
Without Peace

Lei Nuwa was born with strange purple eyes and a destiny of misfortune. Her abusive fiancé demeaned and embarrassed her by flaunting his love with another girl. Her family was neglectful and violent. After four lives, Lei Nuwa had given up on revenge, on hoping, on ever achieving peace. In her fourth life, she had committed suicide, determined to do so if she was reborn again. And she was-- but things were different now. Her life began taking a different course, giving Lei Nuwa a sense of hope that she had long forgotten. Why were the people she had known as enemies beginning to devote themselves to her? Why were handsome, rich men magnetized and haunted by her and her purple eyes? As Lei Nuwa's life improves, mysterious forces seem to intervene in order to ensure her downfall and demise. What was behind the misfortune she had four lifetimes of? And could this life be different? *** “Put me down, or I will make sure you’re never able to have children!” She began to kick. Xu Zihao pushed her gently against the wall in frustration. “I’m taking you to the paid students infirmary. It has more privacy, unless you want me to dress your wounds in front of everyone?” Lei Nuwa glared at him like a mouse would glare at a tiger. “I do not need you to dress my wounds. Put me down, and go back to your Qian Qian. Tell Yichen to send men with bats instead, if he wants more results.” Xu Zihao felt like tearing his hair out. “I am trying to help you– Shi Qian, Liu Yichen, don’t say their names anymore. I do not escape their grasp to be haunted by them through you, Lei Nuwa.” “Everyone knows that you dote on Shi Qian like a lovesick puppy! Just leave me alone, put me down, torment me from afar. But stop spewing false, flowery words.” “What must I do to get you to believe me?! Shall I get on my knees, declare my feelings from the rooftops?” Xu Zihao, despite his frustration and exasperation, did not let go of Lei Nuwa. He stared into her eyes, fire burning deep inside of his own. Cover art found on google, I do not own it!!

jinnie33 · Urban
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26 Chs

Saying goodbye for now

Lei Nuwa and Fengge were silent. It was the day that Fengge would leave for school– the day he would leave Nuwa. Nuwa could not help but feel upset; she had unintentionally become attached to the boy and had gotten used to having someone by her side.

Fengge was noticeably more upset. He had a bad feeling about leaving Lei Nuwa to brave school alone, but his father had refused to let him attend school here. Nuwa, noticing his uneasiness, scooted closer and nudged him on the arm.

"Come on Fengge, you will have fun. You'll meet cute foreign girls!" She tried to lighten the mood, but the look that was on Fengge's face made her stomach flutter. He smiled handsomely and laid his head on her lap. She could not hide her blush if she tried, but it made him laugh which was her goal.

"You are the only girl in my life, Lei Nuwa." He said, even furthering her embarrassment. Nuwa felt ridiculous; in all of her lives, she had never acted so coy and girlish. However, Zhang Fengge always brought it out of her somehow. Suddenly, his face became serious.

"The school I am going to doesn't let the students have their phones, but if there is an emergency, I want you to have this." He handed her a simple bracelet. It was purple with a small light. "T-Thanks?" Nuwa was confused.

He laughed before rolling up his sleeves. On his wrist was a bracelet identical to hers. He grabbed her wrist and put it on, then began to explain its function.

"When you tap the light, it lights up on both of our bracelets, regardless of distance. If you see it flash without tapping it, it means I tapped it. If I am thinking of you, I will tap it once to say hi." His eyes glistened as it always did when he talked about one of his technological inventions. "But if something really bad happens, something you can't handle by yourself, tap it three times. My bracelet will start to vibrate so I know. I will find a way to get to you."

Nuwa was so touched that she could not help but cry inside. She knew she would miss him, but his acts of care still managed to make her want to grab his hand and never let go. Before he had finished talking, she had already decided to never tap the bracelet three times; she couldn't sabotage his education because of an issue. She was, however, excited to see his 'hi' taps.

"Zhang Fengge, you spoil me."

"If not me, who would do it? Perhaps Liu Yichen?" She threw a pillow at him as he laughed. All traces of seriousness or sadness were gone from his face. He was ready to lunge at her, then they heard his phone ring. He answered it reluctantly after seeing who it was.

"Yes Father, I will go now. No, I won't be late. Yes, I am all packed." He hung up quickly and turned to Nuwa. To her surprise, he embraced her in a crushing hug.

"If anything happens to you, Lei Nuwa, I will not be able to live with myself."

"Fengge, I will be just fine– besides maybe missing you a little. Don't forget me when you're gone, okay?" Unlike the first time she said it, this time held truth and worry within it.

"I will never forget you, I never could. I'll see you soon Nuwa." She finally embraced him back and closed her eyes.

"I'll see you soon."

so zhang fengge wont really be in the story for a little bit

(〃>_<;〃) at least not with nuwa ! but finally at campus arc! \(≧▽≦)/

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