

Maschenny Aldine has always thought that she was living a pretty normal life. whatever she wants, studying at a famous academy in the city she grew up and working as a part-timer at her favorite café. Or...maybe not a really normal life. Her father left her alone, she didn't know who her mother is, she knows none of her relatives and she is hated and envied on her school for being a top student and talented almost on everything she does. But, despite to all of that misfortunes, she fights to keep her life together, to achieve her own dreams. Of course, that is until everything upended when she is caught into a death battle of two otherworldly people in the middle of the night. Her so-called normal life is then robbed from her, by just helping one of those people out of kindness as she is protected by one of them from the other. Well, at least, that's the plan.

Azura_azurasan · Fantasy
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2 Chs



A world where a war between it's citizens have been going on for thousands of years. A world wherein it's people are blessed with different magical abilities are united into two forces to fight against each other. But through thousands of years, no side had really won, thus the struggle between two opposing forces still continued. It's a world of magic and bloodshed.


A world where humans live. A world without magic. Also the world where a girl had grown up.

Maschenny Aldine was just going through her normal, boring, daily life. Until it all turned into a mix of fantasy and reality when he met a prince, claiming to came from another world. Whom she also ended up helping to retrieve something that was taken from him. At least, that's the most of it.

"Welcome, a descendant of Gods."

● ⸸ ☼

PROLOGUE| Descendants

"This is the world Gate-keeper Vale told me where General Trapolla went to hide," said a young man with a silver hair reaching below his elbow as he watched another young man with the same silver hair but longer, stopped in front of the boundary known as the portal that separated their world from another world. He reached out his hand and it felt like water yet it wasn't wet and also felt warm to the skin.

A young man with cherry blossom hair soon joined beside him, doing the same thing. "Woah, this is amazing," he gaped, reaching forward until his elbow before he pulled it back. "I can't wait to go beyond this! Right, Ioannis?"

"How do we get back?" the one with longer silver hair, Ioannis, asked, intentionally ignoring the one beside him.

"Find the next head of the family of gate-keepers," replied the one with the shorter silver hair. "Though, our magic will be weaker there, it shouldn't be hard to find another Wizterian living there to help you two."

"Sir Vale told me that his oldest son is easy to find there, so it should be easier for us," the one with the pink hair spoke, looking back to the man behind them. "Don't worry, we'll be back in no time, *Keshia."

A sigh escaped his lips as he stared at the two fellow young man before him. "You better be. We cannot let them hold onto the ring any longer."

With unnerving courage, he readied himself to cross over the boundary. "Take care of our mother for me, Chronus," he said after with looking back.

"Well, of course. I am your older brother after all," Chronus remarked, smiling as his brother turned his back to him. "Valerius, take care of my brother for me, alright? Or I'll kill you."

"Uh, you don't have to threaten me, you know," the young man with cherry blossom hair, named Valerius, remarked.

"Just to make sure."

". . ."

"Let's go, Valerius," Ioannis stated and he determinedly stepped forward. The water-like boundary gave way for him and Valerius as he soon followed. However, the moment Valerius stepped half of his body to the door to another world, he was immediately thrown back by an unknown force.

"Valerius!" Ioannis yelled and tried to reach him.

He heard his brother and the pink haired man shouted his name but it faded away when he was pulled by the same unknown forced. The next thing he knew, he was welcomed by the orange sky turning indigo and he was in another world.

He looked behind him, to where he supposed to came from, yet there was nothing but an unknown road. Accepting the fact that he was alone in a completely different place, he moved forward. Or maybe, not really alone. There, before him, were his own kind, waiting to kill him.

He glared, his sword appearing out of thin air and asked, "Where is your leader?"

● ⸸ ☼

A girl with black hair, tied in a high ponytail, stopped mopping the floor of her academy's hallway. She breathed, wiping her bangs and sweat from her face before looking out off the window and stared at the orange sky.

'I'm feeling nauseous. . .I shouldn't have stayed until 1 AM. . .'

"Oi, Maschenny. Get back to work."

She grimaced but immediately continued mopping the floor.

'I should get ice cream later. . .'

*Keshia = Cousin

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