
Without You ( I won't go another day )

" I don't like you because I'm already in love with you..." - Genesis Esguerra

Cold_Hime · Teen
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6 Chs


Erza's POV

" What do we have here? " Joel asked arrogantly. Then he kissed Mitch on her lips while everyone was looking.


The nerve!

Show off!


Genesis is still glaring in their direction.

" Hey, Cut it out! " I whispered to him. But he didn't mind me. He continues to look at them with his sharp eyes as if he doesn't hear a thing.

" What the hell is your fvcking problem, bro? " Joel asked with annoyance. He even met Genesis' scary as fvck deadly stares.

I don't know how long they were killing each other with their deadly glares.

I don't really know if they'll end up throwing punches at each other.

I don't even know what I am supposed to say or do I have the right to say anything at this point.

And I don't have the slightest idea of what to do in this kind of situation.


This is the first time I've ever experienced something like this!

I don't really want to be the center of everyone's attention.

One thing is for sure though, I can't let him fight with Mitch's boyfriend and his mates. He was obviously outnumbered. Six members of the varsity team were present here at this very moment!

They were all burly and towering over us.

For sure, they will be reprimanded after. Aside from the beating and injury that he would surely get, he will be given sanctions. So what am I gonna do now?

And besides, I don't want him to get hurt just because of me. Not that I don't like the idea that he's fighting for me. Who am I to complain? This knight in shining armor is too good to be true! He's damn good looking. But seriously, I don't want him to be hurt.

Just like how I don't want Cherry to get in trouble because of me. It goes for him as well.


With my last resolve, I hope it worked, though I doubt it myself. I bow my head and shut my eyes. I gather all the strength that I have inside of me and breathe out.

I open my eyes then I hold Genesis hand still looking down on my feet.

" Enough...please. " I softly whisper to him.

I heard the girls gasping. I just knew it's them. It sounds over dramatic as always.

In my peripheral vision, I saw him glanced sideways, not to me, of course. He sighed and put his free hand inside his pants pocket.

Then he looks back to Joel with a look that is sharper than anyone could imagine.

" I'm not one of your bro." his voice's bleak.

Then he closed his hand around mine and walked away tugging me along. We went inside the school grounds and headed to the stairs.





That's some of  the reaction of the members of the varsity and cheerleaders that we left behind.

They were looking at us. I can feel they're gaze boring on my back.

After recovering from the state of shock…

" Erza, wait! " Cherry shouted behind us.

We're already in the middle of the stairs, we continue to climb by the way.

When we reached the top of the stairs, he freed my hand. I stopped and held my knees to  catch my breath. He continued walking towards the direction of our room and didn't bother to look back.

" Erza! "

Finally. Cherry's beside me again. Catching her breath as well.

" Where is he? " she asked. " Oh geez! You're way too fast! "

I pointed in his direction. I'm still catching my breath that I  still can't speak. He's entering our room.

" He left you here? "

I nod.

" What's his drama? " Cherry said with an eyebrow lifted. She's still breathing heavily as she runs through the stairs to catch up.

" I didn't have the chance to thank him because he left me behind. "

sadness evident on my face.