
Wizards Revenge

Leylin was born with minimal to no magical abilities. With a family that hates him and a society that ostracized him, he only has his mother to support him. When that gets taken away, something breaks, and he vows to enact revenge upon those that caused his misery. ------- First time writing a fic, so please go easy on me. I haven't read the Harry Potter books in years, so I do apologize if there are any inconsistencies. If you guys spot any mistakes, feel free to point them out, but depending on the context I may not be able to change them. Other than that, I hope you guys have as much fun reading this story as I do writing it!

BranHunter · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Yer A Wizard

"Magic?" Hank asked slowly, looking at the woman in the brown business suit, then to Leylin beside him.

"Indeed." Said McGonagall. "Leylin here never mentioned anything...."

With a start, Leylin realized she knew who he was. What his real name was.

How, he thought, but then quickly grasped the obvious. Magic. It always came back to magic.

Hank narrowed his eyes at Leylin, looking at him with an upturned lip, making the jagged scar morph around his face. "This damn brat doesn't tell me jack shit."

McGonagall cleared her throat. "Well," she started, "your, ah, son here is a wizard that has reached the age where he is able to enroll at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He will receive the best tutelage in the nation by some of the most renowned professors around the world."

"Right..." Hank replied.

"If you do choose to enroll him, he will be in need of the proper supplies, which you can purchase at Diagon Alley." She took out a sealed letter from her robe. "In this envelope is the list of supplies, along with the directions to Diagon Alley, as well as contact information to the school if you are in need of any assistance."

Hank took the letter and looked it over with a critical eye. A white envelope with a crest on the front with the big letter 'H'. The wax seal had the same crest.

"Do you have any questions?" McGonagall asked.

Hank once again looked at the woman and then back to Lelyin. "Are you two fuckin' with me?" He eventually asked.

McGonagall's lips thinned and she took a deep breath. She promptly took out her wand and turned the mug on the coffee table into a large green toad. "I assure you, Mr. Addams, no one is....messing with you."

Leylin couldn't help the chuckle when he saw Hanks gobsmacked expression. His eyes wide and mouth agape, he watched the amphibian jump from the table, making loud croaking noises.

"Any more questions?" The stern woman said.

Hank shook his head, eyes following the frog. "No....no. I think I understand." He quickly signed the cross over his chest.

"Excellent." McGonagall said, rising from the couch. "I believe that's all we have to discuss, then. Good day to you both." She was gone before either of them could respond.

"...I don't think she liked you very much." Lelyin eventually said, breaking the silence.

Hank jabbed him in the gut in response, eyes still on the frog.


Diagon Alley was just as he remembered it. The chatter of happy families, the smell of freshly baked goods and sweet candy, the excitement in the air.

Leylin hated it.

Once upon a time it was his favorite place. He could still recall the feeling of elation as he walked the narrow street with his mother, going into various shops and looking at various attractions and ending the day with a flavor of ice cream he'd never had before. It was the one place they could get away from the rule of his father and just be.....happy.

That burning sensation ignited in his stomach once again.

Looking over at Hank, needing a distraction, he asked, "Well, what do you think?"

The man's eyes went this way and that, looking over every crook of the place with precision. It was a habit he had, Lelyin had realized a long time ago. Most likely because of his time in the marines was his best guess.

Hank made another sign of the cross. Leylin never knew the man was so religious.

Or maybe the revelation of magic is off-putting, He thought.

"I think we should just hurry up an' get yer things."

Shrugging, Lelyin led them to the bank at the end of the street. It was a tall and crooked building with white pillars as support, reminiscent of roman architecture if Lelyin remembered his history classes correctly.

The inside looked like a modern bank, save for the tellers. Leylin had to nudge Hank more than once to tell him to stop staring. The goblins did not like staring. He had learned the hard way, having one of the creatures snarl curses at him when he was no older than 5. He shuddered at the memory.

They quickly exchanged some pounds for some galleons, getting completely ripped off, and then made their way to the various shops for Leylins supplies. A couple sets of robes, a used cauldron, some phials, a telescope, an owl.

The owl Lelyin got was a black and gray Great Horned, with large yellow eyes. He appropriately named him 'Gandalf the Gray.'

The last stop was for a wand and the most expensive item on the list. Leylin went through a few of them until a jet black Ebony wand with a dragon heartsring 'chose' him, as Ollivander had said.

He was looking at the wand, its handle a neat cylinder shape that extended to the shaft that was a twisted, crooked thing, when he felt a collision and crashed on the floor, holding his head.

"Sorr-" Leylins voice left him when he looked across at who he ran into.

Dirty blonde hair and gray eyes. They both got up from the ground, Lelyin staring dumbly at the boy across from him. He was a head shorter and scrawnier, and Lelyin remembered him clearly. That confident expression, those disdainful eyes. It was Theodore Nott, his twin brother.

Theodore stood, brushing himself off and grumbling. He looked at Lelyin, down at his clothes, then scowled. "Watch where you're walking, mudblood." He stormed past him, bumping into his shoulder, as he strode into Ollivanders. Leylin's eyes followed him as he went.

"Leylin?" Hank said. "Leylin!" He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to look up at the man.

"He didn't even recognize me." He whispered.

To be honest, Leylin wasn't really expecting him too. Hell, he was even hoping that he wouldn't. But looking into his twin's eyes and the other boy looking back like he was a stranger? It hurt more than he thought it would.

Hank peered past him and into Ollivanders where Theodore was standing and talking to the older man at the counter. He sighed. "Let's get outta here, kid."


Over the next few weeks, Leylin engrossed himself in his sparring with Hank. He had looked at his textbooks and wand and tried some of the spells listed, but he could accomplish nothing more than a few dwindling sparks.

I bet Theodore could do them easily, He had constantly thought, making himself angrier and angrier.

On more than one occasion, Hank had to get him to calm down from his flurry of kicks, punches, and jabs. He was letting his emotions control him yet again, and the result was hard hitting punches, but ultimately sloppy form.

It was when Leylin and Hank stood in the middle of King's Cross station that Hank said, "I got somethin' for ya," surprising Lelyin.

He pulled out a round, long object, about double the size of his wand and multiple times thicker. It had a rubber handle with a grippy texture. Taking the object, Leylin looked at it in slight confusion.

Hank clicked his tongue and took the object back, then with a quick motion he moved his arms clock-wise, and the object extended to about half his height. It was a solid metal that got thinner at the ends, topped with a round ball. It was a Bo Staff. A collapsible one.

Hank handed it back to Lelyin, who took it reverently. Holding it in his hands, feeling the rubber grip and the sturdy metal, he smiled.

"Just in case." Hank said.

Leylin looked up at the man that took him in when he was at his lowest and raised him like his own. Who taught him discipline, how to fight, how to be a man. Unbidden tears came to his eyes.

"Ugh," Hank groaned. "Don't go gettin' all sentimental on me." The slight curve of his lips betrayed his words.

Leylin wrapped the man in a hug. "I'll miss you." He mumbled in his shirt.

Hank patted him on the back. "Ya. I'll miss ya too, kid." He pushed Lelyin off him and gave him a crooked smirk. "Now go get on that damn train, so I can leave this godforsaken place."

Laughing, Leylin nodded and made his way onto the ramp of the red locomotive. He looked back, waved to Hank, turned, took a deep breath, and then entered the carriage with all the other children.

This is it, he thought. Where it would all start. Where everything that he'd been wishing for, for the past years 4 years would begin. He was terrified.

Third chapter everyone! Let me know what you think!

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