May 13, 2019
It's been a week and I don't feel any better. I don't feel worse though, honestly I don't feel anything. Jay has stopped in tonight during my alone time, but he never left. He's on the edge of my bed now, sitting in the same position as he has been since he came in.
"You ever gonna leave?" I finally ask. Those were the first words I've spoken to him this whole time.
"Eh I'll stay" he turns and looks me dead in the eye.
"What if I wanna be alone?" I reply, rolling my eyes.
"I'd rather you not be alone." His voice is dark now.
I'm not June though. I'm not June. I'mnotJune. The voice errupts inside my head, getting louder each time it repeats.
"Whatever." I stare into his eyes for a long moment, getting lost in the ocean of gray. It's scary how beautiful they are.
Finally, I give up, moving over so theres space for him, then motion for him to come sit next to me. After a moment, he does. I let myself fall into him, my head against his chest. His arms around me. Slowly, I let myself drift off, his arms around me until I wake up.