
Woes Of A Villainess

The Illegitimate prince has been murdered and Arabella Lockhart is sentenced to death as the poisoner. Yet, the evidence laid against her is fabricated and the true culprit, the crown prince, goes free while her pleas of innocence remain unheard. Just as she is about to die with the truth, she awakens four years in the past with her memories still intact. A second chance. With her new gift of foresight, Arabella vows to never be powerless again and to tear down all who've wronged her.

Syrupstar_Z · History
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23 Chs

Memento Mori

"I apologise for the lack of variety, Lady Arabella. The only thing I keep in my office is coffee."

Arabella smiled warmly up at Dr Charland, excusing his apology, "It's no problem, I have an expansive palate, I can drink more than tea." She took a slow sip from her cup as an example and beamed. "Thank you for having me again on such short notice."

Besides, she needed it. The buzz of caffeine would help her stop thinking about that letter.

Dr Charland gave a relieved smile at her response and sat at the other end of his desk. His office was a wreck of loose papers and equipment, a far cry from the pristine nature of his practice- he seemed fairly embarrassed by this, but Arabella would be gracious enough to not comment on it

She continued pleasantly, "I know you're a busy man, but a more personal thank you was in order after your favour to me."

"It's only my job as a doctor. There is no special thank you necessary." He smiled gently at her in a fatherly manner. "You're recent visits have been unexpected but pleasantly welcome. Your interest in my research has also been a welcome surprise."

He was still just as she knew him in the past- A man dedicated to his craft. Arabella brought the cup to her lips again and gave a pleasant smile in return. Building a good rapport with Dr Charland was daunting; the man had known her since she was young on account of serving as their on-call doctor. As a side effect of that, however, her reputation as a raging brat was harder to shake and her sweetness had to be turned up to the max. It was something she could still get away with, at least for a little while longer while she was still 14.

"I must ask. Has your interest been piqued because you intend on entering the field, yourself, someday? You are nearing the age for entrance exams." The man's eye twinkled slightly in excitement at that. "I know it is not a common pursuit for those of your pedigree, but I would strongly support you in such an endeavour, My lady."

His excitement at the prospect caused a slight twinge of guilt in the girl, regardless, Arabella laughed softly and shook her head, "Oh, no. I don't have the heart for it. I don't do well around blood."

The only blood she wanted to spill was Cecil's, after all.

At that thought, her mind flashed back to the letter and she quickly brought the cup back to her lips in a tense movement. The scent of the coffee grounded her. Don't think about it.

She forced a smile back on her face and returned to the conversation at hand. She'd been coming here to accomplish one thing after all. "...Actually, Dr Charland. Do you remember that boy you helped bring back to health? The little brother of one of our stablehands?" He nodded and she smiled even wider. "That's good. He was so thankful for your care that he started singing your praise the other day."

The man smiled in surprise, "That's lovely to hear."

She hummed joyfully in response, "He wouldn't stop talking about your miracle cures."

"It's all just a matter of science," Dr Charland noted. "There is no such thing as a miracle cure."

There was her opening.

Arabella nodded, "I agree. Especially after hearing all about your research, I've been enlightened... ah, pardon me, what was the disease called? Ar-Arefsim...?"

"Arensum Disease," Dr Charland corrected with an endeared smile.

"Of course, how could I forget," She beamed at him. "I was just thinking on that note about something the boy had mentioned. He's a migrant from Nyotari and mentioned a junior doctor working under the Dullot house-"


"Oh, you may not be familiar, they're Nyotarian aristocracy," Arabella smiled innocently. Of course, he wouldn't know. "Perhaps you've read the name... Jennifer Pearson, was it?"

Dr Charland sat back in his seat and stroked absentmindedly at his chin, narrowing his eyes in thought. After a moment, something seemed to click and his eyes widened, "I often keep up with The Medical Journals, and the name seems somewhat familiar. Perhaps I've read a report under that name...?"

