
Wizard in Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf world with a Harry Potter wizard in it. **** I only believe in pleasure and absolute power, no matter what method is used. I will have no regrets, so judge me all you want. But know one thing, your ideas are not mine. I, Damon Black a wizard is just watching Teen Wolf with his aunt but got called to check on the veil. Never did he expect that someone he put a green hat on will attack him and yeeted him in the veil with so many auror and unspeakable around. He then got transported into Teen Wolf. **** -WARNING- -English is not my primary language and I don't have an editor, so there will be mistakes. -Some chapters may seem different than others as I am still experimenting. --If you have a weak stomach don't read this, as there will be cruel scenes in the later chapters. Remember you have been warned. **** This is inspired by a fanfic I read years ago. Tried contacting the author but he/she doesn't seems active anymore. I do not own Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, or any of its characters and content, this is just a fan-fiction.

sofnya · TV
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8 Chs


"Damon there's something wrong with the vail and we need you to look at it."

I look up from a desk where I was signing papers in the receptionist desk and saw a middle age man with red hair.

"Oh, is that you Ron?" I said with a mocking smirk.

" You are needed in there, the vail are having an unusual activity." you can hear the hidden anger clearly in his voice.

"right" I got up and walk with him in the corridor and ask "So, how's Hermonie?" I said with a smile on my face.

Ron just look at me with fury and just continue walking in silence.

'This btch must be dying from fury right now. Hehe, imagine walking side by side with the guy who's fking your wife on a regular basis.' That's right, after being with this wimp for many years. Hermoine got tired of his lazy and incompetent ass. Would have divorced him long ago, but magical law didn't have those and as the male and the head of the family, Ron would be able to keep all her hard-earned gold, business, and research.

Well, I don't really care what they do, as long as I can get pssy every time I go to this backward society. I mean Imagine dealing with a dark lord that has a bloodline purity as a fetish and having your population halved. Even then many years later, no such improvement happened in this society. You would think that they would do things differently after most of the high up and ancient families died.

Then there's the 'hero' of this society, Harry Potter. This one is leaving in his 'perfect' family fantasy. As his wife and daughter are working for my mercenary group... well let's just say that they are cleaning my pole whenever we met.

Imagining my ancestors living in this society must be hard. Yah, my ancestors are from this place, to be precise the Black family. Imagine my surprise when one day, on my 17th birthday, as I was about to go to advance wizardry, which is the college equivalent for wizards and witches, a hot MILF, who introduced herself as my aunt, goes to your house and tells you that you're black. At first, I think that this lady is crazy as I'm clearly don't have a dark skin color and was about to take advantage of it and do this and that to her. But after hearing all her explanations I kinda understand.

In short, I am from the Black family. How did that happen? Well, she said that on the day before the Potter incident happen, whatever that may be, Sirius my father got my mother pregnant on one of his flings. Then my mother got lucky and escaped to Asia where her family was originally from. As it is hard to escape at that time because the ministry bans all forms of travel to other countries.

At first, I was thrilled as she said that I'll be heir Black, which means money and new btches, but after learning of the society the Black originally from, I immediately move all their ancestry, money, artifact, and most importantly their library. That sht got tons of useful stuff and they ban it from using them? What a waste, I kinda understand tho, as with their backwater and close-off society, they are still using wands and don't know how to deal with the side effect of what they called dark magic.

Then at the age of 20, I finish will my advance wizardry studies majoring in all kinds of stuff, well, more like they run out of majors that I can take. Not to brag but, I'm kinda ginues in magical stuff. After finishing school I then studied family magic of both sides of the family. As I take over my mother's side family business which is a mercenary group with branches around the world. Then some years later when I was watching Teen Wolf with my aunt Andromeda kneeling between my legs, with her head bobbing up and down. My cousin Nymphadora walks in behind me, with just the couch and my body hiding my aunt. She said that her ministry request a personal job for me. So here we are.

As I walk near the veil with many unspeakable and auror while reading the reports of what happened. I got near it almost touching it as I inspect it, 'So this is where Sirius died.' But suddenly got dizzy and heard a "bombard" behind me and look back. I saw Ron with a crazed look on his face as he had a stick pointing at me. The last thing I saw was the unspeakable and aurors pointing sticks at Ron.


A short prologue. This just explains his background and a little bit of his personality

NO, Sirius WONT be in the story.

This is a post-harry potter timeline, where MC is in the world of HP but didn't interact with them at all as he is in another magical society. He only got to know his ancestry cuz his aunt tell him as the magic recognized another as heir Black than Harry.

I would didn't really plan on making a prologue and just go straight into the story. As I only want HP magic in Teen Wolf without the wands.
