
Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Layton awoke in a world that seemed medieval at first glance. But as he explored further, he uncovered a realm teeming with magic, wizards, and gods, spanning countless dimensions. "Wizards, magic, gods, martial arts, and grand civilizations that run through numerous multiverses in the void, nothing is truly impossible here." "In this vast universe, nothing is truly impossible." With each step, Layton discovers the enchantment of wizards, the awe of magic, the mysteries of gods, and the discipline of martial arts, all interwoven within the rich tapestry of grand civilizations spanning countless worlds across the multiverse. Join him on an intensely personal odyssey that transcends the realms of possibility, as he ventures towards the summit of his own destiny and beyond.

livefree · Fantasy
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257 Chs


Straightening out the fitted top and trousers zero got him Layton ignored her previous sentence, walked towards then wall and asked with some impatience in his voice.

"can we go; this place is kind of stuffy." Zero stared hard at Layton for a few seconds before walking up to him covering him with her mystery and leading him through the walls out of the room.

While they waltzed through the base of the Institute invisible to others zero couldn't help but ask.

"where are we going."

"We are going to meet someone who can give us an edge in the present situation" Layton replied simply looking curiously at everything around him while taking some weird measured steps that seemed to mobilize and exercise his muscles with every step.

"Who" zero continued to inquire curiously as they left the institute and headed into the streets.

"The leader of the red lotus" Layton replied with some ease, his footsteps and breathing becoming rhythmic and synchronized.