to talk to Carlisle about that. But the most important thing right now was that she was finally back in my arms where she belonged.

I was enjoying this little piece of heaven, my body lying flush with Anna's in our bed, when a thought hit me like a brick wall.

What if it would happen again?

What if my love would disappear again?

Panic flooded my mind and naked fear washed over my frame. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't loser her again. My arms were pressing her frame closer to my body.

I needed Anna more than I had ever realized. The girl in my arms was my reason to live. The only reason why I existed was exclusively pertaining to her and without her I was truly lost.

I wouldn't be able to do that again to life without her. The thought alone brought the hellish anguish back that had me in it's clutches for so long.

I never wanted to be separated from my love again. In any way and any from. Fear and paranoia had me in their iron grip.

As I thought I would suffocate on those dark feelings my love stirred next to me. All my thoughts and movements halted. She took a deep breath and exhaled it with a cute moan and then it happened.

For the first time in over seven years her eyelids started to lift, exposing the treasure they had been hiding all the time. A smile grazed my lips when I saw her hazel pools with the little golden spot again looking back at me.

I wasn't breathing I was intensely watching her every move. Her eyes twinkled a few times before they focused on me.

My love pulled her hand out from under the covers and touched my cheek with her warm fingertips. Her touch was….




I closed my eyes and basket in this moment, one of many moments between us I have missed so desperately.

When I opened my eyes again my love was staring at me as if she couldn't believe I was here with her.

I wasn't able to speak or to move I could only look at her and thank whoever there was that she was now here fully with me.

My angel swallowed heavily and parted her sweet, red lips saying one word.

"Edward?!" A strained whisper. It was a question and the look in her eyes was utter disbelieve but hearing my name roll of her lips was a blessing.

"Edward?!!" she breathed my name again. Her voice was still strained while she sat up and my body following her action automatically.

The frown disappeared from her face replaced by the beautiful smile I was adjured for years.

"Edward!" Finally my name was spoken out with realization.

"I love you," was all I was able to respond before my love threw her arms around my neck and her lips attacked mine.

My hands locked around her back pressing her body closer to mine. I wasn't allowing any space between us. I needed her as close to me as it was possible.

My hands ran over her body exploring her frame as if it was our first time getting to know each other.

I parted my lips and ran my tongue over her bottom lips begging for entrance. I desire her taste.

I wanted it.

Needed it.

She granted me permission and my tongue carefully and slowly passed her sweet, warm lips before entering her mouth. How I had missed this taste! As our tongues met one another we both moaned in pleasure.

Not breaking our desperate kiss we shifted positions to be closer together. Her legs were on either side of me. Her body pressed flush against mine so that I was able to feel every move of her muscles, feeling every one of her precious heart beats as close as possible against my silent chest.

Her sweet warm breath on my tongue.

Her taste in my mouth.

Her soft, warm body under my hands.


I was finally home again.

As we broke our kiss her brilliant smile greeted me. I couldn't help but to smiled back at her. We were in this position for a while, just looking at each other, just feeling each others presents.

My love tried to say something but her throat was hoarse. I reached to the nightstand behind me for the bottle of her favourite drink that Esme placed there earlier.

"Here drink this." I handed the bottle to her. She smiled at me in gratitude drinking half of the bottle before closing it with the lit and playing with the bottle in her hands all the while starring into my eyes.

"Umh…..Edward your eyes?" She wondered fascinated.

I took the bottle out of her hands placed it back on the night stand, pulling her back into my embrace and whispering into her hair.

"That's because of the substitute blood," kiss, "I will," kiss, "tell you," kiss, "later."

"Oh, O.K." She finally melted against my body.

I breathed in her delicious scent as she did mine. We both sighed contently as the fragrance of the other was swimming in our heads.

"You smell heavenly," my love whispered.

"You are stealing my line love," I smiled as my lips brushed against her hair.

