
Chapter 9

Location: Russos Home.

"Hey, so, I have decided what independent study course I'd be taking. Justin stated while standing near Alex and Max, who were watching television. They both turned to face him. "Its a course called Haha, I am beating you in wizard competition." Justin teased and began laughing. "That was a good one." Justin stopped laughing and cleared his throat. Alex and Max looked at him blankly. "Just kidding, on serious notes, Its a course called monster hunter."

"Oh great! so you can round up all of your ex-girlfriends." Alex scoffed.

"Ooh!" Max exclaimed before laughing.

"Now get out of here, I am trying to find a way to catch up on my wizard studies." Alex said.

"Why bother? You know, if I were you, I would try to find ways to look good in a hair net."

"Oooh!" Max got up from his seat and laughed.

"I am on fire!" Justin scoffed before leaving Alex and Max alone.

"Alex, I think he just called you a hairy lunch lady." Max said in between his laugh.

"Dude aren't you just a little worried that Justin might beat us in the wizard competition?" Alex sighed.

"Alex, I am worried about a lot of things." Max shook his head. He then got up and said. "This might be as tall as I get." Alex turned away in a huff. "Okay, Tell me, What are we gonna do to beat him?" Max asked.

"I am not telling you." Alex shook her head, stating the obvious. Max rolled his eyes before leaving the place. Alex reopened the book and continued reading until she was interrupted by her father. "Dad! You startled me!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sorry sweetie, I was just trying to see if you are really studying." Jerry said.

"Not you too, dad." Alex sighed and turned down to read her book.

"Memorising the spells, huh? That's-Woah! Where did you get this from?" Jerry asked, holding the bestiarium which was lying with the books beside Alex.

"Justin gave it to me. I was studying about some creatures. Now give it back."

"This book is filled with vast knowledge, Alex. What are you studying about? Let me help you." Jerry said.

"Oh Pfft! A book about supernatural creatures isn't going to confuse me. Secondly, half of the animals described in the book are pure myth." Alex scoffed.

"That's the thing, Alex. All The creatures mentioned in that book actually exist. They exist in the wizard world." Jerry said.

"They What?" Alex sneered. "Do you mean Sirens, Chimeras, and Dragons really exist?"


"Then why haven't I seen anyone of them?" Alex asked.

"That is not the concern here. What made you read this book? Have you come across any of those creatures?" Jerry asked.

"I think so." Alex shrugged.

"What? and you're telling me now? Every creature in that book poses a risk to your life, Alex. They are all monsters. Well, at least most of them." Jerry exclaimed.

"Relax, Dad! He is not at all dangerous. He's basically dumb, quirky, and sweet, with some anger issues." Alex smiled.

"Who is he? Most importantly, what is he?" Jerry asked.

"That is what I was looking for. But do you know what? It doesn't matter now because I don't believe he is someone or something frightening from this book." Alex said.

"Are you sure about that, honey? Because dealing with any of the creatures in this book is the last thing I want you to do."

"Yes, I am sure, dad. Thanks." Alex said.

"Hey, Everyone!" Juliet stated as she entered through the door. "Alex, where's Justin? and hey you aren't ready yet?"

"I am a wizard, Juliet. All I have to do is, wave the wand." Alex said.

"Right. Anyways, where's Justin?"

"In the lair, I guess." Alex shrugged.

"OK, Now please go get ready, when are we leaving?"

"I don't know, ask Justin and inform me too."

"Alright. I'll call you."

"Ahh! That reminded-Yes please, call me. I have one more thing to do." Alex said this as she turned to rush to her room.

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Location: Dagon's Apartment.

"Y/N!" Tutor called. "How do I look?" She asked and twirled to show off her outfit.

"You look very pretty." he said.

"Thanks. You look handsome yourself." Tutor smiled.

"Hello! Aww, You two look really lovely, I must say." Brenna said as she walked out of her room, fixing her hair.

"Thanks, Bren." Y/N and Tutor said collectively.

"I want you to understand something, Y/N, before we leave." Brenna said.


