
Wizarding world: Arc of Embodiment

After death Arjun's soul was in rebirth cycle but higher being brought to his domain and introduced himself as R.O.B. or you can say Random omnipotent being. He gave Arjun gave deal of Reincarnation. Arjun accepted and Reincarnated in harry Potter world with some wishes.... extra Tags: #Multiverse #romance #may be harem #marvel #movies #I am new Author, I tried to write some fanfiction stories before but left in middle. so sorry if you were reader of my past stories. # main point is that if you like my story please! please! give review to my story, rate the story and donate some power stone....... Its really inspire us Author to write, It will be really good if even 1 percent readers review the story..... AND i AM NOT FORCING YOU, ONLY REVIEW IF YOU LIKE THE STORY BUT PLEASE REVIEW SO I CAN KEEP WRITING WITH PASSION....... # I am not good with Romance but I will try it and I don't know if story will have harem or not... # I don't own harry Potter or any other fictional work I will use in future, only mc and some OC characters are created by me... # I also don't own picture used for novel, if owner of picture has problem, i will remove it...

SORCERERSUPREME_7 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9. one year time skip part 1

he gave great importance to mind arts, Mind art was on his top list as it will protect his mind from his enemies. Some muggles practiced mind arts and they even created great skill like mind palace even they did not have aid of magic. So Arjun also decided to suggest his mother learning Mind arts, mind art will improve her metal strength and it will enhance her mental capabilities and defense.मूर्तीकरणम्

Arjun picked up basic book on magic theory and started reading, after completing first book after hour he shouted in irritated mode.

" bullshit! there is incomplete info in this book, even if different countries learned differently basic theory should be same but these books also have same info."

he glanced books on table that were from different magical community and sighed. as he was going to pick other book, his stomach grumbled and he remembered that he did not had his lunch, So he went to kitchen to eat, his mother had already made lunch for him before she left, he warmed up food in microwave before eating then he returned to reading.

Arjun checked some another books, it was vaguely mentioned about magic core, magic capacity and magic control etc. in some advanced books. all knowledge of ancient times was forgotten after each century passed, later generations of Wizards learned magic just because they could use it, they did not try to search reasons, time passed and science was introduced to general populous of muggle community by scientists and researchers, concept of different type of energies was introduced and muggle born wizards became curious about it. they thought magic could be also a type of energy and its should also have source so concept like magic core and magical capacity were introduced in Wizarding world. When wizards started to use focuses tools like wand, staff etc. they forgot that they could use magic without such tools, as time passed they forgot they could control their magic and use magic without such tools.

Ancient wizarding families who have great heritage from old times kept their knowledge hidden from every one and their later generation was also lost knowledge in later time. In current times only few families have such priceless knowledge on them but they don't know its importance or they would have taught it to their next generation. this was same condition of wizarding communities from all over world.

Actually it appeared that Wizarding community was going reverse in learning magic magic, after they become master in wand magic, then they try to learn wand less magic and try to control their magic energy but it was totally wrong. person should learn magic control first then learning magic without crutches like wands because wands and staffs were supporting tools, with them, person could increase effect of his magic with the help of wand, they should not have completely depended up on them to use magic.

After reading all books from table, he decided to leave that subject for another time and concentrate up on Mind art. Arjun had gathered books on it and started to reading. After some hours he looked at his wrist watch, it was time for his mother's return so he picked up book and returned to living room, after hour he heard doorbell, he went to open the door.

" welcome back mom! how are you?"

" I am good son, just little tired from work."

Arjun returned to living room and she went to get fresh, after returning she hugged him and asked.

" Did you eat in afternoon?"

" yes mom I ate lunch you made."

she went towards kitchen to prepare the food, Arjun clutched book near chest and followed her. his mother became curious so she asked him.

" what is that book? where did you get it?"

" from father's suitcase. its about mind arts like occlumency or legilimency magic from here. you should have come to know it before."

" ....hmm I know, I was going to learn it but before that I got to know that I am squib, I stopped studying it."

Arjun asked about magic to Sophia yesterday, she informed him about general knowledge about wizarding community and about her past. she lived with her family until she was 15 years old, they did treat her well and they loved her very much but she could not bear scornful eyes of other pureblood families who looked at her and her family with disdain. Sophia left her family and started to live in muggles. she met his father when she was in university so after she completed graduation she married with him.

Arjun could see she really missed him so much. she shared their memories, how they got married, how they enjoyed their visits various places around Europe etc. It was clear to Arjun who can see deep sorrow in Sophia's eyes that she was sad because of his fathers death.

" you should learn it this art, I read in journals of some wizards, even muggle can learn it, you can protect your mind against wizards. it even improve your memory and comprehension speed of mind."

she was surprised because she suspected that muggle could master such complex art without magic, after a moment nodded halfheartedly and started preparing food while Arjun continued reading on dinning table. while having dinner he again explained theory of mind art, he knew she would not be able to master completely because she did not have magic but he knew she would be able to protect her mind. Sophia was reluctant but nonetheless she agreed with his request.


Arjun repeatedly persuaded Sophia for few days, she also started to learn it, at first she didn't feel difference but after a month she experienced it and stopped complaining. Arjun started to wake up every morning, he started follow daily routine like meditation, exercise, magic training etc. Sophia followed his routine of meditation, he also started purifying her physical body and she had increase in her physical strength. After seeing results Arjun also started use purification magic on himself and he was also feeding magical energy to his body, as result his body gained muscles and it increased his physical strength.

Arjun did not practice his magic in front of Sophia as she had told him not to practice, so he practiced in suitcase artifact, he started basic elemental magic like magic ball, magic arrow, magic spear, magic wall etc. he added various elements into spells like fire, water, earth, air etc.

* to be continued *

AUTHOR: I am writing story from smartphone, I will trying to keep my attention towards grammer and spelling mistake so even if there is small mistake, just ignore it as sometime keyboard autocorrect some words....


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