We didn't speak after this only held each other. My hands were moving rhythmically up and down her bare back, rubbing small circles into her muscles.

Every now and then my lips would brush against her temple while she had her arms locked around my neck and her head rested on my shoulder. When I wasn't kissing her temple my nose was nuzzled in her lush hair, drowned in her intoxicating scent.

While I was running small circles with my hand over her back I could feel my touch become more purposeful. My want expanded and could no longer be ignored. My need for her. The desire for her body. My mind overflowed me with images of what I wanted to do to her, to do with her... and I found myself aroused.

"Edward?..." Anna pushed herself away a little and looked up at me. A cute, little, knowing smirk was on her delicious lips.

"I want you," I breathed not having it in me to hold back any longer.

I crushed my lips against hers, my edger lips demanding hers to open, to let me in, to bask in her taste. My love complied almost immediately.





The place I belonged.

I was pushing her into the soft pillows, spreading her legs to place myself between them while lying us down into the mattress.

My tongue eagerly explored her mouth, savouring her sweet taste while my hands were rushing over every inch of her skin they could get access to.

I could barely remember to be careful with her, not to hurt her. My need to feel her, to be intimate with her was overriding everything else.

Her right hand was in my hair, digging her nails into my scalp while her other hand was running up the middle of my back, her nails deliciously running over my skin, making me moan into her mouth.

I let go of her soft pillows and ghosted my lips over her jaw line to her ear, licking the sensitive spot just below it that I knew would drive her wild.

"Edward," she moaned my name shakily.

"Say it again,"




"I love you so much. I missed you so much," whispered huskily against her skin.

"I'm here. I'm back. I love you, Edward." Anna cried as my kisses became more feverish.

"Anna, are you alright? Are you tired or..."

"No, I think I'm on an adrenaline rush right now. The only thing I want is to keep kissing you." The words left her mouth in pants against my lips.


"Love, I need you," I whispered. Desperate in my pursued my lips were busy worshipping every part of her they could get access to. Starting from her delicate neck, feeling their way down to her collarbone.

"I need you too, Edward," her voice a husky moan, hearing those words did it.

Abruptly I sat back on my heels, straddling her legs, my shirt gone from my body in the process. I looked down at her lying beneath me. Her chest was rising and falling with the much needed intakes of air while her swollen lips were slightly parted.

My hands found their way to her exposed stomach. Anna arched her back as my cool hands touched her skin and a low moan escaped her lips.

I could feel her every muscle react to my touch, her body slightly trembled and her breathing became irregular. My hands slowly fondled their way up her body.

"I missed touching you," I admitted.

"I missed your touch as well…"

"I used to hold you in my embrace, stroking your arms and caressed your face but it was not the same." I got out in ragged breaths.

"How so?" my love asked clearly enjoying my confession and using this moment to catch her breath.

"You didn't react to my touch. I love it to see your body squirm and tremble at my touch and to feel the contract of your muscles, like they do now."

I ran my fingertips over her rips, her muscles tensing and relaxing with my every contingence while she drew sharp breaths in and moans emitted from her full, red lips.

"And the sounds you make while I touch you…..hmm.." my thumbs stroking underneath her breast causing her to cry out softly.

I had to see her now. I didn't have the patience to take her bra off the traditional way. Instead I simply hocked my forefingers beneath the fabrics in the middle of her beautiful breast and tore the offending thing off her body.

Anna took a sharp breath at my roughness and giggled excited.

"Someone can't wait," I admired the sight in front of me as she reached for my hands and placed them over her generous mountains.

"Seems like I'm not the only edger one," I chuckled.

"No you are not, please." I could detect the same desperate tint in her voice which I knew from my own.

My edger fingers creased her breasts carefully, squeezing them before I ran my thumbs over her erected nipples and she cried out in pleasure, arching her back of the mattress.

To feel her again, to feel her respond to me, to hear her respond to me it was setting my body on fire. Soon enough I found my lips to be jealous of my fingers.

