
Without You ( I won't go another day )

" I don't like you because I'm already in love with you..." - Genesis Esguerra

Cold_Hime · Teen
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6 Chs


Erza's POV

It's been what?

7 months already.

If my memory is correct, that's exactly how long Mitch's and her minions have been pestering me. Before, they didn't give a damn about me, they don't even know my name or rather they don't even know that I'm actually existing.

But my world turned upside down when I became the apple of their wicked eyes.

It all started when Genesis Esguerra entered Stanton Academy.

Genesis was described as...

silently handsome

cleverly handsome

cruelly handsome

snobbishly handsome

stuck up handsome

and a guy who doesn't know how to smile but is definitely handsome.

But despite his not so handsome behaviour, it doesn't really matter to the 95% of the girls population of the academy, including me of course, single or currently in a relationship.

Everybody just can't help but give him a second glance when he walks by. I heard that many guys have been heartbroken when he started to study at our academy. Their respective girlfriends broke up with them. Because of him. Poor souls.

Even the teachers were distracted whenever they were teaching in his class.

Why does such a handsome creature exist?

If anyone in their right mind just thinks

If anyone could just use their head

If anyone could just be comprehensive

and if anyone could be able to justify the reason why they are doing this to me, all I could say is that they are so pathetic.

Genesis and I were just seatmates. Period.

What is so wrong with that?

I didn't wish for that, and I don't even do anything for that to happen but I'm not complaining either. But they're acting as if I'm taking him away from them and hoarding him all for myself when we don't even talk to each other.

They weren't that great looking, and they weren't even topped or maybe even passed examinations, but they really think highly of themselves. They were just good at what they were doing. Which is shouting and collecting boys. Duh.

Oh my gosh. I'm acting like Cherry! Am I infected by her?


Why would I waste my time being bothered by those lowlife humans?

I won't dare stoop on their level.

Stand straight and chin up Erza!

I entered our room and I saw him.

Of course, I looked at my seat and he's sitting beside me, we're seatmates remember?

' stupid reasons '

I heard someone say inside my head.

' Shut up '. I answered back.

Someone's gone crazy.

While I'm walking towards him, I mean on my seat, I can't help myself from gawking at him.

Holy sheet of paper!

Why does he need to look like a Greek God statue while sitting?


I nearly memorised every single feature of this handsome looking guy.

When I reached my seat, he nonchalantly glanced at me, and ta-da! He caught me drooling, I mean gawking over him.

He shot me one of those icy and sharp stares of him and I literally froze.

Then he looked back from where he was originally staring at before he cast me his deathly glare.

He looks outside the window with the same sadness I often see in his eyes.