"That must be it. He did mention she'd participated in something like that. I could be wrong, but if it sounds familiar to you then I'm sure it's the same person," Arabella kept up her innocent facade. It wasn't like she had scoured every recent publication of The Medical Journals with Alistair in search of her work or anything... "He spoke very highly of her and her own personal research into Arensum Disease. She had helped a family member of his suffering from the condition."

This seemed to catch Dr Charland's full attention. He blinked as if he was replaying what she had just said in his mind before shaking his head, "You must be mistaken. There are hardly any professionals looking into the disease, let alone a junior doctor. It is terminal."

"Aren't you?" Arabella asked while taking a self-satisfying sip of her coffee.

"Well..." Dr Charland frowned in thought before speaking up again. "That's only because I have my own... theories."

He wasn't willing to admit his belief that it was curable without conclusive proof. At least, that's what Arabella was guessing, Dr Charland was that kind of man after all. He just needed a little nudge, then.

"He mentioned that she believes the disease to be curable." She glanced up from her cup to Dr Charland whose eyes widened. She smiled wider. "I remember thinking of how bold of an idea it was. It reminded me of you, doctor. And the thought crossed my mind that you seemed in need of an apprentice..."

Again, the old man scratched at his chin and hummed, dissecting her words. It took a while for him to respond with a furrowed brow, "An apprentice..." He thought some more before frowning with a sigh. "It sounds ideal. But, with my workload, I hardly have enough time to organise my own research let alone set the time aside to reach out. I do thank you for your consideration, Lady Arabella."

"That's a shame. I was told that Dr Pearson often visits the country for personal matters. I could have arranged something." She let some silence pass between the two before smiling up at him. "Though, that is entirely up to you, Dr Charland. It's only a suggestion."

The doctor had clearly perked up at this, a smile spread across his face though he looked somewhat apologetic, "I wouldn't want to put you through the trouble, my lady. You're so young-"

"This is my 'thank you' to you, doctor!" She intercepted as fast as she could before he could turn her down properly. With her sweetest, simpering smile she spoke. "You went to some trouble for me so I can only do the same in return."

The old man looked guiltily at his cup for a while before smiling enthusiastically, "Oh, alright. I would be honoured if you could arrange some kind of meeting, my lady."

It took everything she had to hide her self-satisfying smile behind her cup, "Of course. When the opportunity arises, I will be in touch."

With a frown, Arabella tossed a pouch of money on the table, earning a greedy smile to stretch on Winter's face. On the familiar upper floor of the pub, Winter made herself comfortable in her seat. The woman grinned toothily as she glided the pouch closer to her, "Lovely, lovely." She opened up the pouch and her already wide grin grew even larger. "This is for your bandit issue, I presume?"

Arabella took a seat and scowled, annoyed that she was departing with even more of her dwindling money, "You have less than a month to deal with it. My siblings will be returning soon."

And so will he. In less than a month.

"I... I handled the matter with Dr Charland," She quickly diverted her attention away from that train of thought.

"About time," Winter commented, pocketing the money. "Rest is up to Al, then."

Arabella nodded, remembering what Alistair had told her about the apprentice: 'She owes it to me. She promised me a favour.' It was said with a sombre tone- her signal not to pry.

An awkward silence settled between the two. Arabella swallowed dryly, fidgeting with her dress, Though, Winter seemed less than bothered by the silence, lighting up her cigarette in its holder and taking a deep inhale. The woman sighed in satisfaction after exhaling, though Arabella made a point of waving away the cloud of smoke travelling towards her, "You shouldn't smoke around children."

"You're kidding, right?" Winter took a dramatic inhale of smoke and scoffed. After a brief moment of silence, her visible eye grew contemplative and she exhaled softly. "You and Al... Nothing at all like the children I've met." Her tone was only half-joking but it didn't make Arabella tense up any less. Winter pointed her cigarette at the girl and raised a brow. A smirk started to stretch on her lips. "I've been thinking., let's make a quick deal. Exchange information for information."

Arabella replied in complete deadpan, "No."

