

In the previous ep. Chika,Eric,Shoto,Natalia,Wish and Amber made a backup plan. Lets continue.

The backup plan was to leave half of the warriors and Cannon in the other part of the place of the war. If something happens then they will give a sign so they could attack Vicent and his warriors immediately. It was also a problem cause if Vicent also thought to leave his warriors there. But Vicent didnt do that so it was safe for them.

Weapons used in the war.



Bow and Arrows






War hammar

War axe

Metal claw


Sphere's are used by the warriors and other weapons are used by the bosses and the others. Sphere is light and it is long ranged. We can use sphere by throwing. Sword is shord ranged we use it by holding it in our hand. Bow and Arrows are ling ranged. We use it by putting the arrow in the middle and pulling the string then releasing it.

Haladai is like a sword it has two sides of blades and a holding part in the middle. We use it like we use sword. Shrunken is like a ninja star. We use it by throwing it by power on someone or something to break or kill it. Urumi looks like a curved sword. Urumi is used to deflect direct swings of a the weapon.Eric fought Vicent using his pet and attack. Eric used shape shifting and regeneration on Vicent.

Vicent used his powerful attacks on Eric. Eric was highly injured but he didn't give up. Vicent was highly injured too. Shoto fought Sterio using his attacks and pet. Shoto used small black and shadow ghost. Shoto used his attack against Shoto.Chika and Celeon fought Charles and Charlie using their attacks and pets. Charles and Charlie used all their powerful attacks on Chika and Celeon Natalia and the others used their pets and attacks against the warriors.

Everyone fought and fought until they are really really injured.Cannons team fought for their country and Vicent fought for his greed to get Erick's power. Everyone tried to win but Vicents team was really injured. Vicents team had to show a white flag. But they didnt give up yet.

*The Next day*

Vicent started the war again. This time Vicent didnt had to show the white flag. None of the teams had to give up this time they thought they will win any way without showing the white flag. Everyone fought and didn't even care about dying. No one thought about anything or anyone. Everyone cared about winning and not getting defeated. Cannon's team thought that they had to win for their

kingdom cause it is their everything now. Vicent's team thought that they had to win or the Devil King is gonna be very mad and haunt them in their next life.

Everyone were very strong but Vicents team loosed. In every story the villans always loose but this story isn't finished yet cause they also have to defeat the Devil King. Defeating The Devil King would be very hard but we will talk about it on the last or the second last ep.