
Wizard Of Magic

A boy who's life is full of regret because of his illness gets reincarnated into a world where magic exist His name is Mikoru Grimrose this time he's living his life to its fullest. This whole new life into this whole new world Mikoru is living his life where he is free from his illness. If you like my work you can add it to your collection.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Academy (part 2)

Unlike Amaria, Emilia clearly hates Mikoru but not because he's a commoner she hates Mikoru because he seems more closer to Amaria than she is.

They've been eating for a while and Mikoru is already full, the bell rang, it's time for the next class, Mikoru is wondering what's the next class will be so he asks Amaria.

"Next class? I think the next class will be magic class," Amaria answered.

"I see magic class huh? my mother used to teach me magic," Mikoru's expression changed from happy to sad.

Amaria looks at Mikoru and asks him what happened to his parents, Mikoru didn't answer and just left, he clearly doesn't want to talk about what happened to his parents.

Amaria tried to follow Mikoru but Emilia stopped her, "Stop Amaria he probably wants to be alone right now let's just go to class," Amaria finally agrees and goes to the class with Emilia.

At the back of the academy Mikoru is sitting alone under the tree and looking at the sky tears are falling down from his eyes he tried to wipe his tears but it keeps falling down.

Fina is finding him, she asks the twins but they don't know where he is either, Fina opens the door and sees Mikoru standing in front of it, "Oh you're here I thought you're not coming to this class," Mikoru apologized and sat at the back of the class.

Fina starts teaching on how to control the magic molecules inside their body and use it to create magic.

Students tried to do it and many successfully do it and many failed Mikoru tried to do it and a black flame emitted from his hand, "Keep up the good work Mikoru," Fina brightly smiles on Mikoru.

Fina continue the class, the bell rang again and this time all the students gathered their things and left, "Mikoru before you leave can you help me bring this to my office?" Mikoru agrees and lifts the books.

"How old are you Miss Fina?" Mikoru asks, Fina is surprised by the question but she answers it, "I'm 10 years old, 5 years older than you,"

Mikoru looked surprised and thought that Fina was joking, "You're joking right? there's no way a 10 year old is teaching,"

Fina looked at Mikoru with a serious face and told him that she is not joking.

After a while of walking they finally came across a door with Fina name marked on it, "Alright we're here," Fina opened the door revealing many books scattered on the floor.

"This doesn't look like an office," Mikoru put down the books.

"Mikoru before you leave can you please help clean my office?" Fina looked at Mikoru with begging eyes.

"Of course" Mikoru can't refuse because Fina looks cute with that begging eyes.

Mikoru helps clean the office, they put the book on the bookshelf one by one, After a while of cleaning and putting the books one by one they finally finished.

"Thank you Mikoru," Fina looks thankful and asks Mikoru if he needs help with anything, Mikoru answered and said that he needs help with his homework because he doesn't understand mathematics.

"Sure, here let me tutor you," Fina sits on the sofa and wears glasses, Fina tutors Mikoru on how to solve mathematics problems.

While solving some problems, Mikoru feels tired and falls asleep on Fina's shoulder, Fina notices it and puts Mikoru on the sofa so he can sleep well.

Fina closes the lights and leaves the office, she heads towards her bedroom to sleep.