

Isaac would sit in the library on top of the bookshelves, reading a book. Suddenly he heard two male voices whispering to each other. He then grabbed his broom, floating slowly, landing quietly on the ground. He crouched down, strolling toward the end of the bookshelf but staying behind the bookshelf to stay hidden.

"Alexander Gaunt… And Percy Flitwick...?" Isaac internalized. Isaac stood there listening to their conversation.

"What if they catch us..?" Percy asked Alexander. Alexander scoffed,

"Calm down you sissy, they won't catch us..." Alexander replied. Percy nodded, looking around anxiously. 

"So... When and where are we meeting...?" Percy asked. Alexander sighed,

"You're numbskull... We're meeting at The Chamber of Secrets... Tonight at 6:35... Don't be late... Make sure nobody follows you... I'll tell you about the plan then..." Alexander said. Isaac raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"The plan...? Why The Chamber Of Secrets...?" Isaac thought to himself. Isaac looked focused on the ground. 

-- 6:30 PM, SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2017, Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- 

A 11-Year-Old Isaac Tegron (Linford), walked down the halls with his older brother, James Tegron.

"How have your classes been, Isaac?" James asked. James' face was blacked out and glitching, like a broken television screen. Isaac smiled widely, 

"Amazing! Uhm!- Transfiguration is my favorite! I love it when the headmaster changes into a cat, it's hilarious!" Young Isaac said. James looked forward then back at Isaac.

"I don't think you should like Professor McGonagall..." James said. Isaac looked at his older brother in confusion. 

"Why?" Isaac asked. James sighed, putting his hand on his little brother's head. 

"She doesn't like us, Slytherin... She thinks we're no goods with zero potential..." James said. Isaac looked even more confused,

"But she's real nice to Sebastian and me during class," Isaac said. James sighed,

"Isaac... Do you trust me... Or your friends more...?" James asked. Isaac smiled innocently, 

"You, of course, you're my big brudda!" Isaac said. James smiled, patting Isaac's head.

"Come with me, I want to show you something..." James said in a very serious tone.

"Now you can't tell anybody I took you down here... Understand..." James said. Isaac nodded, following his older brother. Isaac and James would walk down the hall of the Transfiguration courtyard. They then walked up the stairs to the old girl's lavatory. Isaac raised a brow in confusion,

"Why're we here...? The Headmaster said we aren't allowed to be here..." Isaac said. James smiled, kneeling down to Isaac's level. He put his hand on Isaac's shoulders.

"Remember what I said... Nobody needs to know..." James said. Isaac nods, listening to his older brother.

"After we get to where we're going, I'm going to teach you something only a few certain people know... Alright...?" James said. Isaac nodded. James pulled out his wand, using a spell to remove the boards pinned onto the door. 

James walked forward, pushing the door open. The two walked in, looking around the restroom. Weeds and flowers grew around the bathroom, and mold grew on the ground from the old sink running water.

Just then, the ghost Moaning Myrtle flew out from one of the bathroom stalls, around the lavatory. She then flew in front of James' face.

"STUDENTS ARE FORBIDDEN FROM THESE GROUNDS!-" James then pulled out an ancient-looking golden cup. He pointed his wand at Myrtle. 

"Colloportus..." James mumbled. He then moved his wand toward the cup and Myrtle was absorbed by it. James sighed, putting a cap on it. He then put the cup in his robe's pocket.

"What'd you do to her...?" Isaac asked James. James forced a smile, looking down at Isaac.

"Let's just say... I put her in timeout..." James said. Isaac nodded. The two walked toward the sinks of the restroom slowly. James closed his eyes, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

"Hhesh-haasa..." James said in Parseltongue. Isaac raised a brow,

"What was that...?" Isaac asked. James smiled, 

"I'll teach you that later... After all... You are a very quick learner..." James said. Isaac nodded,

"Do Mum and Dad know how to do that...?" Isaac asked. James was quiet for a second before shaking his head. 

"No. They don't." James said, slightly stern. 

"Oh- Okay..." Isaac replied.

Just then, the sink began to open and move fascinatingly. It'd then reveal a large hole in the middle of the sinks. James smiled, walking toward the hole.

"I'll go first... Then you go a few seconds after me... We don't want to run into each other on the slide..." James said. Isaac nodded in agreement.

James walked forward, jumping down into the hole. Isaac sat on the edge of the hole, kicking his legs. A few seconds later, he pushed himself down into the hole. He'd slide down, turning a few times, and looping a couple more. He slid down the tunnel for a bit before reaching the end. He would then see James standing in the cave, holding his wand with 'Lumos' activated.

Isaac stood up, looking around in awe. There were two paths and dark green lanterns lighting down them both. James looked at Isaac, chuckling. Isaac jogged over to James, looking him in the eyes, excitedly.

