
The class you go to!

Question 1: What is your favorite color?

a. Blue

b. Black

c. Green

d. Orange

e. Purple

f. Red

g. Yellow

Question 2: What is your favorite weather?

a. Sunny

b. Rainy

c. Snowy

d. Cold and cloudy

e. Hot

f. Stormy

g. all

Question 3: What is your favorite kind of pet?

a. dragon

b. dog

c. cat

d. lizard

e. rat

f. unicorn

Question 4: What is your favorite season?

a. Spring

b. Summer

c. Fall

d. Winter

Question 5: What is your favorite activity?

a. soccer

b. football

c. hockey

d. basketball

e. volleyball

f. bowling

g. gymnastics

The most answers matched is what school you go to.

If you answered: Blue, Snowy or Cold and cloudy, lizard or cat, winter, and hockey or bowling... Your class is Ice. (Go to volume 2)

If you answered: Orange, Sunny or hot or All, Dog or Dragon, Summer, and Football or soccer or hockey... Your class is fire. (Go to volume 3)

If you answered: Purple, Stormy or Rainy or Cold and cloudy, Lizard, Summer, and volleyball or bowling... Your class is storm. (Go to volume 4)

If you answered: Red, All, Rat, Spring or summer or fall or winter, and Gymnastics... Your class is Balance. (Go to volume 5)

If you answered: Green, Sunny or Hot, Cat or Unicorn, Summer or Spring, and Gymnastics or Soccer... Your class is Life. (Go to Volume 6)

If you answered: Yellow, cold and cloudy or all, unicorn, any of the seasons, and soccer or hockey... Your class is Myth. (Go to volume 7)

If you answered: Black, Stormy or Rainy, Rat or Dog, Fall, and Bowling... Your class is Death. (Go to volume 8)

it might take me a bit to upload other chapters cause at the beginning they're gonna be pretty similar, and then once they get going a bit more it'll start to change. but I'm doing a chapter for each wizard when I upload so it might take a week or 2 to upload another.

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