
Wizarding world of Harry Potter

Fics on Wizarding world of Harry Potter in different volumesnof this novel

Webnovel_Addicted · Book&Literature
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192 Chs


Chapter 3: Auror Attack! Conversation with Grindelwald

The middle-aged Auror collapsed to the ground.

A chorus of exclamations erupted!


Augustus Grindelwald clenched his fist in the direction where the Auror had fallen. It was as if he were trying to grasp something, and he quickly walked over to the fallen body. Gently, he closed the Auror's eyes with a sorrowful expression.

"Why... why did it have to come to this..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Auror Director, terrified, took action. He didn't want Augustus to speak again, fearing he might be further influenced by his words.

The Director's curse was a signal. Pale green lights flashed around the square, targeting Augustus directly.

Despite the looming threat of the killing curse, Augustus remained unperturbed. Instead, a faint smile played at the corners of his mouth. With two top wizards, Vita Rosier and Abernethy, by his side, such an obvious attack was hardly a threat.

Indeed, as the green light approached, two spells materialized into stone walls in front of Augustus, intercepting the curse and causing it to dissipate.

Before the acolytes could react, several young Aurors attacked the leaders from behind, quickly subduing them.

"Disarm them!"

"Petrify them all!"

In mere seconds, the attacking Aurors were knocked to the ground. As Vita Rosier's wand prepared to strike, Augustus intervened.

"Wait, Aunt Vita!"

He pushed Vita's wand aside and approached the captured Aurors. The acolytes parted to make way for him.

Looking at the defiant Aurors, Augustus sighed.

"Is it not enough that you've killed so many of our comrades over the years? Must you continue to hunt us down?"

"My father has been imprisoned by you, and now you even target an eleven-year-old child!"

"Bah! You are no different from your father, a troublemaker who corrupts the wizarding world!" The Auror Director spat, his eyes burning with hatred.

"You claim we are the source of trouble. But what have we done? We seek truth and freedom."

"Is it a crime to want wizards to live openly and freely?"

Augustus was not angered; rather, his eyes displayed a flicker of sadness.

"I've said before, we are not enemies. We share the same identity and goals."

"What we should do is—"

"Avada Kedavra!"

The Auror Director, hiding a wand, attacked again as Augustus approached.

"Augustus!" Vita Rosier's face was filled with alarm as she rushed toward him.

Augustus, however, wore a knowing smirk. He sidestepped the attack effortlessly.

"Sir, you seem to have forgotten that while my prophetic abilities may not match my father's, they are still useful."

Augustus twirled his wand with graceful precision.

"Protego Diabolica!"

A barrier of light blue flames surged around him. Though not as grand as Grindelwald's displays, it was impressive enough to captivate the acolytes.

Even Vita Rosier, who had been his caretaker for years, couldn't mask her admiration.

"Protego Diabolica, it's the Protego Diabolica" Abernethy's astonished voice came from behind Augustus. Augustus grinned and addressed the acolytes.

"Everyone, the final moment has arrived. Step through these flames and shatter the illusions of those who sleep!"

"Fight for the greater good!"

"Announce to the entire wizarding world that we have returned!"

Vita Rosier and Abernethy, driven by fervor, strode into the flames. The acolytes followed, Apparating away.

A notification flashed in Augustus's mind.

[Congratulations, Host, for taking control of the Acolytes and achieving: Successor of the Dark Lord]

[Achievement Points Earned: 500]

"500 points—enough for a five-draw in a row!"

"I'll sort out how to use them once things settle down."

After everyone had left, Augustus, Vita Rosier, and Abernethy remained. Vita, observing the restrained Aurors, asked Augustus what to do with them.

Augustus flicked his wand without a glance.

The blue flames consumed them instantly.

"Aurors? What Aurors?"


Inside the dark tower, an old man with white hair and mismatched eyes observed Augustus with interest.

"Well done, young one."

"And what's next? Are you planning to take down the Austrian Ministry of Magic?"

Grindelwald, despite his imprisonment, appeared in better spirits than his portrayal in the original text. His quality of life, though confined, was relatively comfortable.

Augustus, with a hint of disdain, replied, "I still have a couple of years to live! Attacking the Ministry now would be akin to declaring war."

"If it weren't for the agreement you made, I wouldn't have staged such a grand show. The best course would be to lie low until I'm truly ready."

Grindelwald shrugged, feigning helplessness.

"I didn't expect you to pass the test set by those old fogies."

"Perhaps I should send you to hide at Durmstrang for a few years?"

Augustus shook his head. "Staying in Nurmengard is better. At least the Ministry of Magic won't dare act against us directly here."

"As for what comes next, you must have already guessed."

"Do you plan to go to England?" Grindelwald speculated after a moment's thought.

"The surveillance by the German and Austrian Ministries of Magic is at an all-time high. After today, they will intensify their efforts against us."

"Rather than struggling here, it's better to seek a new path in the UK."

"And..." A smirk played on Augustus's lips.

"I can visit Hogwarts and exact a bit of revenge!"

"Imagine how satisfying it will be: the students Dumbledore worked so hard to train, now joining us, making his efforts futile..."

Augustus's tone was laced with temptation, and Grindelwald's eyes reflected a flicker of interest.

Augustus had decided on Hogwarts when he first received the system. Not only did it offer the chance to further the Acolytes' cause, but the system's rewards were also far more abundant there than at Durmstrang or Beauxbatons. Hogwarts was the epicenter of the story, and achievement points were likely to be more plentiful.

Grindelwald, with a hint of cunning, said, "But you don't have a Hogwarts acceptance letter."

Augustus, not easily fooled, knew that Hogwarts would indeed send a letter to his English orphanage on his birthday. The fact that he hadn't received it meant it was likely being kept from him by Grindelwald.

Sensing Augustus's suspicion, Grindelwald waved his hand, releasing an owl that flew to Augustus.

"Even my own son doubts me. You're becoming less endearing, Augustus!"