

As u know in the previous ep. Eric became friend with Fate,Amber,Natalia,Wish,Shoto and Chika.

Everyone knows a story isn't complete without Villans in it.

Well,there was also a VILLAN in this story. His name was Vicent. He was a celestrial. He could also use mind control even though he was a celestrial. Soon, he found about Eric. He sent many spies to bet his information. The spies gave Eric's information to Vicent. "Eric cant control his powers. His power is very hard to control. His address was ********* ****. He lives in "Magic Villa". The only power he can use properly was regenerate."

Vicent was planning on starting a war. But only Vicent can't defeat all of them cause there are many celestrials in that place. So,he would have to call his friends for help and minions. He had 20 fire, 20 air, 20 water, 20 nature, 5 celestrials, 5 shadow minions. Little does he know, Eric and his friends are already prepared foe the war.


One night,the spies were sping on Eric. Eric saw them.

Eric 💭:"oh I see someone sent spies on me. Tomorrow I'll tell my friend about it.


Eric: Hey Guys!

All : Hi

Eric: Yesterday night I saw a spy looking foe my information. We'll have to be prepared. Cause I think that the person will start a war in my village to conquer my powers.

Chika: But first we will have to tell my father about it, we could use a little help.

Fate:Yeah! Her father can prepare some warriors to help us.

Shoto:But guys we haven't learned how to make pets with our powers.

Natalia:Yeah! He is right. We will have to tell our teachers about this so they can teach us how to make pets and we will Learn how to make attack's too.

Amber: but we will have to be careful about this. What if the spies already know where we are going.

Shoto: do t worry guys. I already have weapons prepared.


Shoto: Chill guys. I am always ready and I always have weapons with me.

Shoto:we dont have time for questions. Equip it quickly.


Chika: *Explains everything*

Chikas father prepares all the warriors for the war. They also asked her father to get information about the person. Everyone decides to go to park and enjoy.

The spies told Cannon about the person. "The persons name was Vicent. He is the last/weakest boss. His leader is the Devil King."

Everyone:*in shock*

Many Years ago

The Devil King was locked in a big unescapable box. The angel trapped him there. Everyone thought that the Devil King was gone forever. But no one knew he was only trapped not gone forever. The angel told the king of element from the past about it. The king of element from the past was Cannons great grandfather. Cannons father told Cannon about this. Nobody knew about "who freed the Devil King from the trap".

Soon,the spies found out about this and told cannon about this. "The first boss/strongest boss freed the Devil King. Vicent was ready and he would start the war after 3-4 days ." It was enough time to prepare for them.


They told the teachers about this. The teachers helped them to make pets using their elements. It took them one day to learn it. They also learned how to make attack's using their elements.