May 3, 2019
The past few days have been quiet. My room is quiet, the curtains drawn and the lights off. It feels safe. Like Jay. Outside is far too warm, too bright, and there are too many people. I can't stand people. They expect too much from everybody else. No matter how hard you try or which decision you make, somebody will always be unhappy. 'Try harder,' they tell you, even when you're trying your hardest. 'Stop being lazy,' they tell you when you try to take a day off. But when you don't take a day off they tell you to get some rest, make sure you aren't overworking yourself. See? There's no way to please everybody. People will always find something to be angry about, no matter how hard you try.
The days and nights blend together, but I'm okay with it, nobody is bothering me. Mother brings me food, but doesn't try to talk to me. I think she knows that I'm too far gone by now.