
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

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Mental Model Power

Time swiftly passed, carrying with it the sun and the moon as witnesses to the changes in Anping's life. Nine months had elapsed since Lin Qing, Anping's neighbor, relocated to Heaven Dou City. In sync with this, Anping concluded his inaugural year of study. Through unwavering dedication, he successfully activated his spiritual power.

Now poised on the cusp of a new chapter, Anping aimed to construct his mental power model during the upcoming holiday. This crucial step would pave the way for him to delve into absorbing magic power, marking the initiation of his journey as a wizard apprentice. The prospect of mastering simple tricks loomed on the horizon, defining the threshold of his magical endeavors.

With the break providing an opportune moment, Anping resolved to diligently work on crafting his mental power model. Success in this endeavor would herald the official commencement of his wizardry journey.

As the class teacher, Lin Ximeng, shared parting words, emphasizing the importance of sustained effort even during the holidays, the first year at the academy concluded. Anping anticipated the return to school for the second grade, armed with newfound aspirations and the promise of a future as a powerful spirit master.

After Lin Ximeng wrapped up her explanations and departed, the classroom buzzed with chatter. Conversations ranged from holiday plans to arranging practice sessions during the break.

Anping, engrossed in the wizard travel notes during moments of rest, yearned for the outside world. Despite his youth and lack of strength, his heart held a profound love for exploring beyond the confines of the academy.

Absentmindedly packing his belongings, Anping left the classroom, his thoughts adrift. Unbeknownst to him, two figures—one slender and one stout—approached. With a tap on his shoulder, Anping turned to find Tang Wulin and the portly Wan Yunchao wearing friendly smiles.

"It's you. What's going on?" Anping inquired.

Wan Yunchao grinned, "Can't I call you without a reason? By the way, any plans for the holidays? How about some fun outings? No need to worry about practice, right? Every time I suggest hanging out, you're either practicing or studying."

After a slight pause, Anping asked, "What else you do if you don't work hard to practice?"

After a brief silence, the trio strolled together. Tang Wulin spoke first, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy, "I stick to forging and training. My martial spirit is just blue silver grass, and my innate spirit power is at level three. I'm at level five now, but I wonder if I'll reach level ten by graduation."

Encouragingly, Wan Yunchao patted Tang Wulin on the shoulder, offering reassurance, "You're putting in the effort; you'll surely get there. Anping, I don't get it—your innate spirit power is only one level higher than mine, yet you're already at level nine, and I'm stuck at level seven."

"Yeah, how do you train?" Tang Wulin chimed in, a hint of envy in his tone.

Anping couldn't reveal that his primary focus wasn't specifically on raising his spirit power level; it was a byproduct of his efforts. So, he simply replied, "What else can you do? Keep practicing diligently, as always."

They reached the academy entrance, and with a different path ahead, the chubby friend bid them farewell, heading in the opposite direction.

Anping, on his way, passed by a supermarket and realized the need to stock up on provisions for an upcoming period of seclusion. He parted ways with Tang Wulin and made a quick stop.

Upon returning home, Anping resisted the immediate urge to dive into constructing the mental power model. Instead, he wisely opted for a good rest to recharge his energy.

The following morning, after a hearty breakfast, Anping settled onto his bed. Reviewing the construction plan that had become almost second nature, he cleared his mind, entering a focused, meditative state.

The initial task involved establishing a spatial coordinate system centered around the mental core origin—an uncomplicated step swiftly completed.

Moving on to the second step, constructing mental power nodes at specific coordinates proved challenging despite the reference from the initial spatial system. Anping, after creating just a dozen of the hundreds of required nodes, had to break from his meditative state due to mental exhaustion.

As night fell once more, after dinner, he pondered the reality that building the mental power model was not an overnight feat. Contemplating his holiday schedule, Anping decided on a routine.

Each day began with morning exercises, followed by the construction of a few mental power nodes post-breakfast. The process repeated in the afternoon. After dinner and a nightly routine, Anping retired to bed, establishing a routine akin to that of an office worker.

Over the course of more than a month's dedicated effort, the construction of all nodes reached completion. As Anping contemplated dispersing the spatial coordinate system used for positioning, he would discover hundreds of nodes scattered in his consciousness space, resembling stars in the night sky.

Following two days of well-deserved rest, Anping resolved to proceed to the next phase—linking all the nodes in the designated order.

Seated on the bed, he entered a meditative state, delicately employing the spiritual thread to connect the first node to the subsequent one. The process unfolded seamlessly as Anping continued this intricate connection.

Node after node fell into place under Anping's careful guidance until the spiritual line circled back to the initial node. Finally, he connected it to the core of spiritual power, marking the initial completion of the mental power model.

The ultimate step lay in attempting to establish a mental power channel. Success in this endeavor would signify the true and successful construction of the mental power model.

Magic, often referred to as the power of heaven and earth, represented the primal energy in the world. Its existence could only be sensed at an exceptionally deep level of spiritual power, requiring a specific method for recognition and utilization.

The mental power model served as a conduit for guiding magic power, fostering circulation through specific fluctuations generated during mental power movement. These fluctuations, termed mental power channels, represented the link between mental power and the essence of heaven and earth.

As energy from the heavens and earth circulated within the mental power model, it worked twofold: gradually enhancing mental power while also stabilizing the mental power model. Simultaneously, this circulation tamed the guided magic power, rendering it usable to harness and manipulate external magical forces. With a deep understanding of the rules, one could even wield magic to manipulate the forces at play.

Upon the connection of the mental power model with the mental power core, Anping experienced a subtle buzzing sound, accompanied by an invisible fluctuation in the consciousness space.

Over the course of a week, as Anping diligently ran mental power along the model, a peculiar energy joined the cycle. It was a sign of success—a manifestation of magic power. As weeks passed, faint mist-like wisps of magic power began to materialize within the central space of the mental power model.

Time unfolded gradually, and the magic power steadily filled the central space within the mental power model, yet it remained contained without any leakage. Anping maintained his meditation until he sensed the saturation point; pushing further might risk the loss of mental power, leading to the collapse of the model.

Opening his eyes, Anping observed the calendar on the bedside alarm clock, realizing a whole day had passed. His stomach grumbled in protest as he rose from bed. After a brief stretch, he headed to the kitchen to prepare a simple meal and satisfy his appetite.