"What is this place...!?" Isaac whispered. 

"You'll see, follow me," James said. The two walked down the path on the left. They then reached a vault door with lots of stone snakes on it. 

"We're nearly there..." 

"... Just right through this door..." James said. Isaac nodded, keeping quiet.

"Hhesh-haasa..." James whispered. A snake then started moving around the door as it opened. The door then slowly opened, revealing The Chamber of Secrets. The torches inside the chamber lit up with green fire, lighting The Chamber. 

"This, Isaac..."

"... Is The Chamber Of Secrets..." James said. The two walked into The Chamber, standing on the platform. Isaac looked around in awe, 

"They never told us about this place..." Isaac said. James nodded,

"Because... Students aren't supposed to know about it... But now you do..." James said. Isaac smiled,

"Now, you wait here... I have to go do something real quick..." James said. He then grabbed the cup out of his robe's pocket. He walked down the path in the middle, carrying his wand and the cup. Isaac looked around, admiring the chamber. 

-- 12:30 PM, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2021, Hogwarts, Library. -- 

Isaac crouched there, sighing quietly. "Of all the things I could have thought of... That damn memory had to be it..." Isaac internalized to himself, clenching his fists.

"Should I tell the headmaster...? No. It's probably just some prank... No, that's not like Alexander..." Isaac assumed. Isaac shook his head, turning and standing. He grabbed his broom and walked down the aisle of the library. He opened a little pouch, shoving his broomstick in there. The pouch seemed bottomless. Isaac continued walking, looking down at the ground, before running into a girl holding books.

"Oh-" She reacted. Her books fell to the ground making a loud thump. Isaac looked up to see Monday standing there.

"S-Sorry about that, Monday..." Isaac mumbled. Monday chuckled, squatting down to pick up her books. Isaac squatted helping her pick them up. She wore a Gryffindor robe. 

"I know we had this conversation at the station, but, how was your summer, Isaac...?" Monday asked. Isaac scratched the side of his head with his left hand while picking up books with his right. Isaac shrugged,

"Not too exciting... I heard you went to Italy..." Isaac said. Monday nodded, 

"I did... Most of my family is from there..." Monday said. After the two picked up the books they stood back up. They looked each other in the eyes. She looked at his, slightly worried. 

"Are you alright...?" She went to put a hand on his cheek, but he lightly moved it away.

"I'm fine..." Isaac said. Monday nodded, 

"How about we walk together? There's a lot I want to talk to you about..." Monday asked. The two walked down the aisles of the Library together. 

"Did you hear the news?" Monday asked, looking at Isaac. Isaac looked down at her, shaking his head.

"Tiegan Cartier and Jayden Vane are in a relationship... They were seen at the bookstore together... Though, Vane isn't much of a reader..." Monday said. Isaac nodded,

"I think that's pretty obvious... But I didn't know Cartier and Vane were together... That's interesting..." Isaac said. Monday looked at Isaac, smiling.

"You and Tiegan are childhood friends, no?" Monday asked. Isaac nodded, scratching the back of his head.

"Something like that... We don't really interact that much anymore..." Isaac said. Monday looked concerned, 

"Well... I wanted to ask you something..." Monday said. Isaac looked over in confusion,

"What's up...?" Isaac asked. Monday inhaled and exhaled slowly. 

"Are you free this Friday... After classes of course-" Monday asked. Isaac shrugged,

"Maybe... Why...?" Isaac asked. Monday smiled,

"I was uhm... Wondering if you wanted to grab a Butter Beer or two at the three broomsticks..." Monday asked. Monday blushed, looking around aimlessly. Isaac looked slightly surprised, scratching the back of his head.

"I uhm... I'll think about it..." Isaac said. Monday nodded,

"Well... I've got to go return these books... See ya..." Monday said. Isaac nodded,

"Isaac." Said a familiar male voice. Isaac turned, seeing Sebastian Adamson. He had slightly messy brown hair. He wore a Slytherin green and white sweater and black slacks. 

"What's up?" Isaac asked. Sebastian sighed,

"Remember, we have our quidditch meeting about winning the house cup for the 5th year in a row..." Sebastian said. Isaac sighed, nodding. 

"Lead the way..." Isaac said. 

-- 12:45 PM, SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2021, Hogwarts, Trophy Room --

The Slytherin Quidditch Team1 all sat in the trophy room in a circle of chairs. 

"So... Are we all finally here...?" Ralph asked. Everyone else in the room nodded. Ralph smiled,

"Alright, good... Let's get started with the meeting..." Ralph said. 

"As we all know... Sally and I are graduating this year... So we need to choose a new captain and vice-captain..." Ralph continued. 

