
Wizard Of Douluo Continent

Travel through the legend of the Dragon King and become the legend of the wizard. ......... If you like Tang Wulin, Tang San or Huo Yuhao than this novel is not for you. Heroine Gu Yuena ........... It is a translation from a novel by Serious Bard 斗罗世界的巫师 .................. Early access of 25 Chapter Translation:-patreon.com/Astridira

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Cultivation is interesting

Xie Xie basked in the afterglow of victory, but Wu Zhangkong's stern gaze shifted toward him. "You're the one responsible for Tang Wulin's school uniform," Wu Zhangkong declared, his tone cutting through Xie Xie's elation.

Without lingering on Xie Xie's remorseful expression, Wu Zhangkong cast a cold eye across the entire class. "The competition is done. Understand this: a rotten tree cannot prosper," he declared icily. "No wonder you're in Class Five. You're all useless. But even if you're scrap metal, I'll refine you into steel."

"Starting tomorrow, special physical training in the morning, theoretical knowledge in the afternoon. That wraps up this morning's class. Reflect on today's competition when you get back. In the afternoon, meditation will be taught in the theoretical class. Dismissed!"

As the students filed out, Wu Zhangkong singled out Anping, Xie Xie, and Tang Wulin. "You three, come with me," he directed, striding towards the teaching building without a backward glance.

Anping found himself facing Xie Xie's persistent challenge. "Anping, can we spar again once I hit the second level ring?" Xie Xie demanded, his competitive spirit undeterred by the recent defeat.

Anping tilted his head, eyeing Xie Xie's eagerness with a bemused expression. "Are you a fighting maniac? What's the big deal about winning or losing? Is it that crucial?"

Xie Xie, taken aback, met Anping's gaze. "Then why bother training? Isn't the whole point of being a spirit master to fight? How else do you improve your strength?"

Anping, confronted with this unexpected question, seemed momentarily lost. "What's the purpose of practicing?" His eyes reflected a hint of confusion.

Though Anping had initially expressed a desire to be a truth-seeking seeker in the first class, upon introspection, he realized he lacked that level of awareness. Perhaps, after delving into too many wizard handbooks, he had adopted an idealized notion without much connection to reality.

"What was the point of practicing in the first place?" Anping pondered aloud.

Xie Xie couldn't help but complain, "Wait, you don't even know why you're practicing, and you're already at level 23?"

Ignoring Xie Xie's words, Anping's thoughts soared. He sensed the importance of the matter at hand. Unexplainably, a sentence from the "Wizard's Spell Selection Guide" flashed in his mind—interest is the source of all motivation. Recollection of the joy he felt when successfully unleashing a technique for the first time emerged. The solo practice sessions were simply enjoyable.

Gradually, the perplexity in Anping's eyes faded. "Interesting, yes, it's interesting."

"Intriguing? What's so intriguing?" Now, it was Xie Xie's turn to be puzzled.

"Remember when you asked why I practice? It's because I find it interesting. Cultivation is fascinating, and the world is full of wonders," Anping explained. In his thoughts, alchemy was fascinating, and delving into the truth was equally captivating.

"It's unbelievably interesting. If it's not, why bother practicing?" Anping questioned, his expression suggesting the absurdity of practicing without finding it interesting.

"Why would I practice if it's not interesting?" Anping looked somewhat foolish.

Wu Zhangkong ushered the trio into his office, took his seat, and regarded the three students before him.

Wu Zhangkong heard Anping and Xie Xie conversation. Wu Zhangkong's cold gaze fell on Anping. "The term 'trash' I mentioned earlier includes you. I thought you were a genius, but turns out you're just another disappointment. You're not even a target. None! Do you practice because it's interesting? If it's not, why bother at all? I can't fathom how you've developed such a mindset."

Anping remained unfazed by Wu Zhangkong's harsh words. He understood that Wu Zhangkong hailed from Shrek Academy, a world that revered strength, and different worldviews needed no explanation.

