
Wizard Diaries : New Blood

The desire to write about a universe that is a mixture of Harry Potter and the Vampire Diaries came to me from this fanfiction: https://www.webnovel.com/book/freedom-is-not-easy-(tvd-hp)_18058466706248105 Sean Bones lives with his parents in the town of Mystic Falls. But Sean has a secret, it's not his first life! Still looking for someone to help correct the grammar errors and editing ^^. If you are interested to help and get some chapters in preview, leave a comment in the latest chapter :) Link to the discord: https://discord.gg/nJ8pERebc2 Link to the french version: https://www.webnovel.com/book/wizard-diaries-new-blood-(fr)_18732152905766905

Galeitynd · TV
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123 Chs

The big day of the child who survived


My parents dragged me to one of their social events again, they are saying since I am the heir to the Bones family, I have to be present to each of them.

Today it's one of those I least want to participate in, Harry James Potter's birthday with great pomp. I'm going to be the only Slytherin student in the whole house, as the families who fought Voldemort are quite rare to have their children in Slytherin.

Great, let's make friends with some people who hate me.

I suggested to my mother to use the occasion to promote my new magiphone, I intend to offer one to several influential people during the party with a personalized model. My main targets are Dumbledore and the Heads of House, Minister Fudge as well as the important members of the ministry who will be present and finally James Potter and his son. Although it hurts my heart to offer my invention to these two knots, I need their notoriety to get advertisement for free.

The only head of the house who was at the party was McGonagall to whom I gave a Gryffindor-colored magiphone as well as the other magiphone that she could hand-deliver on my behalf to her colleagues.

Dumbledore was delighted to receive his, I covered the back of it with little sparkling crystals which made a strong impression on the old wizard.

"You never ceased to impress me Mr. Bones, all your professors praise your academic knowledge and now here you are showing me a new invention of your own. It is really a shame to see you in the cold with Harry, he would have everything to gain from having you in his circle of close comrade "Ha, the first logical thing that I hear from our headmaster's mouth!

I suspect he wants me in the circle of Voldemort's future enemy, but I have no particular interest in being actively involved in the fight against Voldy.

"I don't know what you mean professor."

"And I think you can see what I'm talking about. Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I don't know what's going on between the walls of my school. Try to not enter Gryffindor common room again. As you so aptly said during the banquet, we are a school with rules. " Ah shit, toast! "I would also ask you not to overdo the good things, the room of requirement is certainly one of the wonders of Hogwarts, it is nevertheless reserved for those who really need it." And again grill, how does this old fool know all that, I did not spot any runes of detection in the school. The portraits maybe?

Most of the other kids are playing Quidditch on the Potters' private grounds, so I'm looking for Harry's parents to give them his 'gift'. Lily is with other women and Rose, sitting at a table chatting over a cake, but I can't find any sign of James around.

"Lady Potter, I am very happy to see you again. Although we did not part on very good terms when we first met allow me to congratulate you on your son's birthday and hand you his gift. I would not want to interrupt his match. "

"Uh, I'm afraid to sound rude but I don't remember you, young man."

"Mum, the boy at the party in the former minister's house." Rose whisper in her ears.

"Ah yes! Sean Bones, is that it? Rose kept bothering her brother with this sad story for the entire week that followed. But let's not talk about it anymore, it's in the past. I Remember I was told you were the same age as Rose, so I guess you two will be a good fellow during your first year at Hogwarts. "

"I actually started class a bit earlier. I'm in the same grade as Harry. I had big magic eruption so it was agreed with the school that I would be enrolled a year earlier. for the safety of all. "

"This is very rare. Well, I hope you will take care of my little Rose."

"Of course, what gentleman would leave a young lady on her own."

"Well, I see you've come a long way from when I last saw you. I'll hand your gift to Harry."

"I also have one for Lord Potter if you will give it to him. With that I wish you a good end of the day Madam, Miss."

At least I wouldn't have come to this stupid party for nothing. With the distribution of these samples, I expect high demand soon.