"I'm going to suggest Grant and Nicholas..." Sebastian said. Ralph and Sally nodded,

"Now let's get past that, we have a whole season ahead of us..." Ralph said. Sally nodded, 

"We're going to keep the same roster as last season, it obviously worked for us after we won the cup..." Sally said. Everyone nodded in agreement, 

"Who do you think our biggest challenge will be...?" Grant asked. Ralph rubbed his chin, thinking about it.

"Hmm... Gryffindor probably..." Remi said. Everyone except Isaac and Augustus groaned, 

"It's always Gryffindor..." Nicholas said.

"Well let's look optimistic, Hufflepuff hasn't been good since the early 90s, so we're clear on that front..." Sally said. 

"Why're you guys so scared of Gryffindor... They're horrible..." Jayden said. Isaac sighed,

"That doesn't matter, they're still the second-best house, they're record was very close to ours last year..." Isaac said,

"Mhm, listen to Isaac… I also heard their keeper is really good…" Grant said. Jayden scoffed, 

"Since when has Isaac ever cared about this team anyway…" Jayden said. Sally sighed,

"Last year, Isaac and Sebastian scored more points than you, combined… Stop throwing a fit…" Sally said. Jayden snickered, keeping quiet.

"Now, we have our first match on the 11th and we have practice on the 10th after Transfiguration..." Ralph said. Everyone nodded,

"Alright, we'll see you all on the 10th, now lets all head to lunch..." Sally said,

"Meeting dismissed," Ralph said. Everyone got up, leaving the trophy room. Isaac, Nicholas, and Sebastian walked down the hallway together before reaching The Grand Staircase. All the stairs would move in different directions. The trio would walk down the stairs and enter the great hall. 

"Can't wait for lunch, the ham and cheese sandwiches are my favorite..." Nicholas said. Sebastian chuckled, "

"I'm going to practice some spell casting in the room of requirement, I'll see you guys later..." Isaac said. Nicholas and Sebastian nodded. The two walked over to a table and sat down. 

"AH!!" Professor Atkinson screamed, running down the hallway. 

"VOLDEMORT!! HE'S RETURNED!!" The Professor screamed. Professor Haru Niro stood up, raising a brow. He looked over at Professor Liars,

"Liars, please evacuate the students to Black Lake station... I'll call the Auror department of the Ministry..." Professor Niro said. Liars nodded,

"All staff and students evacuate the hall! If you have a broom, use it to head to Hogsmeade station!" Liars shouted. All the students began to panic, squirming out of the great hall.


Meanwhile, Isaac sat in the room of requirement with his robe off. His robe sat in the corner of the practice variation of the room, folded nicely. He sat in front of a wall, eating a ham and cheese sandwich. 

"Hm... These are pretty good..." Isaac said. Isaac grabbed a pocket watch and opened it.

"I've had enough practice… I'm going to go fly around for a bit…" Isaac said. He stood up, grabbing his robe. He walked out of the room of requirement, and down the hallway. Isaac approached the great hall.

"What the... Where is everybody...?" Isaac internalized. 

"Did I miss some kind of Hogsmeade trip...?" Isaac thought to himself. Isaac shook his head,

"No... I would've known about this..." He looked inside the great hall seeing Professor Atkinson. The professor apparated away. Isaac raised a brow, 

"What the hell's he doing in there... Alone...?" Isaac thought to himself. 

"Alexander and Percy…" Isaac realized. He ran toward the old girl's lavatory. He ripped off the boards, throwing the doors open. As the doors opened, the sink sealed back up. Isaac's eyes squinted,

"Someone was definitely in here…" Isaac thought to himself. He walked toward the sink, looking around the old, overgrown lavatory. 

"Hhesh-haasa..." Isaac said in Parseltongue. He grabbed his wand as the sink began to open. He went down the slide and activated Lumos. He walked through the cave, taking the left route. He reached the vault door, seeing it was still open. He walked in, seeing Professor Atkinson kneeling in front of the statue of Salazar Slytherin. Isaac sighed,

"Hey! Professor, what the hell is going on?" Isaac asked. The Professor looked back at Isaac in shock. 

"M-Mister Linford… What're you doing here!?" Professor Atkinson asked in shock. Atkinson pulled out their wand, pointing it at Isaac. 

"Woah... I didn't think you'd willingly hurt a student..." Isaac said. Atkinson eerily grinned,

"If it's in the name of The Retribunals..." Atkinson said. Isaac raised a brow,

"Are you guys some kinda group that works with The Reapers…?" Isaac asked. Atkinson's eyes widened at the sound of The Reapers,

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Atkinson shouted. Isaac's eyes widened in shock,

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Isaac shouted. Their two spells collided with each other, making a shockwave. The shockwave made lots of the snake statues cut in half, breaking as a result. Isaac pushed the spells into a wall, making it crumble and turn to ash. Isaac ran into a tunnel to his left. Isaac breathed heavily,

"I don't pay attention to the news, but... I'll have to do my research on whatever The Retribunals are..." Isaac internalized. 

