
Without the Darklord you can't do anything, huh?

"He was neither blinded by the light of hope nor consumed by the darkness of despair, for his vision was clear." - Synopsis: This novel is about a young boy who lived a simple life in a small village. He knew he wasn't special, and he couldn't do anything about it until he found a book. The book was a strange one, It doesn't seem to be a divine one nor a guiding one. It's not a gift from God nor the devil. God and the devil didn't choose him. Yet he came to grasp that selection was not necessary. He didn't have to be selected, for he possessed the power to select himself. He was neither bound by the shackles of good nor consumed by the fires of evil. He was neither swayed by the temptations of heaven nor influenced by the whispers of hell. He was neither ruled by the laws of the divine nor limited by the restrictions of the infernal. He was neither strengthened by the grace of the god nor weakened by the curses of the devil. He was neither burdened by the weight of morality nor corrupted by the allure of immortality. And that is the 'Darklord'. - ————————————————————————————— This is my first novel and I'm a novice, also English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors. ————————————————————————————— If you ask why is Sei so evil, his perspectives of the world are just different from normal people, he's immoral and unprincipled. His father, Rei taught him how to fight with a sword, but never pushed him to be a warrior. Sei was not content with this life and had bigger ambitions. He wanted to be a ruler, not just a peaceful villager. He believed that his parents were holding him and providing no more use so they ended up like in the story. Dropped...sorry for you all who want to read...

HashDaze · Sci-fi
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26 Chs

Power System

The Quatom is a power system that allows user to manipulate the quantum states of matter in order to perform various forms of miracles.

Quatom Synapse represents the user's ability to access and control this power. It is determined by the user's innate mythical talent and can be increased through training and practice.

The user have three main sources of Quatom Synapse:

Base Quatom Synapse: This is the amount of Quatom Synapse a user has access to without any external assistance. This is determined by the user's innate mythical talent and can be increased through training and practice.

Temporary Quatom Synapse: This is the amount of Quatom Synapse a user can temporarily borrow from external sources, such as mythical artifacts or enchanted locations. This type of power is usually limited and can be depleted quickly.

Stored Quatom Synapse: This is the amount of Quatom Synapse a user can store in mythical artifacts, such as a staff or a ring, to be used at a later time. This type of power is usually limited and can be depleted over time.

A user's Quatom Synapse can also be affected by certain conditions such as:

Fatigue: An user who is fatigued will have a harder time accessing their Quatom Synapse and may not be able to perform Quatom as effectively as they could when they are well-rested.

Stress: An user who is under a lot of stress may have a harder time accessing their Quatom Synapse and may not be able to perform Quatom as effectively as they could when they are relaxed.

Physical condition: An user's physical well-being can greatly affect their ability to access and use their Quatom Synapse. A user who is injured or ill may have a harder time accessing their Quatom Synapse and may not be able to perform Quatom as effectively as they could when they are healthy.

Environmental factors: The environment in which a user is performing magic can greatly affect their Quatom Synapse. A user may find it harder to access their Quantom Synapse in an area with high levels of electromagnetic interference or in a location with strong natural energies.

Time of day: A user Quatom Synapse can be affected by the time of day, with some users finding it easier to access their Quatom Synapse during certain times of the day and harder during others.

Lunar phases: Some users may find that their Quatom Synapse is affected by the phases of the moon. For example, a user may find it easier to access their Quatom Synapse during a full moon and harder during a new moon.

Blood flow: The flow of blood in a user's body can play a role in their ability to access their Quatom Synapse. A user who is experiencing high levels of adrenaline may find it harder to access their Quatom Synapse and perform Quatom.

In order to perform magic, a user needs to access their Quatom Synapse and use it to manipulate the quantum states of matter. The amount of Quatom Synapse needed to perform a spell depends on the spell's complexity and power. A simple spell, such as creating a small flame, may only require a small amount of Quatom Synapse, while a powerful spell, such as summoning a massive thunderstorm, may require a large amount of Quatom Synapse.



Average Quatom Synapse (Base) : 500 | You can make a medium-sized fire, freeze a water cup, minimally shape the ground, etc.

Above Average Quatom Synapse (Base): 500+| You can make a large-sized fire, move water as your well, and as well you can freeze it anytime, minimally shape the ground, freeze a water gallon, etc.

Royal Quatom Synapse (Base): 2000+| You can make a fire whirlpool, form a water tornado, significantly shape the ground, freeze living beings, etc.

??? Quatom Synapse (Base): #!&!$*!?| Destroy atoms?

Quatom Synapse doesn't work like mana, it refers to the user's ability to control atoms. The bigger the amount, the bigger the number of atoms that can be controlled.

Quatom Synapse (or Synapse, in short) doesn't run out, but it will affect the user's mind if they tried to control too many atoms, it can only be done when you have a large amount of Synapse.

Possible Symptoms: Visual Hallucinations, Hearing Hallucinations, Delusions, Irritability, Risk-taking behaviours, Disorganised behaviour, Aggression, Agitation, Crying, Depression, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Restlessness, or Self-harm.

Basically magic (or maybe no) in a cooler way and realistic but fiction (there's a reason why the genre is sci-fi)