"Even though we are heading to our home, you will run into people who have always been unkind to you, but that is no excuse to lose your temper. I want you to remain cool in every circumstance." Brenna warned.

"I know that, Brenna. I am no-"

"Not a kid anymore? Yes, but it's my responsibility as your older sister to advise you so you don't do something stupid on this little trip." Brenna said.

"Yeah yeah. I will not do anything silly, I promise. happy?" Y/N said. before Brenna could answer, Y/N's Phone started ringing. "Excuse me." He said before leaving the hall.

"Hello, Mr. Dagon!" Y/N picked up the phone and it was Alex on the other end.

"Hey, Alex! What's up?"

"Nothing much. I called to see if you had already left for the carnival but I see you are still here, huh?"

"I was just about to leave. Aren't YOU going?"

"I was about to leave too." Alex said.

"Alright, see you there."

"Wait, What is your-I mean, how are you coming there? Do you have a portal or something?" Alex asked.

"Obviously Alex, We have a portal."

"Oh? That's cool, yeah. So.."


"So..Nothing, I-guess I'll see you there?"

"Uhmm-Yeah-Of course." Y/N chuckled.

"Bye then."


"And please I want to see your portal, some day. Just curious." Alex said.

"Yeah, Sure. Bye." Y/N said and hung up the call. Y/N returned to the hall, where Tutor and Brenna were waiting for him.

"Who was it?" Brenna asked.

"Just a friend from school. Let's go." Y/N said.

"Alex?" Tutor asked.

"Alex? Yeah it was her." Y/N smiled.

"She has your number?" Tutor asked.

"Uh-Duh! I was just talking to her." Y/N shrugged.

"No, I mean, you just got a phone and already have her number?"

"Yeah. She entered her phone number herself. She even taught me a few things about my phone." Y/N smiled again.

"I see." Tutor said. Although she smiled, it was obvious that she was jealous. The way he smiled when he talked about Alex was killing her. Who could possibly blame her?

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Location: Wizard World.

Y/N, Brenna and tutor emerged from their portal and made their way into the wizarding world. Entering the carnival was like a sensory overload. The rides were lit up at night reminding of elaborate Christmas decorations. Then, of course, there was the different music coming from the various rides, a mix of foxtrot and the familiar melody of the carousel. You could almost hear the beckoning of the game booths, with those gigantic stuffed animals they wished they could win. And the smells of the delicious fare wafting throughout the park prompting everyone's stomach to rumble with hunger.

"Holy sh*t!" All Three of them awwed at the same time.

"What shall we begin with?" Brenna rubbed her hands excitedly.

"You should probably begin by saying hello to this old man."

"Oh my stars! Professor crumbs? Greetings! Nice to see you." Brenna greeted.

"Hello!" Y/N smiled.

"Nice to see you too, kids." Prof. Crumbs replied.

"We are extremely grateful that you invited us today." Y/N said.

"Pleasure is mine and I really missed two of my brightest students." Professor crumbs said.

"Uhmm-Excuse me!" Everyone laughed when Tutor faked a cough and crossed her arms.

"Three of my brightest students." Professor Crumbs chuckled.

"How are things going around here and how is chancellor Tootietootie? Does he still despise us after that brief stint I had with him before leaving?" Brenna asked.

"He is now calm. If you see him, just be respectful and nothing should go wrong." Professor Crumbs said.

While Brenna, Tutor and professor crumbs were having a chat, Y/N was lost on his own train of thoughts. He kept gazing around, as if he was expecting someone. Tutor gently hit his shoulder and asked "Are You alright?" to which he smiled and nodded yes. When professor left, They decided to go to the rides and began strolling. Tutor and Brenna continued talking the entire time, and Y/N would just nod and smile in response to their questions.

"Alex is here!" All of a sudden, he mumbled, drawing both of the girls' attention. He probably heard her because of his exceptional hearing.

"Did you say something?" Brenna asked.

"I-uh-No" He chuckled. "I mean-Yeah-I said, Let us proceed this way."

"What's there?" Tutor asked.

"Ale-I don't know, Just follow me." Y/N said.

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