
without system i am op with the system i am invincible

deiz a young boy waking up in a world completely new to him. becoming incredibly strong in 8 yrs and and invincible after that *scene* a weird looking man stood at the top of mountain holding 9 gems with a sinister grin on his face injected some spiritual qi and 9 beams of light shot out in the sky seemed as if they were holding the heavens and there were many cracks in the sky as if the sky would fall any moment and then deiz came out from one of the cracks and then.

deomnix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


(this is Wednesdays chapter)

the banquet which was very noisy suddenly had pin drop

some were peeking to see who dared to act presumstiously in the presence of the four lords

"i have a deal for you four lords " and i am sure this deal will intrest you. said the anonymous person.

" one of the lords said "what deal"

why don't we go somewhere private

shall we?

"hmm why should we we don't know you, "

"hmm you don't know me? that's impossible

maybe y'all need a refresher. he said in a deeper tone." that was his original voice

the three realised who this was.

"oh? and not three but four. intresting"

deiz then said "if this deal piques my intrest I'll consider it" he looked down at him because because he was at 2nd physique or the ordinary physique

on the other hand it was Deiz who was at the peak of 4th physique or the spirit physique.

let's go .













soon they reached a place secluded from the surrounding

the anonymous person said" allow me to introduce my self. my name is iionli the governer of rolen continent "

deiz then said my name is Deiz albex.

"let's skip the chit chat what are you here for" Alessandra said

"ok then my men found a huge spiritual vein in the centre exactly 1589 km beneath the surface "

"so y'all get 20% and i get 80% how about it ? he said "

WHAT all shouted in unison

"why the Fūç* do we get 20 % you son of a bi@ch"





deiz = Yes

counter proposal we get 7 you get 3

hearing this shen's forehead veins popped up

"the weak are pray to the strong" said deiz and

then he lightly stomped his foot on the ground and just the there was an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 and there was a big CRACK