The woman laughed and waved her hand in a beckoning motion, "Come on. A question for a question. I'll answer anything in exchange." She raised her hand in the air as if making an oath and grinned. "I swear."

A slight pout of irritation found its way onto Arabella's features. She hated to admit it, but she was tempted. Katherine or Winter or whatever name she wanted to go by was nothing like anyone she had ever met. A long pause filled the room and Arabella pouted even harder as she battled internally with her urge to spout off.

"...How do you and Alistair know each other?"

Ugh, she took the bait. She grimaced at herself as Winter's expression morphed into smug self-satisfaction.

Winter nodded in acknowledgement of the question and hummed, "You already know about what went down at the palace, so I won't get into that mess." She exhaled and finally took a break from smoking to lean on her hand as she spoke. "I was close with his mother before he was even born. Believe it or not, I used to be on the straight and narrow- a military woman. Not for long though." She pointed to her wide eye patch, covered under her side-swept hair. "I got injured and relegated to a palace guard for some time. Boring work, but you can guess who I was assigned to. That's how I met Trisha..." The name left her lips with a subtle fondness that she quickly disguised with another long drag from her cigarette. "I wasn't around long enough to find out she was pregnant since I left to pursue my more 'lucrative' business. In fact, I didn't know anything until she showed up in the earldom one day with a kid on her hip and talking about how she was presumed 'dead'." Winter smiled casually as she came to a close. "In other words, that's the long way of saying I'm a family friend."

Somehow, that was more normal than Arabella had been expecting. Her brows furrowed at the response that frankly only raised more questions for her than it answered.

"My turn, now," Winter's smiled slyly. She sat back in her seat and crossed her arms. "Not even a year ago, I'm hearing stories of the Lockhart demon flipping tables and throwing vases, but all of a sudden, here she is asking for my services. Tell me, Miss Lockhart, what are you getting out of helping Al?"

"It's the honourable thing to do," Arabella lied with a completely straight face.

Winter looked exceedingly unconvinced by the notion, "Come on. We made a deal." She leaned forward with a smirk. "What was it you said when we met? Something about... Justice? A 'good-for-nothing pig'? Or was that some kind of joke?"

Ah, of course she would remember that. Arabella didn't like getting too emotional, especially when it would come back to bite her later. When it came to that 'good-for-nothing pig', the same one she'd have to face again in only a few weeks, she had yet to quell her seething anger. She was safe from him, at least for now. Why was it so hard for her to remember that when he came to mind? Arabella's face fell into an icy expression, "...Did it seem like a joke back then?" The darkening of her blue eyes seemed to surprise Winter who sat slightly straighter upon being met with the girl's glower. "...Do I seem like I'm joking now?"

Silence befell the two of them for a good few moments until Winter widened her eyes in a mixture of shock and intrigue, "I... pity the fool who got on your bad side." The comment pulled Arabella out of whatever headspace she had found herself in and she frowned to herself. She was getting emotional again. By her silence, Winter seemed to pick up on the fact that Arabella was doing this to get back at someone and Arabella remained silently grateful there wouldn't be any prying beyond that.

But she was certain Winter was smart enough to eventually figure it out on her own someday.

In the silence, Winter took the opportunity to smile slyly once more. "Next topic. How do you know my real name?"

Arabella glared at her, "You've already used your one question." Though, she had hardly answered it transparently.

Winter laughed to herself, "Got me." Her cigarette returned to her lips and she continued her airy laugh. "Thanks for indulging my curiosity."

Arabella withdrew a 'your welcome' from leaving her own lips but nodded at the comment.

If anything, a 'thank you' was in order for the slight distraction. But she would have to stop avoiding it now. Whatever had happened at the academy to change things and embolden him enough to make a stately visit was beyond her now. She would just have to deal with it.

And deal with it, she shall.

"...About the bandit situation..." Arabella frowned in contemplation, interlacing her fingers together as she spoke. "How are they with...pickpocketing?"

Winter quirked a curious brow.