Seeing Anping's indifference, Wu Zhangkong snorted and shifted his attention to Tang Wulin. "You performed well today, but you didn't fully exploit your advantages. Your Bluesilver Grass must be mutated, right? It possesses a different tenacity from ordinary strands.

However, your spirit power is too weak, and you can't sustain it for long. You're aware of this. When using the hammer to block his attack, you could've controlled him, but you chose to defend."

Pausing, he inquired, "What's the story with your pair of hammers?"

Tang Wulin sighed, admitting, "I've learned blacksmithing."

Wu Zhangkong arched an eyebrow, questioning, "Blacksmithing? As a spirit master, why delve into forging? Do you aspire to become a blacksmith? Your martial spirit is already subpar, and instead of dedicating yourself to cultivation, you waste time on unnecessary pursuits."

With a helpless demeanor, Tang Wulin lowered his head, clenching his fists. "But our family is struggling financially. Without learning blacksmithing, I couldn't even afford my initial spirit..."

Wu Zhangkong's expression shifted, contemplating Tang Wulin's predicament. "Fine, given your circumstances, make an effort to prioritize spirit master training in the future. If you're adamant about forging, make sure it complements your overall growth."

"Understood," Tang Wulin nodded.

Wu Zhangkong then turned his attention to Xie Xie. "From what I gathered in your conversation with Anping, the desire to grow stronger is commendable. You do possess the determination to become formidable."

A proud smile adorned Xie Xie's face upon hearing Wu Zhangkong's commendation. However, his satisfaction was short-lived as Wu Zhangkong questioned, "Why the laughter? Do you believe you outshine them? Concealing a twin martial spirit might make the eighteenth level of spirit power seem impressive, but isn't it more about the innate advantages of twin martial souls? Perhaps you were born with full spirit power. Do you often bask in this pride?"

Surprised, Xie Xie gazed at Wu Zhangkong, wondering how he was privy to such details.

Wu Zhangkong then gestured towards Anping. "Having full innate spirit power, do you truly consider yourself formidable? He's at level 23 now; do you know his innate spirit power?"

"To attain such a high level, even without full soul power at birth, one must be at level nine or have consumed some rare heavenly material or earthly treasure," Xie Xie mumbled.

Wu Zhangkong snorted, "Innate spirit power is at level 6. I've perused his records. He's an orphan. As for his origin, I'm genuinely unaware of what source feeds your usual sense of pride."

"Innate spirit power at level six, and reaching level twenty-three solely through cultivation—is that really possible?" Xue Xie questioned, observing Tang Wulin's nod of affirmation with a hint of disbelief.

"As an agility-focused combat spirit master, you shouldn't easily be outmatched by a Blue Silver Grass spirit master with a lower level than yours," Wu Zhangkong added, addressing Xie Xie.

Curiosity sparked in Tang Wulin as he inquired, "Teacher, what are twin martial spirits?" He noticed Wu Zhangkong's pause.

Wu Zhangkong frowned, "Do your junior academy teachers work pro bono, or did you simply not pay attention in class? How do you not know about twin martial spirits? It means having two martial spirits. The advantages are clear. Twin martial spirits typically come with full innate spirit power, making cultivation easier and yielding more spirit rings."

"However, with the near extinction of spirit beasts, martial spirit cultivation has transitioned into the era of souls. Souls demand significantly greater mental power than native spirit rings. Practically no one possesses the mental strength needed to support a spirit with eighteen spirit rings."

"Unless you're like the master of the first-generation Spirit Pagoda ten thousand years ago, possessing a martial spirit with its own spiritual attribute, and each soul is exceptionally potent, capable of acquiring multiple soul rings," Wu Zhangkong added.

With that statement, he downplayed Xie Xie's limitations as an agility and attack system spirit master in the mecha era. The control system appeared more suited for mecha masters, leaving Xie Xie puzzled. Inwardly, he felt that Wu Zhangkong was showing favoritism, perhaps trying to boost Tang Wulin's confidence at the expense of Xie Xie's pride.