I let go of her what earned me a whimpered protest, chuckling I bent down to her beautiful, full C-cups. My tongue darting out between my lips, ever so slowly making it's way down to touch her sensitive skin.

As I did, a shudder went though her excited frame and a breathless gasped escaped her luscious pillows. I was in heaven or a place better then heaven. I couldn't tell. All I knew was that I never wanted to be deprived of her again.

I licked her peak first before I sucked it into my mouth, using my lips as a barrier between us, carefully not to injure her tender, soft flesh with my razor-sharp teeth.

Her peak still in my mouth I shifted my body to rest next to her. This new position allowed my hand to travel over her chest, ghosting down her ribs and her stomach to the hem of her panties. I played with the hem for a little while, teasing us both before I couldn't take it anymore and my hands slipped underneath the fabrics.

When my skin made contact with her slick, folds I groaned in pleasure while my Anna cried out, drawing a few desperate breaths.

I gave myself willingly over to this pleasure but never forgetting how breakable she was compared to me. My edger fingers stroking her sensitive lips first softly before my touch became firmer and my loves body tensed and trashed besides me.

Anna was slowly becoming restless, her heavy breathing and her cries emitting each louder out of her mouth. Once I increased the rhythm her hips were bucking into my hand.

I let go of her peak and kissed my way up to her ear, kissing the hallow below it that never disappointed to cause goose flesh to arise all over her frame when I touched it.

"May I taste you," I breathed into her ear.

"Yes," it was a mix of a moan and a desperate cry.

I smiled before I licked and kissed down the skin of her neck, her cleavage, teasing her ribcage until I positioned myself between her spread legs. I took a second to enjoy the view before feeling bold and tearing her panties from her body as I did with her bra.

"Beautiful," I breathed as the fabrics didn't hinder my view of her any longer.

"Edward….please," she was biting her bottom lip, looking at me with wide open pleading eyes.

This innocent gesture was nearly my undoing. Did she have any idea what she did to me when she put this innocent little angle look on her face in a moment like this?

It was driving me wild!

I breathed in the scent of her intoxicating arousal, savouring the delicious fragrance before I dipped my head down between her legs.

I placed a soft kiss on her wetness before my tongue darted out and I tasted her again after I had been deprived of this heaven for seven long years. Anna cried out and trembled more intensely underneath me.

I purred in pleasure as my tongue touched her wet centre and I could feel what I was doing to her. There aren't words to describe this heaven. How I survived the past seven years was beyond me in his moment.

I rubbed her delicate centre in slow, circular motions with my tongue swapping the pressure in a rhythmical routine, paying special attention to her swollen bud. I wasn't wasting a single drop of her precious nectar, savouring it greedily.

Her hand was in my hair dragging her nails across my scalp, sending shivers of pleasure down my spine with her actions while she was crying my name into the space.


"Come for me," I ordered as I sucked hard on her sensitive bud. She trashed harder under me while emitting incoherent moans left her sweet mouth.

One firm lick with my tongue and that did it, her body tensed and her muscles clenched as I pushed her over the edge.

She cried my name as the passion overtook her and her frame was shaking with release. While she rode out her orgasm I skimmed my way up her body to rest next to her, pulling her into my arms as she was slowly coming down from her high.

"Wow," she breathed out heavily.

"Yeah, Jasper had to flee the house as we started." I chuckled.

"Aw…poor Jasper." My love snuggled into my side hiding her face in my neck.

"I doubt he sees it that way. Alice went with him."

"And the others?" Anna asked as her hand was travelling down my chest. I caught her hand with mine bringing it to my mouth and kissing her palm.

"No, love. Today it is all about you," I told her as I rolled her on her back hovering over her.

"Please I need it to be about you." I pleaded gazing into her beautiful hazel depths that I missed so much.

Anna lifted herself up a little and caught my lips with hers whispering an "O.K." into my mouth.