
Wives:Hentai Summoning

Austin, a man who is working as a biological scientist, but he has a secret no one knows, which is that he loves hentai and ecchi so much that he has a whole room filled with shelves of hentai animes and manga. someday a being gave him an offer in exchange of completing missions for this being. Austin agreed and from this day his life changed to something he didn't expect. ------------------------------------------------------- Hello there, I'm The SlothfulKing, there are some points I need to make clear. Ahem... this is a hentai fanfic and also a fucking wish fulfilment, so don't fucking bother me with anything regarding it, just read it, if you dare, like a little puppy, okay? Antoher thing: THIS IS A WARNING! This novel as I said a h.e.n.t.a.i so it's basically filled with so much sex and erotism, so read it if you dare. And for those who under age, consult your parents before reading it. that's it enjoy, and don't bother me if you hate it, just don't fucking read it. Note: the cover isn't mine, so if the owner wants me to remove it, just tell me in comments.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime & Comics
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206 Chs

Anita's Evolution

Suddenly on the way to the village Anita started to groan in pain .

" Argh! What is- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! "

" What happened ?! Honey are you okay ?!! " I shouted in concern as she was groaning and screaming from pain , even her face became pale and she started to sweat . I didn't let my emotions take control of me as that wouldn't make us go anywhere or help us anyway , so I calmed down and decided to ask Freya about her condition.

[ Freya , do you know what is going on with her ? ]

[ Don't worry , she is evolving ]

[ How ?! As I know from all the novels I read that there must be conditions for that ]

[ You are right , but because of you these conditions were ignored ]

[ Me ?!! How ?! ]

[ When you two had sex you filled her with so much cum and your cum made her evolve ]

[ How can my cum make her evolve ?!!! ]

[ The ability I gave you wasn't just one ability but a whole package of abilities related to each other , remember the dimension you created for your wives , it's one of them but you ignored the question by 'how' and initiated your mission ]

[ Oh my bad , I'm sorry about that , I sometimes tend to ignore things and focus on the end result ]

[ Anyways, you must remember to ask about details as they might be important ]

[ I will remember that, anyways , what should I do to her now ]

[ Bring her to your dimension, Avalon , and take her deep in the forest so she can evolve safely without any disturbances ]

[ Okay ]

Then I held Anita in my arms and brought her to Avalon and took her deep into the forest right away .

" I think this should do "

Then I put her on the ground where suddenly she was engulfed in green substances that surrounded her in a circular shape of an orb that floated 1 meter above the ground.

I calmed down and sat beside the orb thinking about what happened.

Well , she will be okay as long as she is here .

[ Now, tell me how can my sperm make her evolve ? ]

[ Look at the skill package and look for a skill called Origin Sperm ]

After few seconds.

[ Oh I've found it , let me see . This skill turned my sperm into a kind of sperm that is above all sperm in existence, it can heal , strengthen , make old women turn back to their prime , evolve different kinds of speices and many more , then that's why my wives loved to drink it , and this skill is passive which means , a permanent effect ]

[ Seems you now know why she began evolving ]

[ Yeah and it's a crazy skill by the way , as it ignores the evolution conditions as long as the women being filled with my sperm, it only works on women tho , as if I would give my sperm to any man to drink although it's delicious but that's matter of sexuality and dignity ]

[ Anyways , you don't need to wait beside her as the evolution won't be finished in the time being ]

[ Then how long will it take ? ]

[ One week ]

[ That's good , then I will go and check up on my wives first before going back ]

I went to the mansion to see my three wives happily chatting with each other while drinking tea and eating snacks while watching TV .

When they saw me they immediately hugged me and had some hot sexy session with them before I went back outside .

When I went back to the outside world and walked to the orc village right away and went to the four elders and told them what happened to Anita .

They were surprised and shocked yet felt very happy for her and told me to take care of her which I would do without hesitation.

Then I left the village after saying goodbye to them and the rest of the orcs in the village.

I ran through the forest in a very fast pace while killing some monsters and beasts along the way as after I fucked Anita my senses became so sharp and polished and now I can use my power more efficiently due to that in addition to the fighting experience I had from here .

I now became a veteran soldier or a warrior with many years of experience .

I continued running through the forest until I reached the main way that leads to the nearest city .

I walked on it for some time until I heard some screams and shouts coming from a distance so I ran toward the source of those screams and shouts. 

When I arrived I saw some kobolds along with goblins and attacking a carriage while some soldiers protecting that carriage or the person inside that carriage .

Although those monsters are easy to kill by a level of those soldiers but that becomes useless in front of great number of them and that was what I'm seeing.

A huge number of kobolds and goblins attacking the soldiers which is weird as kobolds and goblins are two different species and on top of that the two hate each other so much that if any of them saw each other they would try to kill each other .

Suddenly a woman jumped out of the carriage and took her sword out of its sheath then began slaying the monsters in front of her while commanding the soldiers to take attacking formation.

Although she fought valiantly like a veteran swordsman but alas the numbers were to high for her as she began getting tired while the monsters were persistent as they attacked with all they have taking advantage of the woman and the soldiers tiredness.

Wounds started to appear on the soldiers and even some of them died while the woman also started to get wounded from the monsters attacks .

I couldn't wait for too long as I took out the sword that I took as a farewell gift from the orc village then charged at the monsters at high speed that my body blurred as a result.


Slash slash slash slash slash slash slash slash....

Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud thud....

I slashed at the monsters with high speed and acrobatic movements cutting off their heads clean making blood to gush out like a fountain.

It didn't take long to kill all of them as after 15 minutes all monsters were dead .

I turned my body around and looked at the woman who jumped from the carriage earlier.

She has a long wavy pink hair and a pair of beautiful silver eyes , her body was enchanting and hot with huge breasts and plum round ass , she was wearing a white shirt that revealed her slender shoulder along with waist length pants and brown boots , because of her huge breasts her cleavage was slightly visible to the naked eye as even the soldiers were taking glances at it every now and then although they are wounded. 

The woman was looking at me with blushed cheeks but the situation wasn't appropriate so I faked a cough to snapped her out of her thoughts.

" Ahem... Pleased to meet you , I'm Austin Moore "