
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

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Question and Answer (2)

The reporter then asked Leng Yaozhu some questions about artificial soul rings and artificial soul bones, such as who had overcome the technical difficulties and how the prices differed from natural ones. Leng Yaozhu answered the reporter's questions one by one.

However, she didn't mention Anping and Gu Yuena when asked who had developed the artificial soul ring and artificial soul bone technology. She only said that it was a collective achievement by all the relevant researchers in the City of Miracles.

She wasn't trying to take credit away from her apprentices. It was Anping and Gu Yuena's own decision. They didn't care about fame or recognition, and they didn't want to attract trouble.

They knew that revealing their identities wouldn't lessen the hostility of Tang Sect and Shrek Academy. It might even worsen the situation, as they would fear that Anping and Gu Yuena would give the City of Miracles a huge advantage.

They didn't have to worry about arousing suspicion from Tang Sect and Shrek Academy. After all, artificial soul rings and artificial soul bones were not simple technologies. If they didn't say anything, no one would ever guess that Anping and Gu Yuena could do it.

In their eyes, Anping and Gu Yuena had already done enough, with their fast cultivation speed and their soul guide and battle armor technologies. How could they also focus on artificial soul rings and artificial soul bones?

But even though Tang Sect and Shrek Academy didn't suspect Anping and Gu Yuena, they also strengthened their determination to obtain soul forging technology from the Spirit Pagoda. They didn't want to be dependent on the City of Miracles for the advancement of soul masters.

After finishing the questions about Leng Yaozhu, the reporter from Sun Moon TV turned his attention to Yun Ming and Yali and asked them some questions about the laws and education of the City of Miracles. Yun Ming and Yali also answered them honestly.

After all, matters related to law and education had to be disclosed to the public, and no one present was surprised by them.

However, they still didn't understand the laws of the City of Miracles. Soul beasts with human intelligence could have the same rights as humans. After all, it was widely known that there were fierce beasts behind the City of Miracles.

What they couldn't understand the most was that ordinary people could get the same rights protection as soul masters. In their view, the Douluo world was a world where the strong ruled, and it was natural that soul masters were superior to others.

Since the top management of the City of Miracles were all soul masters, and they were among the best of the best, they didn't think that the City of Miracles could really do what Yun Ming said.

They thought that the City of Miracles was just trying to impress ordinary people and win their support. The main reason they did this was because many high-level soul masters came from ordinary families.

After asking questions about law and education, the reporter from Sun Moon TV didn't start asking Ling Hongchen, but asked: "Atlas Douluo, Holy Spirit Douluo, one last question. As we all know, you two were the master and deputy master of the Poseidon Pavilion of Shrek Academy. Can you tell me why you left Shrek Academy to join the City of Miracles? Is there any hidden secret behind this?"

The reporter from Sun Moon TV's question shocked most of the people present. They couldn't believe that a reporter would have such audacity.

But the reporter from Sun Moon TV had hit a nerve, and they were all curious about how the City of Miracles had persuaded Yun Ming and Yali to join them.

The reporter, however, was not nervous at all. She didn't ask this question because she was fearless of Yun Ming and Yali.

She asked it because she thought that Yun Ming and Yali were not the kind of people who would lash out at her for asking a tough question, especially Yali, who seemed so kind to everyone.

She wouldn't have dared to ask Le Zhengen and Leng Yaozhu like this, because she wasn't sure if they would get angry and retaliate.

The reporter from Sun Moon TV had made a mistake. Yun Ming and Yali were not offended by her question. Instead, the people from Tang Sect and Shrek Academy were a little anxious. They were afraid that Yun Ming and Yali would expose what Tang Sect and Shrek Academy had done and planned to do.

But Yali just smiled and said, "There is no hidden secret behind this. There are two main reasons why we left Shrek Academy to join the City of Miracles."

"On one hand, the vision of the City of Miracles appealed to us. On the other hand, we had been at Shrek Academy for decades and wanted to experience a different environment."

Yali's answer relieved Zhuoshi's worry. He had feared that Yun Ming and Yali would reveal the existence of Tang San's spirit and the fact that they had been forced away by Tang San's divine will.

The reporter was clearly unsatisfied with Yali's answer. So were the people present who had nothing to do with Tang Sect and Shrek Academy.

They all knew how much Yun Ming valued Shrek Academy, and they didn't think he would leave it willingly.

As for the vision of the City of Miracles that Yali mentioned, maybe it moved Yali, but it was impossible for Yun Ming to join the City of Miracles because of it. They didn't buy the excuse that they wanted a change of environment after staying at Shrek Academy for so long.

But no matter how dissatisfied they were, they didn't dare to voice it. After all, Yun Ming and Yali were both top soul masters, and they didn't want to provoke them.

The reporter, though unhappy, didn't dare to press further. He turned to Ling Hongchen and said, "Dean Hongchen, you said before that the City of Miracles' soul guidance technology has made breakthroughs in other areas besides transportation. When can we see the related products?"

This was also a matter of interest to many people below. Many of them had come to the City of Miracles to get the information they had released. The City of Miracles had announced new breakthroughs in some soul guidance technologies and invited investors.

At first, they had some doubts, but after seeing the floating vehicles all over the streets of the City of Miracles, they realized that the news was probably true. They looked at Ling Hongchen with eager eyes.

Here is the revised version of your text, with better grammar, style, and clarity:

Ling Hongchen saw the eager eyes of the people below and said frankly: "As for this, our institute's products will be on display after the celebration. If anyone is interested in cooperating, please contact our staff at that time."

The reporter asked him some more questions about the products, such as their functions and benefits, and Ling Hongchen answered them one by one.

This made the people below even more excited for the upcoming exhibitions. They hadn't seen the products yet, but they could tell from the introduction that they were advanced and innovative. They knew that if they could acquire the technology, their industries would improve significantly.

But the people from Tang Sect had a different perspective. They were secretly wondering if the products Ling Hongchen mentioned could be used for military purposes.

They wanted to assess the progress of Miracle City in weapons research, and they soon realized that if Miracle City applied those technologies to the military, their military strength would increase tremendously.

Especially the intelligent system that Ling Hongchen mentioned. If that technology could be used for the military, they feared that ordinary armies would stand no chance against Miracle City.

They knew that no matter how strong an ordinary army was, it was still made up of people. People who needed long-term training and who could die in battle. But intelligent soul guides could be produced endlessly.