
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

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Education Policy (4)

Anping shook his head slightly and said: "This is one of the reasons why I don't like Shrek. A person should decide for themselves what they want to do in the future, not have us plan a route for them. For example, if someone loves soul guidance, we shouldn't force them to specialize in martial spirit just because they have high soul power."

"Sometimes, a person's interests are more important than their talent. That's why I arrange so many cultural courses in the early and middle stages of education. Besides teaching them what kind of person they are, I also help them find something they like in these classes."

"Those who promote social development are often those who pursue their favorite careers, unlike people from Shrek Academy. They may be powerful, but their role in social development is minimal."

Yali couldn't deny what Anping said. In terms of its contribution to social development, Shrek Academy was inferior to Sun Moon Academy, and even to many ordinary colleges.

She nodded slightly and asked again: "What is this ideological and political course? I see that in your education plan, this course runs through primary school, middle school, and university."

Anping nodded and said: "This is a course that teaches students what they should and shouldn't do. The courses before university mainly teach them legal knowledge, while the courses after college are more focused on ideological education."

Yali said suddenly: "So that's what this course is about. It seems that you not only dislike Shrek Academy, but also the current situation of the entire Douluo Planet."

"I don't think it makes sense for you to do this. The Federation already has laws in this area, and people have tried to enforce them, but facts have proven that they have failed. This is a world where the strong are respected, after all."

She said this because she had read the legal guidance given by Anping. She could see that Anping cared more about the rights and interests of ordinary people, based on the laws of the Sun Moon Empire.

But the situation on Douluo Star was not that simple. Although there were laws in the Sun Moon Empire, soul masters didn't dare to act recklessly, but that was only for ordinary soul masters. High-level soul masters who ignored the law were still common.

When Tang Wulin and Xie Xie met in Eastsea City, the man who bullied ordinary people because his brother was a member of the mecha squad was not an isolated case. It happened all the time.

On one hand, these ordinary people chose not to make a fuss out of fear of retaliation. On the other hand, these high-level soul masters usually had their own connections, and ordinary people had no way to sue them.

The most fundamental reason was that these high-level soul masters were an important combat force of the Sun Moon Federation. Even if the Federation knew what they had done, they would turn a blind eye to it.

It wasn't that Yali thought there was something wrong with the laws set by Anping, or that she didn't care about ordinary people. She had helped when the plague struck, after all. And she didn't know about the power of faith then.

But she had seen too many cases of people abusing their strength or power. This kind of thing was banned repeatedly, but she didn't think Anping could change anything by doing this.

Anping shook his head slightly and said, "Holy Spirit Douluo, you misunderstood me. I never said I wanted to change the world. I was just an ordinary person before my martial soul awakened, so I hope nothing like this will happen in the City of Miracles again."

"If I really wanted to change the status quo, why would I bother making any laws? Wouldn't it be simpler for me to just wait until my strength reaches a certain level and write these things into the world rules? Then they would have no choice but to follow them or perish."

Yali was slightly stunned by Anping's words, and then said with a serious expression, "Whether you can do it or not, even if you can really reach that level, I don't recommend you do that. It's too extreme."

Anping didn't expect Yali to take him seriously. He shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Holy Spirit Douluo, you're overthinking it. I was just joking. I would never do such a thing. Let's not talk about that. It's not conducive to the development of the world. If it were like that, the world would be too boring."

She was really afraid that Anping meant what he said. When she heard him say this, Yali breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good to hear."

Seeing Yali like this, Anping smiled and said, "Okay, okay, let's drop this topic. Holy Spirit Douluo, do you have any other questions? If not, you should go back and rest early."

Yali pondered for a moment and said, "Speaking of questions, I have one last one. If I read your education plan correctly, there are only cultivation courses and not many practical courses. Can you tell me why?"

The reason she asked this question was mainly because Yali was the dean of the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, and her understanding of teaching was still based on Shrek Academy.

She couldn't understand how a soul master could only cultivate soul power and theoretical knowledge without engaging in actual combat, and how that would affect their true strength. After all, the educational policy of Shrek Academy was to focus on practical combat.

Anping naturally knew what Yali was thinking. He shook his head slightly and said, "This is one of the reasons why Douluo Star has become what it is now. All soul master academies focus on strength and neglect culture and education."

"As for the practical combat experience that Holy Spirit Douluo mentioned, someone will naturally teach them when they participate in military service, and there are also universities in the plan specifically for those soul masters who like practical combat."

"Primary schools and middle schools are used to lay a foundation for them and educate them on how to behave and think about their future goals. Universities are the ones that teach them in a targeted manner based on their choices."

Yali nodded without arguing. She understood the university as an advanced soul master academy. Then she said, "No more questions. Can you tell me what you don't like about the education at Shrek Academy? You only seemed to talk about the students and teachers at Shrek Academy before."

Anping didn't expect Yali to bring up Shrek Academy again, but he could understand her curiosity and said helplessly, "Of course I can. The only problem with Shrek Academy in my opinion is that it hasn't changed much in 20,000 years. To put it nicely, it means following tradition, but to put it bluntly, it means being stuck in the past."

"For example, the physical exercise in the outer courtyard is just running. It hasn't changed in 20,000 years. Can't you develop some equipment or something? It wouldn't be hard to do that, and Shrek Academy has plenty of money, right?"

"For example, the so-called glory of Shrek Academy. If I recall correctly, Shrek Academy has caused many casualties in various soul master competitions for the sake of glory, right? The original purpose of the soul master competition is to showcase an academy's educational achievements and foster mutual progress, but Shrek Academy treats it as a matter of honor."

"For example, the so-called fear of causing trouble is nothing but mediocrity..."

"Okay, that's enough. Don't you think Shrek Academy has done well?" Yali couldn't bear to hear more and quickly interrupted him. She regretted asking him about this.