
Woes Of A Wandering Soul

Writings from a broken soul. Influenced by real life events. Words from a discombobulated mind

Caroline_Caroling · Teen
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6 Chs


In shadows cast by whispers of deceit,

A girl, alone, with trust's bitter defeat.

Beneath a veil of friendship's fragile guise,

Insecurities bloom, where trust denies.

Her heart a garden,once in bloom so fair,

Now shrouded by the vines of deep despair.

Paranoia creeps, a relentless tide,

As treacherous waves in friendship's guise.

Best friends, a phrase that echoes hollow,

As popularity becomes their borrowed sorrow.

Once bound by laughter, secrets, and glee,

Now an outsider lost in her own decree.

Their rise to stardom, a meteoric flight,

Leaving her in shadows, engulfed in night.

She wonders if it's something she has done,

As insecurity whispers, "You're the only one."

A carnival of doubts within her mind,

A carousel of fears, unkind.

Her reflection distorted in the funhouse of her thoughts,

A kaleidoscope of friendships dearly bought.

The spotlight follows them, a dazzling array,

Yet in her solitude, she fades away.

Promises shattered, like glass on the floor,

Trust eroded, forevermore.

She cradles the shards of trust now broken,

 A mosaic of pain, a silent token.

In the labyrinth of her doubts, she roams,

Her heart a garden of wilted hopes.

Yet, in the shadows, resilience finds its light,

A glimmer of strength, a silent fight.

For though she feels lost in this popularity charade,

She'll emerge stronger, no longer afraid.

In the tapestry of time, wounds may heal,

As new friendships sprout, a chance to feel.

For even in darkness, hope unfurls,

A resilient spirit, as she rebuilds.

So, let this poem be a testament true,

To the girl who wonders if friendships renew.

In the echoes of her pain, a promise bides,

She'll conquer the storm, where trust resides.





Friends?? I don't think I have...

Caroline_Carolingcreators' thoughts