Meanwhile, some of the Aurors arrived at the school. These Aurors included Harry James Potter, Hermione Granger, and Alana Murray. They walked over to The Headmaster,

"So... Why the call?" Hermione asked. Haru sighed, 

"Our Divination Professor was talking nonsense about 'Voldemort returning' so I evacuated all the students, he's probably in The Chamber Of Secrets at this moment..."

"Well, what're we waiting for..." 

"... Let's go..." Hermione said. 

Back in The Chamber Of Secrets, Isaac hid in the tunnel. Isaac ran out, pointing his wand at the Professor. 

"Stupefy!" Isaac shouted. The spell shot toward the Professor, shooting him backward. The professor got up, sprinting toward Isaac. Isaac glared at the professor, 

"Sectumsempra!!" Isaac shouted. The Professor whipped the spell away, pointing his wand at Isaac.

"Crucio!" The Professor shouted. The spell hit Isaac, making him fall to the ground in pain.

Isaac cried out in agony as the spell hit him. Red static crawled on his body. 

"Agh!" Isaac screamed in pain.

The professor walked toward Isaac, looking down at him.

"Now... Submit yourself to the dark lord's re-awakening..." Atkinson said, grinning.

Isaac then started to fade away into nothing. Atkinson's eyes widened in shock.

"God, you really believed that? I felt like the screaming was a little much..." Isaac said, pointing his wand at the professor. The professor turned attempting to pull out his wand, before a white flash was shot at the Professor. 

The Professor fell to the ground with lots of slashes on his body. Isaac walked over to Atkinson, kneeling on one knee. 

"I know that trick would've worked on a fellow student... But on a teacher... That's low..." Isaac said. 

"Now I've got a few questions and you're going to tell me... Alright... Maybe then you might not die..." Isaac said. Isaac put his wand on Atkinson's chin. 

"What's your role in all this...?" Isaac asked. 

"W-What're you talkin' about... We hate them reapers... They're the plague to wizardkind..." Atkinson said. Isaac sighed,

"Alright, what the hell are The Retribunals...?" Isaac asked. Atkinson smirked,

"I'd rather die than tell you... You have his Cursed Blood..." Atkinson said, spitting blood at Isaac. Isaac sighed as the tip of his wand glowed green,

"I warned you..." Isaac said,

"G-Go ahead... Kill me... Become a criminal yourself..." Atkinson said. 

"Expelliarmus!!" Hermione shouted. Isaac's wand flew out of his hand, Isaac scoffed, looking over at the Aurors. 

"Mr. Linford, come here..." Professor Niro said. Isaac stood up, walking over to the Headmaster.

"What happened here..." Professor Niro asked. Isaac sighed, 

"Saw him come down here and was interested in what he was doing... That's all..." Isaac said. Professor Niro looked down at Atkinson's bloody body. Harry Potter walked over to The Headmaster and Isaac,

"How do you know that spell...?" Potter asked. Isaac looked Potter in the eyes, smirking,

"Found it in an old potions textbook..." Isaac taunted, Harry looked at Isaac with a disappointed look, walking toward the body and healing it. Hermione sighed,

"We'll take him into the ministry for questioning... We'll let you know anything after that..." Granger said.

"He said something about 'The Retribunals'... Know anything about that...?" Isaac asked. Harry looked back at Isaac,

"They're a cult of Dark Wizards, similar to Death Eaters who worship the return of Tom Riddle..." Harry said. Isaac chuckled, putting his wand away.

"They're worshipping a dead man... That's quite hilarious... I'm going to my common room..." Isaac said. Isaac opened the pouch in his pocket, grabbing his broomstick. Isaac then flew out of The Chamber.

"So... Who was that kid...?" Harry asked Haru. 

"Isaac Linford... Son of Amelia Linford and Thomas Tegron... Little Brother of James Tegron..." Haru said. Harry looked at Haru in confusion,

"Amelia and Thomas as in the Deatheaters...?" Harry asked. Hermione sighed,

"They were pardoned after the battle of Hogwarts, then moved to Fathersfield together and settled down..." Hermione said. 

"They aren't the problem though... It's his older brother... James..." Haru said. Granger nodded,

"We've been hunting them for years now but had no leads..." Hermione said,

"Maybe your student will give us some..." Harry said. Haru shook his head,

"I won't let you interrogate any of my students..." Haru said. Hermione nodded,

"Well, let's get him outta here and to the Ministry of Magic..." Hermione said. Harry and Alana nodded, 

They all apparated out of The Chamber and the door closed.